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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The level of insanity here is off the fuckin charts. It's like they have the emotional stability of a 4 year old.

The thread continues to escalate as one poster just implied it would have been OK to do the same thing to a 5 year old and whoever did it should be rewarded. I think that post killed the remainder of my morbid curiosity to see the train wreck continue to play out. What a bunch of ugly people... and they have the nerve to really believe they are on the side of justice.
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That thread honestly scares me a bit. I consider myself a somewhat progressive person and the idea that progressives think violence in that kind of context is okay is honestly terrifying.

Like, I'm not so naive to think violence has never lead to better things, whether through self-defense or a reaction to systemic issues. But you're not part of the #resistance when you're beating up an irrelevant old woman. We're not talking about a public figure, not even one that doesn't even matter anymore like Richard Spencer. It's some stupid bitch that can't affect anything. If you cast that wide a net for your targets, then you're gonna end up punching your allies as well at some point.

Also, I've dealt with extreme prejudice before. I'm Jewish and I've had all kinds of verbal shit flung my way. "Get out of here Kike, the Holocaust didn't happen, Hitler was right," etc. Half my college experience was cleaning swastikas off my dorm door. Did it upset me? Absolutely. Did I ever react with violence? Only once, and it was after the guy threw the first punch. It wasn't until my junior year when I made a really strong friend that intimidated the fuck out of the anti-semites I had to deal with.

And these were all people my age! If some crotchety old woman started spouting that shit to me, I'd honestly probably laugh. These people have no power, systemic or otherwise. How the fuck can you claim to be a civilized individual when you think a fucking wrestling movie is appropriate to perform on a 55 year old woman?


The revolutionary militant from like a week ago:
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Dr. Claus

That thread honestly scares me a bit. I consider myself a somewhat progressive person and the idea that progressives think violence in that kind of context is okay is honestly terrifying.

Like, I'm not so naive to think violence has never lead to better things, whether through self-defense or a reaction to systemic issues. But you're not part of the #resistance when you're beating up an irrelevant old woman. We're not talking about a public figure, not even one that doesn't even matter anymore like Richard Spencer. It's some stupid bitch that can't affect anything. If you cast that wide a net for your targets, then you're gonna end up punching your allies as well at some point.

Also, I've dealt with extreme prejudice before. I'm Jewish and I've had all kinds of verbal shit flung my way. "Get out of here Kike, the Holocaust didn't happen, Hitler was right," etc. Half my college experience was cleaning swastikas off my dorm door. Did it upset me? Absolutely. Did I ever react with violence? Only once, and it was after the guy threw the first punch. It wasn't until my junior year when I made a really strong friend that intimidated the fuck out of the anti-semites I had to deal with.

And these were all people my age! If some crotchety old woman started spouting that shit to me, I'd honestly probably laugh. These people have no power, systemic or otherwise. How the fuck can you claim to be a civilized individual when you think a fucking wrestling movie is appropriate to perform on a 55 year old woman?

These people aren't progressive. They are mentally ill.


They have few if any principles except a desire for a theory of "power" and a rage when they are denied that power by any means. Including someone on the internet disagreeing with them.

Most of these posters were the same way when they were here. They've just been amped up from the Trump cycle the last few years into total insanity every waking hour.

I remember very distinctly a thread here prior to the election when Trump was asked if he would agree that the election could not be rigged and stolen from him. And he refused and said he wouldn't automatically concede if it was close. Many of the "prominent" ResetERA.com posters were demanding his head for treason. Saying that he was trying to start a civil war and was acting like Hitler in 1933. I remember that thread because it is incredibly funny in retrospect considering what the conspiracy theory among them became after he won, along with what many of those posters still believe will happen "again" in 2020 thanks to Putin, and also when I realized some of the posters were more than just stupid or willful idiots.

Hell, a bunch of the most active posters in this Popeye's thread are the same ones who refuse to accept that Jussie Smollett tried to fake a hate crime. They think the Chicago PD set him up somehow.

There's no consequences for their collective "raising of the stakes" in the fight to be tops of the forums' progressive stack, backing down will be a sign of weakness. They know what happened to BronsonLee, Nibel, shinobi602, SweetNicole, etc. Those weaklings refused to properly wield the power offered and now look at them, irrelevant on the forum. Like the war he's based on, my man Hobbes better not make that mistake.
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The Pleasure

Gold Member
Is it possible that a Wavatar shall be borne of ResetEra? A persons person so politically correct that they are a non cisgendered, ultra binary pansexual who is into males, females, furries, pantsu, nippon, while collecting the holy trifecta of TWO black friends while having a friend from every other ethnicity known to man making them the ULTIMATE white person who has ascended past the need for automatically loving Barack Obama, Cheese, Irony, The Royal Teneunbaums, Criterion Collection, Non Profit organizations, Apple Computers, Airpods, Dive bars and mixed children? Much like Buddism, it's not achieving the goal, but merely partaking in the pursuit, but somehow achieving the impossible dream.

The Wavatar.


Wishing death on someone gets you a day.

Thinking it's reprehensible for a man in his 20s to beat up a woman in her 50s gets you a week.

What a wonderful site.

It's another wonderful case of hypocrisy within Feminism.

Remember, Resetera is the same website that pops a blood vessel when video game characters slightly shows their underwear.

But when a physically more powerful man body slams a near elderly-women, there is complete silence from the feminists.
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Gold Member
Ok it all makes sense about Hobbes now...

“...at a friends house and buddy let me tell you that my mouth was getting fucked in the best way possible and I have not been able to replicate it.”

Hobbes is cuck confirmed

I can deal with just about anything, but reading some of the bullshit Hobbes post really makes me consider taking an internet vacation. He really needs some professional help that no socialized Medicare would cover.

Bullet Club



Bonus thread:




This thread is beyond disgusting. If you think extreme violence is an appropriate reaction to words, you're a fucking psychopath. That goes double if you think an old woman is an appropriate target when you're a jacked dude in your 20s.

The thread also runs contrary to their own TOS:

Era is a friggin hate site and the fact it has any kind of clout with industry people is legitimately upsetting.

The thing that they are all missing there is that the guy who committed that assault has probably permanently fucked up his own life.

For people who supposedly care about the plight of poor minorities in America they sure have a weird way of showing it.
"Yay, do something that'll get you incarcerated! She deserved it!"

Any rational mind in this situation first of all thinks that there is NO WAY a dude should be assaulting a 50 year old woman based on something she said.
Secondly, nobody should encourage that behavior since it will inevitably end with the guy going to prison.
I might not have much, if any, sympathy for the guy but if he has family etc then their lives are fucked up too because of this.

They don't see that endorsing and encouraging this kind of behavior can lead to vulnerable people being influenced into actions that end up ruining lives.
It's fine for you if you are sitting anonymously behind your avatar online but the reality of that situation is that this guy will now have to go through an expensive court case and will probably end up doing prison time. Just because he couldn't calm the fuck down. These fuckers think that's a good thing?

I'm sure at some point in our lives we've thought "if that guy said that to me then I'd fucking punch his lights out" and that's probably a perfectly normal thing. However if you were to actually do it in real life then who knows what would happen? The guy falls down and cracks his head and dies and before you know it your family is broke because of legal fees, your wife and kids only see you when they visit you in prison and maybe you have to do even more crimes to survive in there and if/when you do get out you are a broken person who can't get back into societies good graces.

Spreading the word that this is actually a good thing because "she deserved it" is only going to have the effect of people thinking that violence is an acceptable response and by the time they figure out that it actually isn't then it's too late.

Having the view that violence is never the answer is not some fucking radical perspective.
America's prisons are full of young lads who thought that violence was an appropriate response to whatever provocation.
It's not something to celebrate or endorse.

That guy could have given her some verbals back then went on with his life and it would probably be a funny story to tell his mates by now. He'd get over it. Instead he's going to go to prison at 29 years old for severely injuring a 55 year old woman.


Instead he's going to go to prison at 29 years old for severely injuring a 55 year old woman.

Here's what's going to happen (Disclaimer: based on what I've seen on TV court drama IANAL). He's going to arrive in court dressed well so as not to look like "That guy" and she'll arrive bandaged in a wheelchair with a lot of disabilities and trauma from the event. There's no GoFundme that's going to disarm those optics.


Nepenthe's position in that thread is literally that because the woman can not be imprisoned for using a racial slur then the only recourse left is race war. And if mass numbers of people wind up dead so be it, that's necessary to achieve justice.

It's amazing that she has not been dismissed as a moderator. She's never not trying to incite threads.


Nepenthe's position in that thread is literally that because the woman can not be imprisoned for using a racial slur then the only recourse left is race war. And if mass numbers of people wind up dead so be it, that's necessary to achieve justice.

It's amazing that she has not been dismissed as a moderator. She's never not trying to incite threads.

I mean, if it was even possible to have a conversation with them then one of the questions I would want to ask is "how far should it be allowed to go".
Like, would it be acceptable to just line racists up in the street and execute them all?

It's strange that a site that is apparently SO left leaning has such an incredibly warped view of justice.
To some extent I would say their view on justice is based on race.

Ask them about non-whites and for sure they think justice should be focused on forgiveness and rehabilitation.
Ask them about whites and they want justice to be firm and final.

For me, using a racial slur is unacceptable in modern society and I am OK with some kind of fine or minor criminal charge provided the processes are transparent and the usual burden of proof requirements are in place. It's not a serious crime but it's also unacceptable.

I would have thought that "she broke the law so tear her apart in the the streets or lock her up and throw away the key" would be much more of a right-wing stance?

Don't right wingers tend to be in favor of the death penalty while left wingers tend to be against it?
So it's strange to see them flip to a kind of right wing stance based solely on the races of the people involved in the incident.
i think a lot of them aren't trolling, they are just young and got into socialism like a year ago because it is trendy and have never given it any thought until now. so you see all these brain dead threads of people asking really elementary Politics 101 questions in the dumbest way possible because they probably never paid attention in school and get all their politics from comic book movies.

It is as though they can't think for themselves and think that 1984/Animal Farm was a Guidebook on what we should all follow. :pie_thinking:


Gold Member
I think Hobbes changed into a troll after their ban. The screenshots show a drastic difference and I think they just see how outlandish they can reply and get away with.

Seems to be reports flying round that there is a popeyes scam, where they are double charging for the burger and basically taking the extra payment as employee tips. The old lady got an alert by phone or something and then raised it with the store manager. The store manager is the sister of the guy body slamming the woman. Store manager ignored it and then that's where the video picks up......

It's believed Ms Staggs, 55, has since received treatment for nine fractures in her elbow, six broken ribs and a broken left leg.

She had complained she had been overcharged for her burger, it is understood.

Rocky McElhaney, the woman's lawyer, said she has already had two operations and faces months of rehabilitation.

He alleges the fracas erupted after Ms Staggs paid $13.11 (£10.25) for a meal of apple pies, corn, biscuits and chicken.

It's said she returned to the restaurant for a refund after realising at home she’d been double-charged.

Sounds like someone's scam was uncovered. Sort of casts a different light on things right. It appears 'person x said nigger' is 2019's version of 'Witch' as people making the accusation sit back and smile while lacking evidence.

Every screenshot I've seen of Nepenthes has been unhinged racism, and most posts look like someone who has read Niall Ferguson's Empire and thinks using those words in ramdom sentences fit the context and makes them sound smart. When you compare it to the nonsense and misinformed tripe they blather about Brexit and Northern ireland it's actually this:



Honestly, having someone like that speaking the way they do, inciting shit and getting away with it is not a 'good look' for the site. Even the mods have an oppression hierarchy :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:


I think Hobbes changed into a troll after their ban. The screenshots show a drastic difference and I think they just see how outlandish they can reply and get away with.

After that ban that was for him clearly thinking he was untouchable to be able to make an in-joke at the mods and he's realized he's not. So he's over course correcting to be the best damn REEE poster he can. But it's blatantly forced and I'm sure the other reetards can see that but allow it becuse it helps their cause.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I can't wait for Hold White People Accountable Day tbh. My wife's cousin makes a mean fried trukalurk, and nothing washes that down like pointing out we're all oppression.


The revolutionary militant from like a week ago:
LOL proudly ignorant of your own town? why is this a thing to be proud of? no wonder these people fantasize about a post-capitalist fantasy world where they just sit and watch the internet and don't have children and never talk to anyone IRL. there are probably starving homeless people in this guy's town he looks at and says "why the fuck should i give you any money when there are people in HK?" ignorance is bliss.
It is as though they can't think for themselves and think that 1984/Animal Farm was a Guidebook on what we should all follow. :pie_thinking:
it is as if they discovered there is a book called Animal Farm earlier this year and read it for the first time ever. i read that shit in middle school.

as for 1984, it is as if they read that book and thought "these are good ideas" and eagerly pursued that nightmare of informing on your loved ones, rewriting history, and spreading propaganda.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Even by ResetEra standards that was very poor moderation. Even moderators themselves were violating forum rules by advocating violence. I was under the impression the owners were more responsible and temperate than that. Since Nepenthe is still a moderator I was clearly wrong.

Hobbes should let black people speak for themselves, they don't need some white guy telling other white people what they think. I feel embarrassed for him.
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Yeah... Resetera/Old GAF is the last place you want to read on how hurtful the N Word is considering the are 99% self loathing White Men. Resetera's Black experience comes from White Men who "knows" a Black Person.

That White Lady is gonna get paid out the ass for this. The Black Dude loses his Job, Income, and probably is negatively effected the rest of his life for this. I don't know how anyone can be happy about this smh


We? This "Black" dude/they/them/ isn't throwing hands in real life. His eyes are to the ground when he is around people even in non-confrontational situations. So "WE" is used incorrectly here. Internet warriors are not Street Fighters. You got to stay in your lane. And your lane/realm is virtual only.
it is as if they discovered there is a book called Animal Farm earlier this year and read it for the first time ever. i read that shit in middle school.

as for 1984, it is as if they read that book and thought "these are good ideas" and eagerly pursued that nightmare of informing on your loved ones, rewriting history, and spreading propaganda.

All REEEETARDS are equal but the REEE Mods are more equal than others.

I can definitely believe that they read both last year.
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Yeah Reee, and we are the bad ones.
We like titties, asses and say "fuck you" a lot, but we ain't clapping when someone is breaking an old woman in half 😐
They should really be taken offline for a longer period of time and they should start some therapy together with getting out more with friends. Like real friends.
This is getting way beyond crazy.


Wait, what? Is this public knowledge or do you know something that happened behind the scenes?
I mainly found out because he went from MP1st editor or whatever in his Verified title, to Incident Manager, and I did remember looking it up.
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Lol, my favorite part of the popeyes resetera thread is how all the self-righteous people acting like violence was the only way are ACTIVELY shitting on MLK jr, like the way trump shat on McCain saying "a real hero wouldnt be captured", except saying "look where his dream landed him. AN EARLY GRAVE."

They are literally bulldozing saints and civil rights leaders to fit their narrative and banning anyone who says slightly the opposite.
I honestly wonder what the end goal is?
Cuz they seem to think a race war is a-ok.

Good job, resetera.
You bunch of RACISTS.
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Lol, my favorite part of the popeyes resetera thread is how all the self-righteous people acting like violence was the only way are ACTIVELY shitting on MLK jr, like the way trump shat on McCain saying "a real hero wouldnt be captured", except saying "look where his dream landed him. AN EARLY GRAVE."

They are literally bulldozing saints and civil rights leaders to fit their narrative and banning anyone who says slightly the opposite.
I honestly wonder what the end goal is?
Does self loathing White People have an end goal? Other than continued self loathing?



how all the self-righteous people acting like violence was the only way are ACTIVELY shitting on MLK jr,
yeah i saw this starting a year or two ago. kept seeing the bullshit myth "No progressive change occurred without a violent revolution" just throwing away the IRL Civil Rights movement, the gay marriage movement, women's lib, etc. all the sacrifices people made across hundreds of years of social movements, in order to enshrine their Social Justice Warrior bloodlust fantasies. it's ahistorical and actively promotes ignorance. these people are letting their egos ruin the very movements they purport to stand for.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's strange that a site that is apparently SO left leaning has such an incredibly warped view of justice.
To some extent I would say their view on justice is based on race.

Absolutely. Equality before the law, and laws themselves, are constructs of the oppressors, in their minds. The ideology demands that justice be doled out in proportion to one's intersectionality score. The more oppressed you are, the more justice you deserve in order right the wrongs your intersecting identity groups have historically faced in society. This is the true goal behind the "equity" goals that get bandied around. Individual actions and words do not matter, as you can see in this thread. All that matters is your assigned group identity and in this case, "black man" is more oppressed than "white woman" (especially when you factor in that she is a racist, and thus gets no "Ally" bonus), therefore anything done to give him justice is to be applauded, such as applauding him for body slamming her into the pavement and hoping that he sees no consequences for it.

Yes, this new ideology truly is this crazy.


it's been crazy seeing FBI/CIA created oppo intel half a century ago getting dug up because they want to cancel MLK for sexism. like, at that point they are actively aiding the very institution that assassinated this man! by spreading cointel propaganda! but for "progress"!
Does self loathing White People have an end goal? Other than continued self loathing?

I love one of the last posts saying I dont condone violence but I feel no sympathy for racists. I feel bad for the lifelong hardships this man will have to endure now.

Its like...lifelong hardships? He made his own choice. Anyone who inflicts that kind of violence when their life is not in danger deserves a ticket straight to jail. Old lady, on the other hand, spoke unwisely and hurtfully but she didnt choose to shatter her own knee caps and probably be handicapped for the rest of her life.

I love it too. Even the rule of law in that thread, the one that keeps EVERYONE from being boddyslammed to death on the pavement? That keeps people from MURDERING others? Just there to keep white people in charge.

They should just be happy that being racist doesnt automatically net you a body slam or those fuckers would all be in wheelchairs.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
LOL proudly ignorant of your own town? why is this a thing to be proud of? no wonder these people fantasize about a post-capitalist fantasy world where they just sit and watch the internet and don't have children and never talk to anyone IRL. there are probably starving homeless people in this guy's town he looks at and says "why the fuck should i give you any money when there are people in HK?" ignorance is bliss.

They are all bored and depressed with life and want a cause to fight for. Outrage-driven sites like Era provide them the outlet to feel as if they are fighting the good fight without needing to ever leave the comfort of their homes. Lashing out with big words about Hong Kong in particular allows them to feel like they are contributing to a meaningful revolution against great oppressors!
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