Ever heard of spoiler tags?
Ever heard of spoiler tags?
Ever heard of spoiler tags?
He's referring to the escape section, not to the actual death at the end. I think.
Play the other campaigns. I think you'll owe Ada an apology.![]()
Well...I guess Steve was kind of girlish, maybe she was just confused
I am not one to spoil.
But here is a spoiler for you:NO BOULDERS TO PUNCH
Anybody up for some Pro Co-op or mercs on 360?
I'm tired of waiting and playing with my friend, he's such a whiney baby about this game that I cant take listening to him complaining about every single thing in the game we play co-op.
I never got credit for finishing Chris's campaign for some reason, and have yet to do jakes.
Yeah dude send me a fr along with a message so that I know you are from GAF.
GT: Revolver Ned
Outside of Haos, the current naming convention for B.O.W.s is pretty shit these days. PICK A RANDOM SEMI-RELATED WORD FROM A NATIVE LANGUAGE AND CALL IT THAT
What happened to awesome names derived from mythology, like Cerberus, Neptune and Nemesis and shit?
Outside of Haos, the current naming convention for B.O.W.s is pretty shit these days. PICK A RANDOM SEMI-RELATED WORD FROM A NATIVE LANGUAGE AND CALL IT THAT
What happened to awesome names derived from mythology, like Cerberus, Neptune and Nemesis and shit?
Yeah I never really understood the appeal for Ada. She's selfish and will steal any virus/parasite as long as she gets her price for it. She stole the plagas for Wesker which lead to the events of RE5 so I'm having issue with her being a part of the good guys.
In 6she's nice and save the others only because she had a "debt" to them and the whole reason she was helpful was that Simmons and Carla had stolen her identity and she felt responsible for the havoc Carla created
Yeah, RE4 had some good ones but RE5/RE6 really failed at awesome enemy names.
Not everyone likes their heroine to be vanilla and non-persona boring like Jill.
I challenge you to fisticuffs.
I accept. Make sure you wear that device Wesker gave you though. Without it, you seem kind of weak.![]()
What a wonderful rebuttal. I'll pretend I'm even a little surprised while you go kill some Ulstenanikejks and Zhntkjytners.
Oh noes, some foreign word that's hard to pronounce and you start making up words like little boys.
Oh noes, someone dislikes the stupid enemy names from a game I like! Better get upset over it like a little boy.
LOL. Wrong. I don't give a shit about you disliking the enemy names. It's the transparency of insulting anything that is not RE4 that I was eye-rolling over. How original. Also, get your own insult, you copycat!
RE4 isn't even my favorite RE, try again! It just happens to be the last RE that has some good enemy names.
Im just going to block Agent Hunt from now on while I have infinite ammo activated.
my god the hate mail,
Yeah right. Because El Gigante, Ganados, or Regenerator are such hard acts to follow.
Which makes it even more pathetic that RE5 and RE6 couldn't even get to that standard. At least those are memorable.
Which makes it even more pathetic that RE5 and RE6 couldn't even get to that standard. At least those are memorable.
Oh noes, some foreign word that's hard to pronounce and you start making up words like little boys. Also, El Gigante was such an inspiring name for a giant monster. I guess if you like being Mr.Obvious.....
You obviously have beenmissingignoring pages and pages of people talking about Raskpalanje and Lepotitsa. Also Napad and Bloodshot, and Shrieker. Oh wait, someone mentioned Lepotitsa up above.
Garrador and Novistador are better enemy names than anything in 5 or 6.
The only one of those names even remotely memorable is Bloodshot. Shrieker is even more unoriginal than El Gigante (which you seem to believe is one of the only enemies is RE4). I platinumed RE6 and I don't even know what the hell Raskpalanje is.
There's a fat zombie enemy named Whopper in RE6. That automatically wins.
And a bigger version called a Supreme Whopper, IIRC.
Personal opinion aside, I don't even remember those enemy types. I disagree too because Raskpalanje and Lepotitsa are good names. Even though in reality I despise Raskpalanje because they're impossible to kill. Actually, I love it in Agent Hunt when I violate people's mouth and spew acid all over them. A pain in the ass in campaign mode though.
Honestly I think capcom is naming these enemies by palm smashing a keyboard and adding vowels.
Honestly I think capcom is naming these enemies by palm smashing a keyboard and adding vowels.
I guess foreign words like that were too much for your little boy brain to cope with at the time.
Why would you hate an enemy for being a functional enemy?
Don't recall the bigger whopper. When does he show up?
Why would you hate an enemy for being a functional enemy?
Don't recall the bigger whopper. When does he show up?
Foreign languages, yuck. I speak American, Capcom.
The Raskaplanje are effing annoying because they place them in places where you have toThey're not even that hard to avoid. In my first playthrough I couldn't find thehunt for three keycards in a maze of doors and alleys.as Leon so I spent 15 minutes sprinting circles around them trying to figure out what I needed to do. They're just annoying because they add a one-shot-kill aspect to the entire situation, which is in and of itself extremely tedious.last key
For a game that's built on coop and communication it's a stupid design choice. Even if they use foreign words as bases for the enemy names, they can probably think of a couple less 3+ syllable names for all the 13 year olds screaming, "shoot the big zombie" Just another aspect of why this game is so mediocre.
You wish. Enemies in RE4 were just boring and forgettable to me. Except the really obvious one like El Gigante...because they look so stupid.
I liked that part. Their one hit kill aspect seems easy to avoid unless you get yourself in a bad situation. (They were more of a threat in Jake 5)
hahaha, I'm sure that comes up a lot.
(This whole conversation about names has gone on too long because it doesn't.)
Yeah, this guy was so easily forgettable, unlike the Lepotitsas who I'm sure everyone will remember 7 years from now.