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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left


yeah....i kept thinking Chris's campaign was gonna be more shooting, but ammo runs out pretty quick, and it feels like I have to resort to melee on most standard enemies.

Yeah, this is the game, highly melee focused now. It's pretty cool once you get used to it, you should go for headshots with a lot of the enemies, some skills increase weapon damage and ammo drops, so that helps too.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I went with a friend to get his copy at the midnight release (playing all night) and somehow managed to win a copy of the strategy guide myself by answering trivia questions about the game (probably helped that I already beat it, lol). I can answer any questions about what's in the guide, though some things I want to note first:

Lots of unreleased art, there's a lot of art in this book for all the characters, enemies, and bosses I haven't seen anywhere else yet.

First of all, Chris's final boss is
called Haos.

The boss of Leon's chapter 3
is called Brzak.

The boss in Chris's chapter 3 is called

The boss Jake fights in Chapter 4
the chainsaw enemy, is called Ubistvo.

Ada's boss spoiler
Carla's mutated form is nown as Carla Spore.

Easter Egg spoilers,
Ada can also play on the playground like Chris and Piers. Gets you a medal.

Unless Costumes count as characters, I notice there's titles to getting an S-Rank with any character in MErcs. You get a one star rating for 3 characters, a two star rating for seven characters, a three star rating for 14 characters, and a four star rating for all characters (there's a similar achievement for Mercenaries stages that seem to include DLC stages, implying all stages for pre-order will eventually be made available for everyone).

Firstly, in Agent Hunt (and I didn't know this) you can purchase upgrades for your monsters by killing agents. Some even get entirely new forms!

In Agent Hunt Mode, you can take control of:
-J'Avo (either regular type of Neo-Umbrella 'Armored' type)
-Glava Smech (a J'Avo mutation that looks like a prawn)
-Glava-Sluz (the J'Avo mutation with the pincher head)
-Ruka-Khvatanje (the regular arm mutation for J'Avos)
-Ruka-Srp (an advanced J'Avo arm mutation where you can stretch out your arm really far)
-Telo-Eskplozija (shield J'Avos)
-Ruka-Bedem (the exploding worm J'Avos, though with mutations you grow two heads and become a sniping type monster with a lot of defense)
-Mesets (the dinosaur-like enemies that come from cocoons and shoot needles)
-Strelats (the flying monsters seen in Jake's chapter 2)
-Napad (the bee swarm enemy)
-Gnezdo (the giant brute cocoon enemy)
-Zombie (various kinds)
-Bloodshot (Crimson Head-like zombies)
-Zombie Dog (self explanatory)
-Shrieker(the zombie that shrieks and runs)
-Rasklapanje (the regenerating enemy)

And these are all the areas in the campaign where Agent Hunt is available:
Leon Chapter 1 - Gun Shop
Leon Chapter 2 - Forest Cemetery
Leon Chapter 3 - Cavern
Leon Chapter 4 - Market
Chris Chapter 3 - Stilt Housing Area
Chris Chapter 4 - Aircraft Carrier- Rear Hanger
Chris Chapter 4 - Aircraft Carrier- Forward Hanger
Chris Chapter 5 - Underwater Facility
Jake Chapter 2 - Mountain PAth
Jake Chapter 3 - Research Facility Living Quarters
Jake Chapter 4 - Shopping District
Jake Chapter 5 - Underwater Facility

Also, story spoilers
there's a mention there's a hidden ending, but not sure if that's the after Ada Jake clip or something else.
I am at the point where I have no clue what people want from their games anymore. Do they need their games to fit into a easy to recognize category? Do the controls have to be exactly like every other game? I honestly dont know. Finished chapter 1 of Leon and I absolutely loved it. I saw stuff that looked like RE2/3 remade in ways we could only dream of.

But let me start from the beginning, it begins with a tutorial section that is horrible. You have limited control of your character and all you do is QTEs and a ton of crazy shit is happening. After that you begin the section that was the first demo, which if you played it you remember how mindnumbingly boring it was as you are forced to slowly walk down empty hallways. Once that demo ends you begin right at the second demo. So at this point I am bored out of my mind, I have played these demos enough already. As always though I enjoy the combat, I don't understand how being able to smash zombies into walls, slide kick them then smash their face into the walls and other awesome moves is bad gameplay, but whatever. I managed to counter one zombie which allowed leon to throw the zombie at a bunch of enemies. The combat is a blast, not as focused as RE4/5 but great in its own way.


So finally I am out of the demo and into the sewers which is where this starts getting really good. Spoilers ahead I am going to describe this so you get a sense of how the game is. You are in an underground railroad, pitch black except your flashlight. You see a figure in the distance start to shamble at you so you take it out. Soon zombies start crawling from vents and stuff, they come at you pretty quick, some leaping at you (which you can do an backward dodge and shoot them while in the air). Then TRAIN! A button prompt shows up and you have to quickly press it to avoid the train. So this happens one other time, not that hard to avoid. Later you see a bunch of shadows along a wall, the zombie horde coming right at you, great atmosphere. I walk further and I hear growling, here come the zombie dogs. They will try to leap at you, time your counter right and you will push them away. Later you are in an area where you can move in and out of tracks and avoid the train on your own, no button prompt, you can lure zombies into its path and such. At the end of this segment you rescue a woman on a stopped train and she of course proceeds to open a gate full of zombies. But all of a sudden these zombies hurl vomit at you, so now you have to dodge out of the way and keep some distance.

The next section takes you outside into the city and this is where its full on RE2. Cop cars destroyed, buildings on fire, zombies all over some eating survivors. You start to move and in real time an ambulance will slam into a building. People are screaming, some being eaten, you maneuver around the mayhem fighting zombies that get in your way. It is all cleverly shut off to create one path but the start of RE2 was basically the same way. Its just the way it is presented is so awesome and captures that city overrun by zombies perfectly. So now they are a bunch of them and some are SWAT zombies who have body armor on so gun fire does no damage. Later on some of those zombies have guns which they randomly spray bullets. There are firefighter zombies who have O2 tanks on their back which can explode.

So you go through buildings, jump on rooftops and eventually reach a gas station where you see some survivors so you have to eliminate the zombies. As you do this you hear a horrible scream and a new type of zombie shows up, one that lures other zombies to you, so its best to take them out. Then AMBULANCE, BAM IM DEAD. Out of nowhere an ambulance crashes through the level and killed me. So yes there are some random deaths but the checkpoints are everywhere so I started almost where I left out this time I new to stand away from the ambulance. I guess something like that can piss someone off (how dare they have to replay 30 seconds!) but I found it hilarious and it adds to the chaos of what is going on.

Now you and these survivors enter a gun store with an owner who is an ass and wont let you up on the roof until all zombies are dead. So this becomes a standoff with zombies coming through windows as you and the other survivors fight them off. One survivor decides to jump out the window and run and he meets up with a zombie that becomes a crimson head basically, its a red skinned zombie. So now these super zombies start to jump in and there are swat zombies around as well, great time for some explosives. The owner of the shop lets you into his room and he is going to lead you up to the roof when this giant fat zombie bursts through the door. So now you are in a small room with everyone trying to shoot down this blob of a zombie, takes some time but it goes down. Up to the roof you go where you reach another point where you have to hold off until a bus comes to get you. Crimson heads and a fat zombie are jumping over gates you got to use your weapons well of course.

The bus arrives you jump in with all survivors, the bus driver is about to take off but a fat zombie grabs the bumper and holds the bus in place. So now you have to shoot the fat zombie off but zombies are coming in through the windows. Two of the survivors get dragged out and eaten. Once you shoot the fat zombie enough you run over it and ride off which ends the chapter. This leads to a rank screen where everything you did is accounted for and awarded medals. I did pretty horrible I actually died a bunch (playing on veteran), there is so little health. Most of the time I was on my last bit of life hoping to find another herb. Overall that took a little over two hours. I also reached the first skills screen where I could use the points I got to unlock skills, I got better defense and stronger melee. There is a bunch of options with multiple levels to achieve so getting all skills will take some time. You can only have three active at a time but can switch between pairs of three quickly. There is a lot going on this game, loads of depth.

I will say this about the combat, the hold your ground segments were messy compared to RE4/5, mostly due to the camera being a mess. The areas were very tight and a camera that likes to spin a lot in a tight spot is not good. So if game cameras have bothered you in the past and can see you hating parts of this level I played. I thoroughly enjoyed it, it had so much happening, with a new type of enemy showing up like every 15 minutes. No two areas were the same, it always kept me on my toes which is more than I can say about many TPSs.

I also tried Mercs for a quick moment and it seems very fun.
The level I have only has the zombie enemies which dont make an intense situation, it was really easy to get a combo streak. Also the level layout pretty much sucked. But it gets more and more awesome as time goes on, by the time I ended I had dogs, crimsons, fat zombies, swat zombies, it was a whole mix of them.
In these mercs if you satisfy some condition you get a special boss enemy to show up, it says this I have not seen it. Mercs has its own skills to earn and use, again adding some depth to an already addicting mode.

I loved my first few hours with this game. It is a bit different but nothing about it was bad (ok the camera a bit). I really cant wait to see what is next.
A friend bought it early yesterday and with another friend, we played coop the first two chapters of Leon campaign.

Have to say I am disappointed and frankly frustrated with some design decisions.

No buying guns was a huge let down first off. I haven't been following this game at all so I only really know the stuff I found out playing the game. (We looked up the gun thing on the net when it was lacking in the game.

While that was disappointing, the frustrating part is how the game often does this MTV style game-play where it jumps around constantly, switching between loading, cut scene, game-play, cut scene, loading, etc. etc . It's really jarring at times. I think they do it to give it this tense feeling or something but it really mostly makes you frustrated.

Sometimes the game really works and is great even amazing at times, but you have to slog through a lot of crap between these moments.

My friend who bought is a huge huge fan of resident evil and I am going to have to play through this game with him at least once. :( He made me play through 5 more times then I can count in coop but that game was actually great fun in coop.

*Shudder* If he gets addicted to this game... To preserve my friendship with him, I will play it but he can't force me to do it sober. ;)


I went with a friend to get his copy at the midnight release (playing all night) and somehow managed to win a copy of the strategy guide myself by answering trivia questions about the game (probably helped that I already beat it, lol). I can answer any questions about what's in the guide, though some things I want to note first:

I mainly have questions about the achievements that i'd love to be answered.

Check Out My Dogs 15
Customize your dog tags.
*Am I right and this is basically a title emblem deal in game like in COD?

Titular Achievement 15
Earn 10 different titles.
*Same as with COD you unlock titles for doing certain thing, you mentioned some but can you perhaps list off a few more to so how much range there is?

Mad Skillz 90
Max out all the skills that allow you to level up.
*What skills are these?

Rising Up 30
Earn a level-four title.
*Is there a different Level 4 title than what you listed (Though there's only 3 maps so I guess all S wouldn't be that hard anyway especially since getting all S is easy)

They're ACTION Figures! 15
Collect 3 figures.
Are these only unlocked through RE.net?
Is there any guide so far that details how Jakes melee stance works? I've been toying around with all 3 characters in Mercs mode and I can't quite seem to grasp how to get the most out of this.

I really am liking the new combat moves though. The dive/slide is really fun to use and the wide array of melee moves are great. I was surprised at how powerful Chris' knife was compared to past RE games. I've not even touched the story side of things yet as I've been having so much fun in Mercs mode.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Probably wrong choice of words. Downsizing as in trying to fit everything onto the dvd. Animations and graphics in parts have taken a hit from RE5 imo.

I don't think disc space has much to do with animations and graphics. Texture files and shit are mere kilobytes in size. It's the audio, recorded videos and pre-rendered items that take up the bulk of a game's disc space.


Played the 1st chapter. Played it with my sister and the only thing I heard both of us agree on is how complete and utter shit the camera is. It's really annoying. Did Capcom say they were working on a patch or something? Cause goddamn
Decided to start with Jake's campaign. The game can be frustrating in parts, but I would say I'm enjoying it overall. Really, really liked the part at the beginning of chapter 4 with Sherry, thought that was a really cool moment.


Played the 1st chapter. Played it with my sister and the only thing I heard both of us agree on is how complete and utter shit the camera is. It's really annoying. Did Capcom say they were working on a patch or something? Cause goddamn

I've had no issue, but the camera changes dynamically. I wonder which chapter you chose to play first though?

You'll notice the camera will get better throughout the game or you'll plain just get used to it.

I wish my sister will play with me ;_; I GUESS I JUST HAVE PHO (who is fabulous tbh)

Regarding gameplay/story, does it matter which character you play with?

The correct order is in the OP. Chronologically, at least.

I mainly have questions about the achievements that i'd love to be answered.

Check Out My Dogs 15
Customize your dog tags.
*Am I right and this is basically a title emblem deal in game like in COD?

Titular Achievement 15
Earn 10 different titles.
*Same as with COD you unlock titles for doing certain thing, you mentioned some but can you perhaps list off a few more to so how much range there is?

Mad Skillz 90
Max out all the skills that allow you to level up.
*What skills are these?

Rising Up 30
Earn a level-four title.
*Is there a different Level 4 title than what you listed (Though there's only 3 maps so I guess all S wouldn't be that hard anyway especially since getting all S is easy)

They're ACTION Figures! 15
Collect 3 figures.
Are these only unlocked through RE.net?

Regarding figures, I'm not sure. I have seen people unlocking them before RE.Net went live so I don't know. They're not even mentioned in the guidebook either.

Basically you choose a "design" for your dog tag, then pick an emblem to go on it (they are the same as the achievement icons) and a title (which is awarded, for example, in four different starred tiers ).

So mine right now is a classic dog tag symbol, in red.

My icon is something I can't even make out.

My title is BUNS OF STEEL (which is three stars). This title was awarded for running a certain distance (with four ranks). Three stars implies I've only reached rank three.

It's a purely cosmetic thing. Not really sure how CoD works but I imagine it would be similar.

I'm thinking about it. Might just go Chris > Jake > Leon though.

Potentially the worst and most confusing way. =/ You'll also probably tired of the campaigns (especially Chris and Jake) quite quickly.


Gold Member
So... Ive read a lot about this game and seen countless video reviews but im undecided...

I loved RE4 and hated RE5 to a point where i didn't finish it.

Will I like this one?


So... Ive read a lot about this game and seen countless video reviews but im undecided...

I loved RE4 and hated RE5 to a point where i didn't finish it.

Will I like this one?

About 2 hours in the Leon campaign and I'm going to say no.


More or less:

Chris Chapter 2 + Jake Chapter 1
Jake Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 1
Leon Chapter 2
Chris Chapter 1 + Leon Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 3
Chris Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 4 + Leon Chapter 4 + Chris Chapter 4
Chris Chapter 5 + Leon Chapter 5 + Jake Chapter 5

Wait, I thought it went like this?

Chris Chapter 1
Chris Chapter 2
Jake Chapter 1
Jake Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 1
Leon Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 3
Chris Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 4
Leon Chapter 4
Chris Chapter 4
Jake Chapter 5
Chris Chapter 5
Leon Chapter 5

Cause I'm following my playthrough to this.


RE.Net was back up for like, five minutes.

Nabbed the nickname NEMESIS.

fcewidnicudsn So happy :p None of this UNDERSCORE / NUMBERS mess


Wait, I thought it went like this?

Chris Chapter 1
Chris Chapter 2
Jake Chapter 1
Jake Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 1
Leon Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 3
Chris Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 4
Leon Chapter 4
Chris Chapter 4
Jake Chapter 5
Chris Chapter 5
Leon Chapter 5

Cause I'm following my playthrough to this.

Well, you can't do Chris Chapter 2 without doing Chris Chapter 1 first if this is the first time you play the game. That's why it's listed that way in the OP. But chronologically, Chris Chapter 1 doesn't happen until way later. You'll see what I mean. Chris Chapter 2 happened on the 24th of December 2012. Chris Chapter 1 happens in 2013 around the same time as Leon's 3rd chapter.


Well, you can't do Chris Chapter 2 without doing Chris Chapter 1 that's why it's listed that way in the OP. But chronologically, Chris Chapter 1 doesn't happen until way later. You'll see what I mean. Chris Chapter 2 happened on the 24th of December 2012. Chris Chapter 1 happens in 2013 around the same time as Leon's 3rd chapter.

Chris I kind of leads into Chris II anyway.





Surprising the figurines arent mention in the book
(Kind of sad actually bet if piggyback had done the guide they would be)

Regardless it says only 3 figurines so im sure you get that just from regular play.


Gold Member
This right here is fucked up, in a way.

A person says that and your purchase decision was revoked? What if someone else said it was good, would you buy it?

Well id hardly say its fucked up...

I was on the fence already, there are lots of mixed opinions around. Why waste £50 on it to buy it day one on ps3 when i can wait and get it for over half the price on the pc? Afterall, based on what im reading and watching this is a game that ultimately may or may not like. If it was more likely that id really like it i would buy it day one on console like i did when re4 came out. I loved that game and didnt regret it one bit.

In addition this is a month where ive just bought fifa, dishonoured is out in a few weeks and ive still got a huge backlog containing games like black mesa.

In short this needs to be perfectly suited to my tastes and shit hot for me to splash that amount of money on it when i could get 2 games for the same price in what is looking like a very interesting month...


I'm at the end of Ada IV.

I am thankful they finally put some
unique enemies into this, even if it is one pretty stupid looking boss battle

The mechanic to defeating it was cool but
wasted all my ammo

Guess that the use of the word COOL is a double entendre haha

wut is this

Go into options and choose Auto Data Upload.
Could someone explain the save system to me for this game. I'm on Leon chapter 1 and after 30 mins I got to a checkpoint I had to stop. But when I came back to it the game put me at a checkpoint 15 mins back. So i figured the game doesn't save at checkpoints. Then I
Could someone please explain the save system for this game to me. I'm on Leon chapter 1 and after 30 mins I got to a checkpoint and had to stop. But when I came back to it the game put me at a checkpoint 15 mins back. So i figured the game doesn't save at checkpoints. Then I went back through the bit I already played and got to a new objective. The words 'saving' appeared on the screen. I had to stop playing, and then when I went back the game STILL puts me about 30 mins back to the same checkpoint I was at before. I don't understand.

Sorry for double post
How does the Split Screen Co-op work between console versions? I assume you can sign-in to XBL with both GTs and earn achievements for both players as you play, but can you do the same for the PS3 version? Also, does it make a save file for both players when you save, or just for P1?


Could someone explain the save system to me for this game. I'm on Leon chapter 1 and after 30 mins I got to a checkpoint I had to stop. But when I came back to it the game put me at a checkpoint 15 mins back. So i figured the game doesn't save at checkpoints. Then I

I found this out the hard way. The game doesn't save at checkpoints.
It only saves when it specifically shows the word saving in the upper left corner.
You can resart from Checkpoints while playing; but there is now way to return to that specific checkpoint once you turn your system off... at least to my knowledge.
With the addition of not being able to traditionally pause the game, the pausing system is a bit annoying too.


I found this out the hard way. The game doesn't save at checkpoints.
It only saves when it specifically shows the word saving in the upper left corner.
You can resart from Checkpoints while playing; but there is now way to return to that specific checkpoint once you turn your system off... at least to my knowledge.
With the addition of not being able to traditionally pause the game, the pausing system is a bit annoying too.

You just need to make sure you set the game to offline, and not Xbox Live / PSN to do that.


Regarding figures, I'm not sure. I have seen people unlocking them before RE.Net went live so I don't know. They're not even mentioned in the guidebook either.
You unlock figures by getting emblems. Looking at the collections screen, the bottom horizontal row, and the vertical row to the right are all for figures. And you unlock one when you get a row full of emblems.


You unlock figures by getting emblems. Looking at the collections screen, the bottom horizontal row, and the vertical row to the right are all for figures. And you unlock one when you get a row full of emblems.

Ahh, weird. So odd they aren't in the guidebook =/


Does anybody think they'll patch in a fix/option to change the camera FOV? Do Capcom even do shit like that, or is the game "finished" now?
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