Referenced Ban: https://www.resetera.com/threads/we...ns-related-issues.151194/page-4#post-26470548
Wonder if this will blow up.
“Violating a safe space”
That’s my new favorite ban reason.
Has "violating a safe space" yet been conflated with "literal rape"? I can't keep up with the insanity but I can see it getting to that point eventually (if it hasn't already).“Violating a safe space”
That’s my new favorite ban reason.
The brainwashing the left has done with climate change is absolutely scary.
About those sea levels.
You can even measure the high/low tide strip.
While climate change is happening, the 12 year doom & gloom grift behind what they are peddling has other goals/agenda.
Greta Thunberg Mural Equipped With Laser Eyes That Shoot At SUVs
SAN FRANCISCO, CA—A new mural in downtown San Francisco of Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has a surprise for passersby: her eyes are equipped with high-powered lasers designed to seek and destroy carbon-emitting SUVs on the streets below.babylonbee.com
Well, it's about both.Um, pls don't be an idiot. It's not about politics, but science. Don't know where that user is from, but for example if we reach 2 degree warming, Malta, a European island nation, will be gone. Not so funny.
About those sea levels.
You can even measure the high/low tide strip.
While climate change is happening, the 12 year doom & gloom grift behind what they are peddling has other goals/agenda.
I dunno. Folks like Tim Pool are speaking up and even Obama is calling out he regressive/far-left. Not to mention the large number of left leaning folks on GAF. Plenty of folks with a voice that call out the idoicy more and more with each passing day.
Hell, I haven't heard a single normal left-leaning person say anything positive about AoC or Pelosi, as it should be.
It is important to not make silly generalizations about an entire political group like that. Otherwise it is no different than claiming that the right is nothing but racists/alt-right crazies, which we both know isn't true. Otherwise we end up in the same childish place we were at pre-2017, just with left bashing instead of right.
By voice, I mean they’re not represented in the mainstream media. Sure, there’s plenty on GAF and some on YouTube, but they’re presently a fart in the wind compared to the psychos getting signal boosted on CNN, NYT, etc. I mean just look at the platforms of the DNC candidates. They’re the best representation of what the left currently stands for. All of them put their hands up for free healthcare for illegals. They all parrot identity politics BS to some degree. This shows who and what they’re listening to. Sorry mate, but your particular brand of leftism isn’t represented in the mainstream at the moment. I hope that changes for the good of us all.
Understandable and I see where you are coming from. However, even if the sane-left isn't represented very much in MSM, that doesn't mean we should just generalize all of the left by conflating them with the mentally ill types like AoC and Era/Twitter.
Did I do that?
About those sea levels.
You can even measure the high/low tide strip.
While climate change is happening, the 12 year doom & gloom grift behind what they are peddling has other goals/agenda.
If this is true, I would think this is a classical case of discrimination.The biggest issue with the recent fiasco is just general hypocrisy. So they have a discord group for minority staff members, a place to talk without including the cishet white staff members (can't imagine how they feel).
Say what you will about what's the cause of it and what to do about it, to me it's just an engineering challenge we'll likely overcome
That’s what I like to hear. All the doomsdaying from the smoothbrains leads nowhere but anti-humanism and would send us back to the Stone Age. I very rarely hear anyone suggesting engineering solutions.
Not that I'm completely aboard the doomageddon train with climate change, but this is not what I'd call compelling evidence.
I bet if you took a picture of this in 1925 it might look different too:
...I think Venice getting inundated yet again is more compelling evidence that sea levels are actually rising. Say what you will about what's the cause of it and what to do about it, to me it's just an engineering challenge we'll likely overcome once the motivation is there, but it seems foolhardy to ignore it.
when you think about it tho isn't the planet doing this to itself
need a wojack meme for this thought
when you think about it tho isn't the planet doing this to itself
need a wojack meme for this thought
Youguysfolx are missing the bigger story here. The ResetERA.com staff channel was so full of bigotry and hatred that they had to make a safe space channel for the minority staff members.
I mainly found out because he went from MP1st editor or whatever in his Verified title, to Incident Manager, and I did remember looking it up.
Somehow I missed this post the first time around.
I just meant was Era literally the reason he lost his job? As in his employer saw him posting there, didn't like what was being said, and thus fired him.
Most people already figured out he didn't work there anymore just by virtue of the tag change and people checking his Twitter, but I don't remember there being any public confirmation on how he lost the position in the first place.
Nothing as dramatic as that. Story goes that he did some free IT support for an outlet and they "Let" him write some articles as payment. It's been reported he wrote 3 very by the numbers articles and that was it. So then it was enough for him to be originally verified as a "Freelance games journalist" on Ree.
Not that I'm taking credit and it's probably just a coincidence but I screencapped him on here of him saying he didn't work in the games industry and would not want to as he had a cushy IT job that allowed him to post on Ree all day and get paid. As we know the Ree mods watch this topic so not long after they saw that post making an embarrassment out of their verification process and changed his tag top "Incident manager" although he's still kept his verified status.
The mods have been trying to find out for months who has been leaking stuff from private communications. So they finally got their man and it was Ketkat who was using Robins logins from when she was a mod when they are dating to snoop on staff communications.
They're digging up GAF posts now.