It makes me wonder why they even start threads about "alt right dogpile" topics if they dont want ANY questions or echoes not their own? What discussion can be had other than "yeah, I agree with your specific worldview, support you in any and all endeavors, fuck white cishets even if I am one!".
I mean, they should just have s coded shorthand phrase that says that and is the only response allowed to any thread.
I recommend the phrase "ditto"
The same reason any of these groups do the exact same thing.
It's all about reinforcement of the "correct views" and building an "us versus them" feeling in the community.
It's funny that they moan about how the alt-right and incel groups radicalize and brainwash people etc without realizing that they do basically the same thing. Any questioning of the ideology is not allowed and they will eat their own and try to humiliate "allies" who are beginning to question some of the more dodgy aspects of the community.
They DO want questions and posts that challenge their views because these can then be used as an example to the rest of the community.
It's actually one of the easiest ways to indoctrinate people is if you can point to obvious enemies and cause the community to rally.
You can see this with something like GamerGate where the only reason it really grew was because of media dishonestly. If they had just said "yeah we fucked up here and we'll do better going forward" then there is no GamerGate. They chose the "gamers are dead" option and the rest is history.
In the absence of obvious ones they will just look internally and punish their own for any possible deviation from the message.
The "acephobia" thing would be a great example of that.
Nobody outside of their sphere really acknowledges that asexuality is a thing because most people don't really constantly discuss their sex lives in public. Monday morning at work doesn't consist of talking about how you fucked your partner on Friday night and Sunday morning. Most people pretty much have a public persona that is basically asexual.
When you look at the basis of the whole shitstorm over there, the issue is that some people do not believe that asexuality should be seen as quite the same struggle as being gay or trans. This is what caused the whole thing to blow up and it's ENTIRELY internal. There's no "alt right" attack on asexual people or anything like that.
What they have is people inside their own community who are saying "hang on, I've actually been through quite a bit due to my sexuality and/or gender identity and you can't just appropriate all of that because your loud mouthed aunt asked when you are going to start having kids at a family gathering". Then this is met with people seeing an opportunity to flex their community muscle.
In a sense what you are looking at is one group basically trying to "gatekeep" oppression and another group demanding that their particular quirks are added to the "just as oppressed as everyone else" list.
It's why they are all lining up to claim mental illness and non-binary status and asexual status. They are all desperately scrambling to get into the oppressed club so that they won't be left outside looking like a privileged white male.
You think a black, gay, dude in the USA is going to look at some guy who claims to be "asexual" and think "oh yeah, I can totally see how your struggles are the same as mine"? Not a fuckin chance in hell. So they need to have a fight over it.
It's good to just watch the fight and laugh at their stupidity. The Mods created this monster so it's hilarious to watch it turn round and eat them alive.
I've been eating so much popcorn over this that I'll soon be able to accuse y'all of being fatphobic. Now lemme into the Oppression Circle!