She said they broke up six months ago for a short while and then reconciled. It is not inconsistent.
I love how we are all so invested in the story of DJ Khaled.
Trying to piece together everything from these little snippets.
She said they broke up six months ago for a short while and then reconciled. It is not inconsistent.
What is a writer without her audience?I love how we are all so invested in the story of DJ Khaled.
Trying to piece together everything from these little snippets.
OK by the way I am the guy who was banned today for the gerontophilia thread about banging old women, and also the guy who likes to smell human shit.
Of course I am a troll so I can accept the ban even if permanent seems a little bit over the top to me.
It all started with actually another topic, one about having a baby with a 40-something foreign tinder date while being way younger. This one. It was kind of a "what if" scenario, obviously that never happened to me but I usually daydream about stuff and I guess I just wanted to hear someone's opinion about this event that will never actually occur?
Anyway I stayed in character and defended my position, some caught up with the trolling but most didn't and that was pretty fun until it died down. I thought the poll would've been enough to be clear it was trolling but it wasn't.
Still, I think that topic generated interesting discussion and the scenario itself was indeed kinda funny, so I didn't see anything wrong with it. Some people gave an opinion, some laughed, nobody got hurt I think.
Other than daydreaming I also have fun in creating long convoluted monologues about a certain subject in the spur of the moment. It all started between friends when we each had 1 minute to create a storyline about a man tacking out the trash. The most absurd yet captivating story wins.
So once we were talking about the phenomena of smelling your own fart and actually like it, which is scientifically true by the way. We were joking around and all of a sudden I came out with the idea of someone actually liking someone else's farts.
I like the smell of human waste was born and yes it's the most outrageous example of blue comedy I've come up with in my life but goddamn I legit think it was hilarious. I have a shitposting page on Facebook and it was well received, but I like the idea of Resetera members not knowing if that was true or not. Of course it's all made up, all my flows of bullshit like this get increasingly weirder and absurd to the point of being unbelievable (other than that, many details regarding my "persona" collide with previous threads so there's that). I refuse to think nobody got wind this was all a troll but I honestly don't see the issue, it was just for fun and how is it offensive? It's just disgusting which I wholeheartedly agree, but that's kinda my style. I put some effort into writing it and translating it so I was pissed it was instalocked but oh well. One of the responses was of legit fun though so at least there's that.
Then from experimental anonymous shitposting the thing became bigger in my brain to the point I wanted to create some kind of ARG INSIDE Restera with me playing different terrible characters hinting at a personality disorder, and my second character (or third, I became confused at this point), was introduced: the soul mate searcher.
Was locked even faster but honestly I prefer the previous one so it's understandable.
So I'm here as an ex-GAF member to clarify this: I am not that disgusting in real life (close to, but not to that point), and definitely ERA is not filled of old women loving shit smell inhalers who gift sperm to strangers.
Just one idiot with maybe too much imagination for a gaming forum and some no fun allowed mods.
Again I'm OK with the ban, whatever, but it's just blue comedy. There are a lot of topics on ERA that do not contribute to any type of conversation, but I don't see the problem. Maybe my mistake was taking two of the most vomit inducing examples of shitposting but I liked the idea of creating a clearly false persona which is totally deranged in any way possible lol.
And damn, I couldn't even post the second topic from the first persona which was a guide on how to use Tinder written by a total psychopath. Your loss, ERA!
That said, I don't know why I felt the need to clarify this here on all places: it's probably because I want to distance myself from the idea now that I cannot explain myself on the original topic and also say that no, I'm not coming back to GAF since I'm not the biggest fan of this place anymore. So this will probably be the first and last time I post on this new GAF thing. Gonna come back somehow on ERA anyway
Literal shit posting
turd typing
fecal forumite
Seems like a troll to me.
Playing to the crowd by ticking a few of the main "oppression" boxes but also having juuuuust enough questionable content in the posts to start up some arguments.
The scenario is basically custom built to wind people up and of course when someone does ask too many questions it turns into a fight.
Raped by a girl at 17.
Two years later, age 19, meets a 16 year old, proposes to her, she says no but they are together 6 years now.
Is on disability and uses the money to pay for everything for the GF.
Actually has quite the list of disabilities and mental illnesses.
The mother is falling in with the alt-right though, of course.
Then the mother chased the GF away but maybe not cos the GF seems to be back.
Then the Girlfriend decides she is gay.
That's Ok though because DJ Khaled is now trans.
Maybe it's not OK though because the GF wants a biological woman.
Nah it'll be fine.
OH NO it wont be fine because DJ Khaled was chatting up other women online.
If you have an issue or any questions about any of this though then you'd better just shut the hell up cos ResetEra is a "safe space" and that kind of thing is frowned upon.
Pretty confident this is a troll job.
If it's a real person then they are living one hell of a messed up life.
It's a shame I used to like Frankie especially when he did the weekly updates back at Bungie during the golden era of Halo. That cesspool of a website ruined him. I hope he keeps any Reeeeeeeeeee nonsense far away from Halo InfiniteNot to mention Frank O'Connor!
Imagine the jazz handing going on in that meeting
Seems like a troll to me.
Playing to the crowd by ticking a few of the main "oppression" boxes but also having juuuuust enough questionable content in the posts to start up some arguments.
The scenario is basically custom built to wind people up and of course when someone does ask too many questions it turns into a fight.
Raped by a girl at 17.
Two years later, age 19, meets a 16 year old, proposes to her, she says no but they are together 6 years now.
Is on disability and uses the money to pay for everything for the GF.
Actually has quite the list of disabilities and mental illnesses.
The mother is falling in with the alt-right though, of course.
Then the mother chased the GF away but maybe not cos the GF seems to be back.
Then the Girlfriend decides she is gay.
That's Ok though because DJ Khaled is now trans.
Maybe it's not OK though because the GF wants a biological woman.
Nah it'll be fine.
OH NO it wont be fine because DJ Khaled was chatting up other women online.
If you have an issue or any questions about any of this though then you'd better just shut the hell up cos ResetEra is a "safe space" and that kind of thing is frowned upon.
Pretty confident this is a troll job.
If it's a real person then they are living one hell of a messed up life.
If this guys story is true he is a major asshole. So basically big time loser who can't leave his house lives of disability and is most likely in bad shape and he expects his 22 year old GF to be trapped with him in the prime of her life. And all of a sudden she is gay so now he is trans LOL.
I would say probably a troll but he fits right in on Reee that I believe his story.
From the "Tired of discovering new potentially entertaining youtube channels only to learn they are MRA/alt-right shitheads a few videos in" thread:
What kind of crazy shit is this dude clicking on if his feed would be filled with "Nazi Nonsense"? Hitler X Stalin readings? Alternative History World War 2 theory-crafting videos? Wolfenstein: The New Blood gameplay?
I always laugh at people who complain about things popping up in their YouTube suggestions. YouTube has an algorithm that suggests videos and channels to you BASED ON YOUR SEARCH AND WATCH HISTORY.
Era sticks their head in the sand and blames YouTube for their own actions they don't want to admit to.
There is just... so much to the story. If you squint just right it all more or less lines up, but it still doesn't explain a damn thing. Assuming it's all mostly true.. the GF HAS to be staying for the free perks. She gets money, a car, place to live.. everything included for free just for "staying" there. She even told him she doesn't want to screw him or anything and he's somehow OK with that. I can't wait till she brings home another girl/guy and he just has to be OK with that too.
The mom supposedly ran her off, but now the ALT-RIGHT mom is no where to be found in the story.. so I don't really know.
I like how he was supposedly fucking around on Tinder.. but he is too afraid to leave the house. Was he planning on inviting someone to come into his horror house? LOL.
I really hope we get another update from him/her soon.
I’ve never seen anyone else complain about this other than the most rabid lefties.
They watch all those unfunny dummies doing 30-40 minute "takedowns" of the alt-right/Gamergate/kultur war crap and then wonder why YouTube suggests them other half hour long videos about those subjects.
I've so thoroughly confused the algorithm that it pretty much only suggests The Onion, Giant Bomb and dunkey videos and like more stuff from whatever channels I've watched the last week. I've watched plenty of political content and the thing never suggests any more except from whatever channels were recent.
I use it a fair bit. I'm also not triggered by recommendations that I might not agree with though.I don't know why people use the "recommended" tab to begin with. I have always just stuck with subscriptions. I learn about new channels through the channels I already watch or through things posted on Discord or sent to me by friends/family.
I use it a fair bit. I'm also not triggered by recommendations that I might not agree with though.
Yea if I see something stupid I just flag it to not recommend that channel again. I don’t run and cry about YouTube invading my safe space.
The fact that you realise the place is crazy and yet you want to slide really need to use that clever brain and look at era from the outside a little moreOK by the way I am the guy who was banned today for the gerontophilia thread about banging old women, and also the guy who likes to smell human shit.
Of course I am a troll so I can accept the ban even if permanent seems a little bit over the top to me.
It all started with actually another topic, one about having a baby with a 40-something foreign tinder date while being way younger. This one. It was kind of a "what if" scenario, obviously that never happened to me but I usually daydream about stuff and I guess I just wanted to hear someone's opinion about this event that will never actually occur?
Anyway I stayed in character and defended my position, some caught up with the trolling but most didn't and that was pretty fun until it died down. I thought the poll would've been enough to be clear it was trolling but it wasn't.
Still, I think that topic generated interesting discussion and the scenario itself was indeed kinda funny, so I didn't see anything wrong with it. Some people gave an opinion, some laughed, nobody got hurt I think.
Other than daydreaming I also have fun in creating long convoluted monologues about a certain subject in the spur of the moment. It all started between friends when we each had 1 minute to create a storyline about a man tacking out the trash. The most absurd yet captivating story wins.
So once we were talking about the phenomena of smelling your own fart and actually like it, which is scientifically true by the way. We were joking around and all of a sudden I came out with the idea of someone actually liking someone else's farts.
I like the smell of human waste was born and yes it's the most outrageous example of blue comedy I've come up with in my life but goddamn I legit think it was hilarious. I have a shitposting page on Facebook and it was well received, but I like the idea of Resetera members not knowing if that was true or not. Of course it's all made up, all my flows of bullshit like this get increasingly weirder and absurd to the point of being unbelievable (other than that, many details regarding my "persona" collide with previous threads so there's that). I refuse to think nobody got wind this was all a troll but I honestly don't see the issue, it was just for fun and how is it offensive? It's just disgusting which I wholeheartedly agree, but that's kinda my style. I put some effort into writing it and translating it so I was pissed it was instalocked but oh well. One of the responses was of legit fun though so at least there's that.
Then from experimental anonymous shitposting the thing became bigger in my brain to the point I wanted to create some kind of ARG INSIDE Restera with me playing different terrible characters hinting at a personality disorder, and my second character (or third, I became confused at this point), was introduced: the soul mate searcher.
Was locked even faster but honestly I prefer the previous one so it's understandable.
So I'm here as an ex-GAF member to clarify this: I am not that disgusting in real life (close to, but not to that point), and definitely ERA is not filled of old women loving shit smell inhalers who gift sperm to strangers.
Just one idiot with maybe too much imagination for a gaming forum and some no fun allowed mods.
Again I'm OK with the ban, whatever, but it's just blue comedy. There are a lot of topics on ERA that do not contribute to any type of conversation, but I don't see the problem. Maybe my mistake was taking two of the most vomit inducing examples of shitposting but I liked the idea of creating a clearly false persona which is totally deranged in any way possible lol.
And damn, I couldn't even post the second topic from the first persona which was a guide on how to use Tinder written by a total psychopath. Your loss, ERA!
That said, I don't know why I felt the need to clarify this here on all places: it's probably because I want to distance myself from the idea now that I cannot explain myself on the original topic and also say that no, I'm not coming back to GAF since I'm not the biggest fan of this place anymore. So this will probably be the first and last time I post on this new GAF thing. Gonna come back somehow on ERA anyway
Didn’t he claim to be living in Australia, in one of his posts? There’s your troll evidence right there.If this guys story is true he is a major asshole. So basically big time loser who can't leave his house lives of disability and is most likely in bad shape and he expects his 22 year old GF to be trapped with him in the prime of her life. And all of a sudden she is gay so now he is trans LOL.
I would say probably a troll but he fits right in on Reee that I believe his story.
Didn’t he claim to be living in Australia, in one of his posts? There’s your troll evidence right there.
I’ve never seen disabled agoraphobic transgenders around these parts. We are yet to import them.
He’s a troll.
I went back a few pages to read some of the shit and the thing that stood out to me the most I think was people getting banned for saying "so what?" to that chick's tweet about there not being a "female presence" in the first part of the first episode of The Mandalorian? "Dismissing sexism"
It's seriously insane. Like these people are really not well. They live in a bubble separate from normal society and this is really unhinged and delusional behavior that requires significant amounts of therapy.
And I think 90% of the world agrees, we just have too many pussies who are afraid to keep these nutjobs in line.
Too bad you don't want to come to GAF again. Some of your troll posts sound hilarious.OK by the way I am the guy who was banned today for the gerontophilia thread about banging old women, and also the guy who likes to smell human shit.
Of course I am a troll so I can accept the ban even if permanent seems a little bit over the top to me.
It all started with actually another topic, one about having a baby with a 40-something foreign tinder date while being way younger. This one. It was kind of a "what if" scenario, obviously that never happened to me but I usually daydream about stuff and I guess I just wanted to hear someone's opinion about this event that will never actually occur?
Anyway I stayed in character and defended my position, some caught up with the trolling but most didn't and that was pretty fun until it died down. I thought the poll would've been enough to be clear it was trolling but it wasn't.
Still, I think that topic generated interesting discussion and the scenario itself was indeed kinda funny, so I didn't see anything wrong with it. Some people gave an opinion, some laughed, nobody got hurt I think.
Other than daydreaming I also have fun in creating long convoluted monologues about a certain subject in the spur of the moment. It all started between friends when we each had 1 minute to create a storyline about a man tacking out the trash. The most absurd yet captivating story wins.
So once we were talking about the phenomena of smelling your own fart and actually like it, which is scientifically true by the way. We were joking around and all of a sudden I came out with the idea of someone actually liking someone else's farts.
I like the smell of human waste was born and yes it's the most outrageous example of blue comedy I've come up with in my life but goddamn I legit think it was hilarious. I have a shitposting page on Facebook and it was well received, but I like the idea of Resetera members not knowing if that was true or not. Of course it's all made up, all my flows of bullshit like this get increasingly weirder and absurd to the point of being unbelievable (other than that, many details regarding my "persona" collide with previous threads so there's that). I refuse to think nobody got wind this was all a troll but I honestly don't see the issue, it was just for fun and how is it offensive? It's just disgusting which I wholeheartedly agree, but that's kinda my style. I put some effort into writing it and translating it so I was pissed it was instalocked but oh well. One of the responses was of legit fun though so at least there's that.
Then from experimental anonymous shitposting the thing became bigger in my brain to the point I wanted to create some kind of ARG INSIDE Restera with me playing different terrible characters hinting at a personality disorder, and my second character (or third, I became confused at this point), was introduced: the soul mate searcher.
Was locked even faster but honestly I prefer the previous one so it's understandable.
So I'm here as an ex-GAF member to clarify this: I am not that disgusting in real life (close to, but not to that point), and definitely ERA is not filled of old women loving shit smell inhalers who gift sperm to strangers.
Just one idiot with maybe too much imagination for a gaming forum and some no fun allowed mods.
Again I'm OK with the ban, whatever, but it's just blue comedy. There are a lot of topics on ERA that do not contribute to any type of conversation, but I don't see the problem. Maybe my mistake was taking two of the most vomit inducing examples of shitposting but I liked the idea of creating a clearly false persona which is totally deranged in any way possible lol.
And damn, I couldn't even post the second topic from the first persona which was a guide on how to use Tinder written by a total psychopath. Your loss, ERA!
That said, I don't know why I felt the need to clarify this here on all places: it's probably because I want to distance myself from the idea now that I cannot explain myself on the original topic and also say that no, I'm not coming back to GAF since I'm not the biggest fan of this place anymore. So this will probably be the first and last time I post on this new GAF thing. Gonna come back somehow on ERA anyway
I have a hard time even wrapping my brain around some of it, honestly. There is no room for debate or discourse of... literally any kind with so many topics over there. You are allowed 1 way of thinking, with very small variations, and if you deviate, you're shamed/warned/banned. It's not any kind of anomaly either... so many topics are their way or the highway. Why would anyone want to "live" like that and purposefully live in such a bubble?
It's not even the textbook definition of sexism let alone any kind of off variation of it. There is nothing sexist or wrong with an episode or hell even an entire fucking movie not having a woman in it. Just like there's nothing wrong with a show or movie having a man. Not every story being told is going to have equal amounts of every race or gender in it. That's not the way the world works and isn't close to sexism in any way. And to think that it is is really disturbing and reeks of mentally ill thinking. Normal people don't view life that way, it's really toxic and abhorrent.
And it's only being done so miserable people who hate their lives and are angry at the world can try and bend society to their will to feel powerful for the first time in their lives.
I agree generally, though I think while it’s someones right to have that opinion, that line of thinking is also very dangerous. Sexism is a serious accusation and to make implications about people over something so innocuous lead to nowhere good.Like... I can even somewhat understand the original complaint, even though it's stupid. "There is no SPEAKING WOMEN in the first episode (OOPS except the one I forgot about)". Okay.... fine... whatever. It's a complaint, stupid... but a complaint. You or anyone is free to make it. That I think everyone can and should agree on.
But REEEEE takes it 7 steps further, and makes it REEELEGAL to comment on said stupid complaint with anything other than "SHE'S RIGHT!" According to them, if you don't agree with said stupid comment, either keep your damn privileged mouth shut, or you're clearly in the wrong. To them, saying "Uh maybe she's wrong/stupid/grandstanding" == misogyny & sexism. Simple as that. It's amazingly retarded (damn it, there I go).
I get that there are a lot of bad actors on the internet who purposefully ARE misogynistic and sexist and all that, but you can't just say everyone needs to agREEEEE, OR ELSE.
Disney hints LGBT+ rep in Star Wars
On today’s episode of “queer bait Disney fans and their expendable incomes,” JJ is hinting that there will be queer representation in The Rise or
Maybe they will have a flashback scene with Solo and Lando going at it.
I went back a few pages to read some of the shit and the thing that stood out to me the most I think was people getting banned for saying "so what?" to that chick's tweet about there not being a "female presence" in the first part of the first episode of The Mandalorian? "Dismissing sexism"
It's seriously insane. Like these people are really not well. They live in a bubble separate from normal society and this is really unhinged and delusional behavior that requires significant amounts of therapy.
And I think 90% of the world agrees, we just have too many pussies who are afraid to keep these nutjobs in line.
Didn’t he claim to be living in Australia, in one of his posts? There’s your troll evidence right there.
I’ve never seen disabled agoraphobic transgenders around these parts. We are yet to import them.
He’s a troll.
Hollywood keeps shooting themselves in the foot with this stuff. Average folks see right through it as the appeal to demographics that it is and the folx they are targeting aren't going to be satisfied until every movie is filled with lead roles that identify as trans, asexual, bisexual toasters that immediately slaughters anyone who dares question their make believe identity.![]()
Disney hints LGBT+ rep in Star Wars
On today’s episode of “queer bait Disney fans and their expendable incomes,” JJ is hinting that there will be queer representation in The Rise or
Maybe they will have a flashback scene with Solo and Lando going at it.
Hollywood keeps shooting themselves in the foot with this stuff. Average folks see right through it as the appeal to demographics that it is and the folx they are targeting aren't going to be satisfied until every movie is filled with lead roles that identify as trans, asexual, bisexual toasters that immediately slaughters anyone who dares question their make believe identity.
Um duh. You haven’t seen them because they don’t leave the house.
So are the bogans evolving or devolving?
Yes.So are the bogans evolving or devolving?
Resetera is now coming after Australia.
Australia passes law denying medical evacuations for refugees locked in camps
No wonder Trump likes Australia so much. Add this to the list of laws by the government including jailing doctors who speak against inhumane treatment of refugees and child abuse and raiding journalists homes and offices for
Crickey mate. How did all these "refugees" end up in Australia?
Well that obviously can't be it. Because Australia literally being located at the bottom of the earth yet they're not allowed to have border control for some reason.
not necessarily...the issue is that there are women and children with actual medical issues and because it goes against the governments "Safe borders policy" these people rot in these prison campsAustralia blocking sick people from entering the country to prevent a contamination sounds like a good thing no?
without refugees businesses cant exploit cheap labour ......sad but trueGive me one good reason why Australia — a continent surrounded by treacherous ocean — should be a safe haven for refugees. Hint: it’s not about seeking refuge; it’s about bypassing the long and arduous legal immigration process. Anyone in genuine danger should be seeking refuge in the closest safe country. Australia is not the closest safe country to anyone.
without refugees businesses cant exploit cheap labour ......sad but true
who builds all those investment properties you own??
The fact that Australia is an island and used to be the “jail” island says that the people trying to illegally enter there, may not be the best of citizens.Give me one good reason why Australia — a continent surrounded by treacherous ocean — should be a safe haven for refugees. Hint: it’s not about seeking refuge; it’s about bypassing the long and arduous legal immigration process. Anyone in genuine danger should be seeking refuge in the closest safe country. Australia is not the closest safe country to anyone.
quite a large percentage of the exploited workers come from refugee backgrounds.Are you intending to conflate refugees and immigrants?