That Dude John

Developer: Dontnod Entertainment
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Single-Player, Action-Adventure
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Dates: NA June 4, 2013
EU June 7, 2013

The game is set in Paris in the year 2084[Interesting year to pick, don't you think?]. In this game, you control a heroine (Nilin) whose memory has been erased, and is being hunted down - without knowing why.
In Remember Me's future, everybody has a brain implant that makes it possible to delete, trade or exchange their own memories, controlled by a corporation called Memoreyes. A group of underground activists, The Errorists, is fighting against this control.
Personal memories can now be digitized, bought, sold and traded. The last remnants of privacy and intimacy have been swept away in what appears to be a logical progression of the explosive growth of social networks at the beginning of the 21st century. The citizens themselves have accepted this surveillance society in exchange for the comfort only smart technology can provide. This memory economy gives immense power over society to just a handful of people.

"She is a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people's minds and steal or even alter their memories. The authorities, fearful of her knowledge and capabilities ave arrested Nilin and wiped her memory clean. After her escape from prison, Nilin sets our on a mission to recover her identity, helped by her last and only friend. This search for her past leads to her being hunted by the very people that created this surveillance society. During the course of the story, Nilin will start remember who she was and re-learn all the fighting moves that made her one of the world's leading memory hunters."

Nilin's guide over the course of the game.

Remember Me features exploration, platforming, stealth, and melee combat. The game introduces the mechanic of 'memory remixing': entering and rearranging a target's memories to manipulate them. Players accomplish this by replaying a memory and modifying details to change the target's recollection of the outcome. Another key mechanic of gameplay is stealing memories from specific targets and using points called Remembranes to replay the memory in real-time: this is often needed to proceed through the game or avoid hazards otherwise hidden from the player. When the player is low on health, the screen will glitch until a sufficient amount of health is regained.
In terms of combat, the game will allow players to create and customize their own move combos in the Combo Lab, which uses four families of fighting moves called Pressens that players can reorganize by creating chains, earned through gaining PMP (Procedural Mastering Power), with a limit of four combos being active at any one time. The four Pressen families are:
"Regen" (healing but low damage)
"Power" (more damage and finishers)
"Chain" (duplication and doubling of previous moves and their effects, i.e. 2/3x Power, Regen, etc.)
"Cooldown" (reduces the cooldown of all S-Pressen techniques but low damage).
S-Pressens are unique moves players can use similar to regular Pressens. S-Pressens, however, are not directly linked to the Combo Lab and cannot be placed in combo chains. In order to use S-Pressens, players must perform several successful combos to build up their "Focus" resource, which grows every time Nilin hits or is hit by enemies.
There are 5 S-Pressens in Remember Me, all unlocked throughout the story.

Remember Me Journal
Announcement Trailer
Memory Remix Gameplay
Gamescom Segment
New York Comic-Con
Kid X-Mas
Pre-Order so that you can SHOOOORYUKEN!
Behind the Music
Combo Lab Walkthrough
Shamelessly plugging the soundtrack again.
No matter how good/bad this game will be, the OST is going to be something special.
Everyone should give it a listen:
The Fight
Nilin the Hunter
Memory Reconstruction
Remember Your Childhood
Composed by Olivier Deriviere. He did the OST for games such as the Alone in the Dark remake and the Obscure series. Many samples and complete soundtracks can be found on his SoundCloud page.

Coming as requested.

Coming Soon.

A male Indian name that means "Flower". The more you know, GAF. The more you know.