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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Man, I can't even keep up with this shit anymore.



Man, I can't even keep up with this shit anymore.

What a fucking moron.

This is one of those guys / girls that goes out and acts like an obnoxious cock, gets hit and then pulls the victim card making out the worlds against them I just know it.



Man, I can't even keep up with this shit anymore.

It’s never enough. They have the most coddled, literal safe space on the internet, yet it’s somehow full of dangerous alt-righters oppressing Reee members, and somehow (I’m not even sure this is physically possible) needs to have even worse moderation to solve the problem.

People that have a disconnection from reality like this, concern me. If you’re reacting to fictitious events, and what you want to be true, versus what is, there’s pretty much nothing you won’t do, no matter how ill-advised.

Green Saber


Man, I can't even keep up with this shit anymore.
what a complete dick head this person is, probable one of those people that calls everyone a fascist and yet somehow comes across sounding like one them selves, saying stuff like ask a question and you should be banned, wow what a cunt. Could you imagine how a conversation will go in the future over there, it will be people saying didn't you use google before asking a question, and you end up getting banned for 6 months.


If the can’t figure it out for themselves, I mean...why?

I could imagine someone doing a google search for their favourite game or a piece of game news, see an era link pop up and just innocently make an account without realising what kind of place it is. I remember lurking on GAF for a good while before noticing the madness (obviously I'm talking about the GAF of a couple of years back, before all the crazies left to set up Era). Easy to do if you're only looking at certain game news (although the craziness often seeps into there too). People don't necessarily know about all the options available, and some might even have swallowed the whole "GAF is alt-right" lie.

My suggestion was somewhat in jest, but like many jokes, had an element of truth in it.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
Some of them still think gaf is dead.......one of the reasons why they don't allow chat about had there...if more people knew
But, if they are naive and ignorant enough to do and believe what they are told and not think for themselves, why would I want them here?

They’re either completely moronic or have bought into the NPC fest balls deep. If they come here in numbers, it’ll be a shitshow.

I don’t do stupid.


In fairness, while Gaf seems to be experiencing explosive growth recently (activity seems to be getting higher and higher), it was only early this year that I happened back on the forum, and was absolutely stunned by the changes for the better.

I had no idea that this was going on, and I’m pretty well informed when it comes to the internet/gaming culture stuff.



KetKat was screwing around with someone else's access. It should have been KetKat is a "snooping ass wipe sticking her nose where it shouldn't be", but turned into "heroic saviour of justice" when there was dirt to be discussed.

So if I snoop into a friend's email, and secretly find out he's broke because he gambled it away and needs a loan, I have the right to tell the world he blew it all on slot machines?

In normal circumstances people would think that you are the asshole there.
It's a violation of trust, consent, privacy. There's nothing good about it.

Even if it's done with supposedly good intentions it just shows an underlying dishonest, manipulative and actually kind of malicious personality.

Which is why it's so hilarious to see how that kind of thing collides and reacts with the general worldview of ResetEra.

It's not just about who you are and what you've done it's also about how you identify and how you are identified.

So if you are a straight white male you can get banned forever for agreeing with the wrong guy (such as Richard Lewis recently) or saying that you will still buy THQ Nordic games.
I can easily imagine that any straight white dude doing this "violating privacy" thing would probably be accused of doxxing and putting people's lives in danger etc etc. Hysterics would undoubtedly follow for sure.

If a trans person, who is popular on the forum, does the same thing though? Now you gotta factor that in. Now it's just a "whistleblower" who is fighting the good fight and the evil mods just want to keep their private conversations private. How dare those mods have their own thoughts in their own heads! Let's crack open their skulls and see what's inside. Who cares about consent? We want to know the content of all your private chats.

It's funny seeing how weak they actually are and how easily their "community standards" can be undermined and their authority usurped just by someone claiming the correct identity.


advanced basic bitch
This place being an alt-right graveyard is a narrative that the mods and prominent posters keep pushing. They don't want to lose traffic. It's that continued narrative that never makes me feel bad that this thread exists and that I participate in it. They want to keep spreading lies? Fuck em.


Gold Member
It makes me wonder why they even start threads about "alt right dogpile" topics if they dont want ANY questions or echoes not their own? What discussion can be had other than "yeah, I agree with your specific worldview, support you in any and all endeavors, fuck white cishets even if I am one!".

I mean, they should just have s coded shorthand phrase that says that and is the only response allowed to any thread.

I recommend the phrase "ditto" :)


It makes me wonder why they even start threads about "alt right dogpile" topics if they dont want ANY questions or echoes not their own? What discussion can be had other than "yeah, I agree with your specific worldview, support you in any and all endeavors, fuck white cishets even if I am one!".

I mean, they should just have s coded shorthand phrase that says that and is the only response allowed to any thread.

I recommend the phrase "ditto" :)

The same reason any of these groups do the exact same thing.
It's all about reinforcement of the "correct views" and building an "us versus them" feeling in the community.

It's funny that they moan about how the alt-right and incel groups radicalize and brainwash people etc without realizing that they do basically the same thing. Any questioning of the ideology is not allowed and they will eat their own and try to humiliate "allies" who are beginning to question some of the more dodgy aspects of the community.

They DO want questions and posts that challenge their views because these can then be used as an example to the rest of the community.
It's actually one of the easiest ways to indoctrinate people is if you can point to obvious enemies and cause the community to rally.
You can see this with something like GamerGate where the only reason it really grew was because of media dishonestly. If they had just said "yeah we fucked up here and we'll do better going forward" then there is no GamerGate. They chose the "gamers are dead" option and the rest is history.

In the absence of obvious ones they will just look internally and punish their own for any possible deviation from the message.

The "acephobia" thing would be a great example of that.

Nobody outside of their sphere really acknowledges that asexuality is a thing because most people don't really constantly discuss their sex lives in public. Monday morning at work doesn't consist of talking about how you fucked your partner on Friday night and Sunday morning. Most people pretty much have a public persona that is basically asexual.

When you look at the basis of the whole shitstorm over there, the issue is that some people do not believe that asexuality should be seen as quite the same struggle as being gay or trans. This is what caused the whole thing to blow up and it's ENTIRELY internal. There's no "alt right" attack on asexual people or anything like that.

What they have is people inside their own community who are saying "hang on, I've actually been through quite a bit due to my sexuality and/or gender identity and you can't just appropriate all of that because your loud mouthed aunt asked when you are going to start having kids at a family gathering". Then this is met with people seeing an opportunity to flex their community muscle.

In a sense what you are looking at is one group basically trying to "gatekeep" oppression and another group demanding that their particular quirks are added to the "just as oppressed as everyone else" list.

It's why they are all lining up to claim mental illness and non-binary status and asexual status. They are all desperately scrambling to get into the oppressed club so that they won't be left outside looking like a privileged white male.

You think a black, gay, dude in the USA is going to look at some guy who claims to be "asexual" and think "oh yeah, I can totally see how your struggles are the same as mine"? Not a fuckin chance in hell. So they need to have a fight over it.

It's good to just watch the fight and laugh at their stupidity. The Mods created this monster so it's hilarious to watch it turn round and eat them alive.

I've been eating so much popcorn over this that I'll soon be able to accuse y'all of being fatphobic. Now lemme into the Oppression Circle! :)


Gold Member
So basically, we're now at the point the games journalism was with:

'wah, wah, wah - we're getting bullied. You need to absorb us into your structures and give us power and influence so we can make you better people. Despite us being batshit insance and the most emotionally unstable people in the world.'

I await Excel or ketkat's ascension to the throne.

Green Saber

It makes me wonder why they even start threads about "alt right dogpile" topics if they dont want ANY questions or echoes not their own? What discussion can be had other than "yeah, I agree with your specific worldview, support you in any and all endeavors, fuck white cishets even if I am one!".
A lot of these topics over there are ban bait, they are trying get those who disagree with them to make a post so they can report it and get them banned, after that they all give each other a well deserved pat on the back.


In an alternate world, in a nameless totalitarian city, the autocratic Mayor rules the school system with an iron fist, with the help of his Educators. Fighting against the Mayor and his repressive Educators is a group of former students called the Truancy, whose goal is to take down the system by any means possible—at any cost.

Against this backdrop, fifteen-year-old Tack is just trying to survive. His days are filled with sadistic teachers, unrelenting schoolwork, and indifferent parents. Things start to look up when he meets Umasi, a mysterious boy who runs a lemonade stand in an uninhabited district.

Summary of Cerium's book... an apocalyptic world where the evil people are "educators" and the hero is a guy with Isamu's name in reverse :D :D :D
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Green Saber

I finally found my thread! Is this where all the perma banned folk at RE come? They couldn't handle me over there.

Hi and Bye Royalan! Kamala 2020 AMIRITE? Nepenthe you're a racist and hopefully are up next. Good to see the trash being taken out like it should've been months ago.
So what did they ban you for, did you go against the hive mind.
So what did they ban you for, did you go against the hive mind.
What didn't they ban me for? I was banned 6 times I think? All a bunch of bullshit. Calling people out mostly. Also I'm probably racist, a homophobe, and argue in bad faith or some such shit. In reality I'm not any of that but it's Resetera so if you disagree with the hive then fuck you. It's a joke to me because I'm about as left as it gets without being a fucking loon. They're destroying themselves and now I guess I sit back and watch it all happen. They don't understand how counter productive they are to everything they "fight" for.
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Gold Member
If the can’t figure it out for themselves, I mean...why?

To be fair I started on Reee and Literally didn't know any better and all I heard were the shitty rumors about former moderators and the fallout and that the site was dead etc etc and never even bothered to check it out.

To my surprise i came over here and saw you guys were actually probably more decent human beings than them. Every once in a while I see someone over there saying something like..jesus you guys are a hive mind and those are the people that I would message. But the last thing we need over here are people who's fragile mentality is going to be crushed the second the step out their front door
I saw some shit earlier in the thread making fun of "Brainchild" from GameExplain...he's a good dude. He gets tired of the shit sometimes too. He self requested a ban awhile ago there not sure if he came back though or not.
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Green Saber

What didn't they ban me for? I was banned 6 times I think? All a bunch of bullshit. Calling people out mostly. Also I'm probably racist, a homophobe, and argue in bad faith or some such shit. In reality I'm not any of that but it's Resetera so if you disagree with the hive then fuck you. It's a joke to me because I'm about as left as it gets without being a fucking loon. They're destroying themselves and now I guess I sit back and watch it all happen. They don't understand how counter productive they are to everything they "fight" for.
They are their own worst enemies for sure, over here is way more laid back people can express their opinion without fear.


Rapid Response Threadmaker

Man, I can't even keep up with this shit anymore.
It never escaped my attention that The Kree is named after a fascist society in Marvel Comics :messenger_grinning_sweat:

In the comics, Kree society is ruled by a supercomputer that makes all of their decisions. Kree society is fanatically devoted to the "Supreme Intelligence" and worship it like an organized religion. It makes all their decisions and its orders are absolute.

Why would you name yourself after a fascist society? In the comics they've done experimentation on humans without their consent and have tried to genocide the whole human race in the past.
I finally found my thread! Is this where all the perma banned folk at RE come? They couldn't handle me over there.

Hi and Bye Royalan! Kamala 2020 AMIRITE? Nepenthe you're a racist and hopefully are up next. Good to see the trash being taken out like it should've been months ago.
As someone who was once in your shoes not too long ago, I recommend giving this thread a couple of months and just letting the annoyance and anger go, before coming back to it without emotional investment.

Go talk about videogames, laugh at the Butt Appreciation threads and enjoy the chilled atmosphere you've been missing out on. Maybe check out the Clown World thread if you want to get a bit of nihilistic schadenfreude in a similar vain without it becoming personal.

This place is far better than any safe space, it's a sane place. Sorta.

Basically chill out and reconnect with your fun hobby, there'll always be more things to point and laugh at over there later.
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Green Saber

It never escaped my attention that The Kree is named after a fascist society in Marvel Comics :messenger_grinning_sweat:

In the comics, Kree society is ruled by a supercomputer that makes all of their decisions. Kree society is fanatically devoted to the "Supreme Intelligence" and worship it like an organized religion. It makes all their decisions and its orders are absolute.

Why would you name yourself after a fascist society? In the comics they've done experimentation on humans without their consent and have tried to genocide the whole human race in the past.
Judging by their thirst to silence people who don't do and say as they want them naming them selves after a fascist society seems quite fitting.

Green Saber

As someone who was once in your shoes not too long ago, I recommend giving this thread a couple of months and just letting the annoyance and anger go, before coming back to it without emotional investment.

Go talk about videogames, laugh at the Butt Appreciation threads and enjoy the chilled atmosphere you've been missing out on. Maybe check out the Clown World thread if you want to get a bit of nihilistic schadenfreude in a similar vain without it becoming personal.

This place is far better than any safe space, it's a sane place. Sorta.

Basically chill out and reconnect with your fun hobby, there'll always be more things to point and laugh at over there later.
Great atmosphere over here indeed, it is oppressive over there.
As someone who was once in your shoes not too long ago, I recommend giving this thread a couple of months and just letting the annoyance and anger go, before coming back to it without emotional investment.

Go talk about videogames, laugh at the Butt Appreciation threads and enjoy the chilled atmosphere you've been missing out on. Maybe check out the Clown World thread if you want to get a bit of nihilistic schadenfreude in a similar vain without it becoming personal.

This place is far better than any safe space, it's a sane place. Sorta.

Basically chill out and reconnect with your fun hobby, there'll always be more things to point and laugh at over there later.
The funny thing is I don't even have a problem with a safe space, as long as it's made clear that's what the fuck it is. That's all they have to do for some of those threads/that place and they wouldn't have nearly as many people like me who would dare to disagree or question things. I understand a safe space is pretty much an echo chamber, and not a place for me to voice my own personal dissenting opinions like one tends to do on a normal forum. They should just call it a safe space like it is. Instead they'd rather get their kicks by banning all the evil in the world as if that's actually solving their issues.
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Green Saber

The funny thing is I don't even have a problem with a safe space, as long as it's made clear that's what the fuck it is. That's all they have to do for some of those threads/that place and they wouldn't have nearly as many people like me who would dare to disagree or question things. I understand a safe space is pretty much an echo chamber, and not a place for me to voice my own personal dissenting opinions like one tends to do on a normal forum. They should just call it a safe space like it is. Instead they'd rather get their kicks by banning all the evil in the world as if that's actually solving their issues.
Yeah most of those threads are ban baiting.


What didn't they ban me for? I was banned 6 times I think? All a bunch of bullshit. Calling people out mostly. Also I'm probably racist, a homophobe, and argue in bad faith or some such shit. In reality I'm not any of that but it's Resetera so if you disagree with the hive then fuck you. It's a joke to me because I'm about as left as it gets without being a fucking loon. They're destroying themselves and now I guess I sit back and watch it all happen. They don't understand how counter productive they are to everything they "fight" for.

Don't be mistaken, we are crazy as fuck over here too. We just ain't stupid.




Finally, confirmation of my theory that "Duration Pending" and the time it takes to be finalized IS due to them looking through a users post history with prejudice looking for reason to ban them. Even if all those posts were perfectly acceptable and nobody complained or reported them at the time.

And we already know that in many cases "Multiple past infractions" is often bullshit because you can cross reference with the ban tracker and see maybe that user only had ONE previous ban.

Lack of transparency allows the mods to get away with all these PR worded lies, lies, lies.
I laugh that they're still going round and round that the mods don't ban ENOUGH People as it is.. Somehow they need to be tougher? Jesus how? They have something like over 10,000 banned members already or something.

I would guess some of those are absolute bad actors just trolling.. But from my experience most of them are just people caught up in "wrong talk".

Xaero Gravity



Finally, confirmation of my theory that "Duration Pending" and the time it takes to be finalized IS due to them looking through a users post history with prejudice looking for reason to ban them. Even if all those posts were perfectly acceptable and nobody complained or reported them at the time.

And we already know that in many cases "Multiple past infractions" is often bullshit because you can cross reference with the ban tracker and see maybe that user only had ONE previous ban.

Lack of transparency allows the mods to get away with all these PR worded lies, lies, lies.
I guess that explains this lol

https://resetera.kiwifarms.net/search/actioned?u=Xaero Gravity
The funny thing is I don't even have a problem with a safe space, as long as it's made clear that's what the fuck it is. That's all they have to do for some of those threads/that place and they wouldn't have nearly as many people like me who would dare to disagree or question things. I understand a safe space is pretty much an echo chamber, and not a place for me to voice my own personal dissenting opinions like one tends to do on a normal forum. They should just call it a safe space like it is. Instead they'd rather get their kicks by banning all the evil in the world as if that's actually solving their issues.
See, I would say we've enough evidence from the results of the implementation of safe spaces to say they absolutely do not help, and have only accelerated the divisions between people.

Safe spaces breed radicalised political opinions, paranoia and insular tribalism.

Those that flocked to them are no less 'safe' than they were previously, and if anything tend to feel more threatened and oppressed the longer they spend in them.

As you say, they're echochambers, ones created under falsehoods and fears that everyone within reinforce to one another until, as Resetera demonstrates, they start turning on one another once the hysteria builds to a fever pitch.

The longer I live, the more I come to see that humans need balance, left and right, man and woman, progressive and conservative, comfort and adversity, diversity and unity, freedom and responsibility, too much of any one way of living leads to madness and destructive tendencies.

You dont find fulfillment or peace through running away to stagnate with others who can't cope with or adapt to a world that will never agree with them 100% of the time


Rapid Response Threadmaker
AFAIK the reason for duration pending was also because the earlier mod team became very erratic with the ban durations. They basically couldn't trust them with making ban suspension decisions, so the duration pending is there for modcaptains/admins to make the decision later.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
This latest bullshit is just absolutely insane.

It's so patently obvious they just want to be victims; like I'm pretty compassionate towards people going through identity / sexuality issues, but this shit is clearly not even about that. It's mostly a bunch of white dudes. No offense to the real trans-women there but honestly I have my doubts that many of them are even really trans. It's why they throw non-binary around so much. Most of these people are probably just average Joe's in real life, but in their little bubble they are this persecuted minority.

Now lumping asexuals into their cause? WTF? Like I get that trans-men and women go through a lot, as do many homosexuals.. I can't imagine anyone would put themsleves through that w/o actually experience serious gender dis-morphia or whatever. But WTF does that have to do with people that aren't horny?
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