Just noticed the Wilhelm scream when you kill this thing in Aim for the Eel.
Don't know why, but this struck me as being far more funny than it should be. What is that thing anyway? Carrot?
Origins. The levels felt more alive and the songs were better. Plus I think they knocked down the difficulty for Legends, might just be me getting used to it though.So guys, you prefer Rayman Origins or Legends?
I like Legends but there's a lot of stuff that don't seem to be exactly useful (well, I just started) like the Creatures.
It was over too quickly, I thought the game was going to have quite a lot of music levels. They should've made like 25 unique ones.So yeah World 6...
at first I was-
...but then I was
a chili pepper?
It was over too quickly, I thought the game was going to have quite a lot of music levels. They should've made like 25 unique ones.
a chili pepper?
...i thought that was obvious.
I've been completely misinformed up till now about how the PS360 versions of the game handle the Murfy stages. Thought you basically played as Rayman and had an AI controlled Murfy escort you (which would be awful). The reality of it sounds way more fun, and actually quite a bit more interesting than controlling Murfy like on Wii U / Vita.
I'm pretty darn disappointed Ubi didn't give Wii U and Vita players the option to do the Murfy stages as on the other versions. Bad oversight.
I would pay 60 for a retail release of this (however, I wouldn't pay for a digital release). I think it would be a great idea for a new Rabbids game actually. Rayman could then move back to 3DI will pay $15-20 for a digital Rayman game that is just Music levels!
Heck how about making a Sonic game based on the RL Music level concept? A short simple game for like $10-20 would be good.
Rayman could then move back to 3D.
I'm coming to the realization that the original basis for this game being on Wii U has really damaged my enjoyment of the game. The Murphy shit just completely gets in the way of me having a great time. Every time he pops up I'm just not having as much fun anymore.
Thanks Nintendo!
Fuck 3D platformers. They are the worst.
What is wrong with 3D platformers? Imo Rayman 2 is the best thing Ubisoft has ever put out and is incredibly close to Nintendo's and Rare's platformers. If it wasn't for Rare it would be my favourite game developed outside of Japan.
They just suck. Yes even Super Mario 64 doesn't even compare to 2D Mario games.
2D > 3D if we are talking platformers. If Rayman goes back to 3D I will not play it. I just replayed Rayman 3 HD last year and boy...
Hard to argue with that, considering there are not many points in there. However, Rayman 3 definitely was not that great, I consider it the worst Rayman game. But since there really are a lot of 2D platformers and next to no 3D ones, I still think it's reasonable to wish for a 3D Rayman.
Do you think it's too short even when you factor the included origins levels?Final thought: I was pissed as hell when the delay happened, but now that I have finished the game seven months later and still think that it was way too short
I beat the game (minus 100%-ing the Back to Origins levels) yesterday. Really loved it, but I do think that Origins was better. The best parts of Legends were the Invasion levels, the Quicksand levels, everything about 20,000 Lums Under the Sea, and surprisingly the Murphy levels (on WiiU).
Do you think it's too short even when you factor the included origins levels?
Don't really think there is anything surprising about it. I really think those who don't like the Murphy levels on Wii U and Vita actually don't WANT to like them. They are fresh, fun, and add a new mechanic into the game.. And the primary complaint against them is almost always "but I don't want a new mechanic added to the game.. waaahhhhhh"
So glad Ubi stuck to their guns on those levels for Wii U and Vita.
I've read that the invasion levels were added after. I'm going to guess that Back to Origins levels were as well, maybe someone can correct me.Final thought: I was pissed as hell when the delay happened, but now that I have finished the game seven months later and still think that it was way too short, I really can't imagine how bare bones it would have been if it had released back then.
I've just got 1 more Teensy from Sea of Serendipity and then another few levels from the Himalayan bit to go.
I've read that the invasion levels were added after. I'm going to guess that Back to Origins levels were as well, maybe someone can correct me.
I think the game is quite long, it's just we've been playing through it so fast we haven't noticed it properly.
Totally agree on a whole game (or just more levels) that are rush style. I remember people were saying that back when Origins was new as well.
I personally prefer Legends over Origins @3@
I very much like Legends OST more too.
So, Murfy is a Nintendo IP?
What is wrong with 3D platformers? Imo Rayman 2 is the best thing Ubisoft has ever put out and is incredibly close to Nintendo's and Rare's platformers. If it wasn't for Rare it would be my favourite game developed outside of Japan.
700/700. No idea how I did that, when I first saw the total count at the start of the game I thought no way I'd do it. Just got a few Lum Gold's to get but I sure feel mighty Rayman'd out. Took me 10 days, would've loved to know my game time (I'm guessing 20-30 hours).
Didn't even finish Origins 100%.
Also was the last Back to Origins level (the boss) a new addition? Because I don't remember it at all.
Some may call me crazy, but I think I prefer it to Killzone, and I am really enjoying Killzone. But that is how much I dig Legends. It is that good.This looks, and plays, super good on Vita.
Some may call me crazy, but I think I prefer it to Killzone, and I am really enjoying Killzone. But that is how much I dig Legends. It is that good.
Some may call me crazy, but I think I prefer it to Killzone, and I am really enjoying Killzone. But that is how much I dig Legends. It is that good.
So I downloaded Jungle Run last night.....why didnt anyone tell me it was this awesome!? O:
Between Jungle Run, Origins and Legends Im seriously in love with Rayman at the moment!
Damn that's a shame, but hey at least you know you did itFucking hell man. My gold cup achievement glitched. I got bronze, silver and diamond but not gold.
Also no the boss was not new. This was the last boss in Origins in the Land of the Livid Dead.
Wonky physics? Interesting.I finished it a few days ago (PC version). Still have a couple music levels and about half of Origins left, but I'll take those slowly.
I have the same two main complaints as in Origins
1. Wonky physics
2. Checkpoint system is way too lenient
Agreed, needs to be more like the original Rayman, at least have a setting for it or something.2. Checkpoint system is way too lenient
Same. They should've had both styles in the game.-I was a huge fan of the king lum segments of origins, kinda sad that it's gone.
Murfy's been around since Rayman 2:
It was a joke, as he was blaming Nintendo for the Murfy levels.