No, 2187 XDSo when will it be ready? 2032?
Finally! gonna watch right now.And finally the last Village chapter!
resident evil 4 HD project
Our effort to create a true HD experience for Resident Evil
Happy Holidays!!
Chapter 3 – FINAL Comparison Images + BONUS
resident evil 4 HD project
Our effort to create a true HD experience for Resident Evil
Finally, Chapter 4-1 is here! Enjoy it
resident evil 4 HD project
Our effort to create a true HD experience for Resident Evil
Check the whole thread and their page. This is a team working for ~6 years on this. It's almost done.I would recommend getting a friend or two that knows how to texture/code to help you with this, OP. Sounds like a lot of work for just a one-man team to finish in 1-2 years. I look forward to seeing your progress along the way.
Thank YOU for all your hard work. You guys have come a long way. Truly impressive stuff.Thanks a lot for the support guys
And here goes Chapter 4-3!
ASMRer than ever! XD
No joke. They should release it alongside the RE4make they're (supposedly) working on for the diehard "don't change anything!" crowd. The work and love this dude has put into this project is phenomenal.capcom should buy your work
So, this is a quite standard chapter with no big surprises. The only “surprise” I experienced during this month is I’ve been able to decipher how the game decides which lights reach certain stage models and which lights don’t. The secret is inside the SMX files. There are 4 bytes of which value in binary code determines the stage lights that are “on” and “off” for every stage model. I’m excited when —even after 6 years— I still find some interesting new stuff about how this game works!
Amazing job as usual Albert!
Would that discovery allow for even better lighting improvements?