Dance Inferno
Unconfirmed Member
What's the secret boss in Urban Chaos? Apparently I encountered him once but have no idea who it is.
It's the Napad I believe?
What's the secret boss in Urban Chaos? Apparently I encountered him once but have no idea who it is.
Just completed the entire game and all 4 campaigns. I really enjoyed the game and still do not understand the unadulterated hate and lackluster ratings for this game. Screw the reviews like always. Sure, there are definitely problems, but overall I feel like it was a great game with many memorable moments with a lot of effort put into it. The game got better once I really understood the gameplay mechanics and controls. Ada's Chapter 4 was probably the biggest surprise for me ever in a RE game. Very unexpected and out of the ordinary for this franchise.
It's the Napad I believe?
we actually got some for PS3, bought the entire set.I just want an Ada Wong Gamerpic![]()
Not seeing all the annoying QTEs that the reviews mentioned so far. I wonder how much of that was due to them not knowing you need to rotate both sticks. Some of them would be terrible if you only used the left stick.
I really do wish they'd go back to the adventure style gameplay over the segmented action style.
Why can't they keep the action and go back to old school? I wish every room in this game was like the mannequin room in Jake's Chapter 1. That's like my favorite area in the whole game. It's much better than EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE and FUCKING SNIPERS.
I second this. I don't mind the action. Just make the atmosphere more like Jake Chapter 1's mannequin room. That was creepy. And fix the god damn camera and cover system STAT! Also, don't have a J'avo mutating into a spider then having said spider shooting AK-47. The mutation was horrific but having him shoot you with gun drops the creep factor to -100. Take a look at Siren: New Translation's 'spiders'. They don't shoot you but the very sight of them makes you want to flee in terror.
I love this game. I think it's a fun game. But it sure can use a lot of improvements to make it even better.
So apparently to get the really high scores in Mercenaries you have to save the secret boss that appears and kill him as number 150 in your combo. Also you're supposed to constantly counter enemies at the beginning until things start to get too crazy.
I don't think I'm hardcore enough to bother with all that though lol.
They really need to dial back on the enemy designs.
They really need to dial back on the enemy designs.
Yup, I don't mind the zombie variations, because it's not a large number but the amount of J'avo enemies/mutations etc is beyond excessive.
And gah! Why did Capcom think it was a good idea to push the Jake and Chris relationship regarding his father? I just got done with the cutscene whereJake is about to shoot Chris, and all I can say is...why? Why the fuck would he be so hot and bothered about a guy who was a bioterrorist nutter! I mean Wesker was *insane*. He was evil as shit and would never change his why is Jake acting like Wesker was a great hero who fought in some war with Chris and things went sour...ala Solid Snake and Gray Fox...
Makes no sense.
That bitch terrified me. I think I screamed like a girl when I saw her.
BecauseChris killed his father. Granted, Wesker needed to die but no matter what kind of man he was, no one is gonna act all cool towards someone who killed their father, lol.
I get that, butif his father has barely been around, and was absolute scum why would he give a shit about what happened to him? The is no real history explained throughout the game, just that he is the son of Wesker and apparently wasn't around much. Why even push that angle, it's absolutely ludicrous. Can you imagine Wesker having an argument with Jakes mother and slamming the door yelling "I need to get my head together!!!" or something ridiculous like that lol? Nope...Wesker is a scumbag bioterrorist douche and that's about it lol.
I'm not expecting him to be cool about it, but to act like they had some kind've relationship together throughout his life...just no.
I get that, butif his father has barely been around, and was absolute scum why would he give a shit about what happened to him? The is no real history explained throughout the game, just that he is the son of Wesker and apparently wasn't around much. Why even push that angle, it's absolutely ludicrous. Can you imagine Wesker having an argument with Jakes mother and slamming the door yelling "I need to get my head together!!!" or something ridiculous like that lol? Nope...Wesker is a scumbag bioterrorist douche and that's about it lol.
I'm not expecting him to be cool about it, but to act like they had some kind've relationship together throughout his life...just no.
You know, Wesker could of just had a one night stand with some sort of researcher or a hooker or something instead of having some sort of relationship, lol. But maybe he would of liked to have met his father or at least see how he truly is himself instead of hearing about his deeds from others. It seems like Chris understood somewhat which is why he didn't fuck Jake up for almost shooting him because when he was talking to Piers afterwards and Piers pretty much felt he didn't do anything wrong and shouldn't have to apologize and Chris was like, it's his father though. Overall I thought the confrontation was awesome until Jake said, "ITS NOT ABOUT ME AND YOU!" and I was like...ok wtf is he talking about?
It would've made more sense if Jake had mentioned wanting to settle things himself.
Strange thats pretty much all there is to it.Any tips for the Flying Ace achievement? I've tried 3 times now, didn't get hit by any missiles or choppers, and it still didn't pop. Only achievement I need.
I'm wondering if its one of those lost-in-translation things that Newsbot is always talking about.I thought it was a bit odd, but I can speak up that family is family. Even if Jake never knew his father and particularly didn't like him for leaving him and his mother behind, in my experience with others in similar positions they still have an odd affection for their father. My dad never knew his own dad until he was already an adult, and when he finally learned who his father was and mailed him when he was in his early twenties he got a response telling him to never contact him ever again. Still, my dad did have a noticeable strange love for his father despite him not being a good dad by any standards.
It makes more sense if you think about how a person would respond if they met the man that killed their father, even if he wasn't a great dad, but I think the game could of done more to emphasize on that. I have a sneaking suspicion that Jake could somewhat relate to his father, particularly noted in the scene in Chapter 3 where he says his life makes a lot more sense now that he knows who his father was and it explains some of the things he personally has done. Jake shows a dislike for chris in every single one of their encounters, and then to learn that Chris was, in fact, the guy who killed his father probably set something off in him added on top of the fact he didn't like Chris much to begin with.
So is Chris the best character in Mercs or what?
holy crap. for real? that sounds nuts. i guess you can delay its appearance though. it comes after 15 counters or something?
sounds pretty technical.
Nothing crazy about that. I'm now 10 hours in and absolutely love this game as wellCall me crazy, but I'm totally loving RE6. Rented it from Redbox last weekend, got up to chapter 2 in Leon's story and immediately knew I had to own it. Picked it up the same day I returned it and have finished Leon's campaign and now I'm halfway through Chris's. I'm totally addicted right now.
I think this is probably the best explanation for that scene that I've seen. I agree.
I've said this already but I think Chris, Sherry EX2, andare the best three characters in Mercs. Until they release Wesker as DLC of course.Carla
Yeah you're supposed to use as many counters as possible to keep as much time left on the clock as possible. Each second you have on the clock gives you 200 points or something, so you need to maximize your time by using lots of counters, but also keeping the boss for the very end so it gives you the maximum number of points.
Not something I'm really interested in practicing lol, but it makes sense.
Nothing crazy about that. I'm now 10 hours in and absolutely love this game as well
It has some low parts, didn't like the driving sections so far, but the fighting feels great and the highlight for me is the character interaction between the teams. Especially Jake/Sherry and surprisingly Chris/Piers are amazing.
I've said this already but I think Chris, Sherry EX2, andare the best three characters in Mercs. Until they release Wesker as DLC of course.Carla
Good god, is Steel Beast deserted? In about a minute I only saw and killed four J'avo. :|
Yeah man this game really is a lot of fun. Just wait until you start playing Mercenaries and replaying the game with the secondary characters. I've already put 31 hours into this game. :O
Why can't they keep the action and go back to old school? I wish every room in this game was like the mannequin room in Jake's Chapter 1. That's like my favorite area in the whole game. It's much better than EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE and FUCKING SNIPERS.