Anything by this guy, but here's one...
This is a good channel if you're interested in and like watching single celled and micro organisms. Nice narration, educational and lots of beautiful footage. Viewing channels like these make me think a bit differently about things and how I view the world, or shall I say it helps me to be even more appreciative of life.
This movie makes me feel like the protagonists are stupid, not me. When they start noticing negative health effects after travelling over and over, when didn't they just start sending their notes back? There was no reason for them to keep sending themselves back. I like it, it was very entertaining, but the plot was not well thought out.If you want to watch a feature film that'll make you feelintellectually stimulatedstupid, grab some scratch paper and spend $4 on Primer.
Link to YouTube
David Wilcox is an absolute fucking nut job of the highest degree and nothing short of a con-artist.
He is as truthful as my friend whose uncle works for Nintendo.Money corrupts for sure.
Confused about knowing him and calling him a nutcase though.