Fantastic VR experience.
Lmao. They won't even sell 400k in its first month in NA.
The demos have fucking sucked too. It's barely even a game. This thing is going to flop hard
Fantastic. Hopefully means the resurgence of survival horror.
Is quite amusing now. Gems like
Sometimes a bit of optimism and faith isn't a bad thing.
I think a lot of people are missing a big point.
Survival Horror fans got neglected for all those years and finally got something with 7. That's good.
However I don't think anyone unless you're an ass. Should be "well I suffered without my favorite style RE game so now it's your turn".
I think that's where the biggest arguments lie. Since people try to play this card that their preferred style is the only true answer for the series. I stand firm that the styles can co-exist. Especially with RE7 having a cheaper budget. It should hopefully mean they can spread the wealth around for RE. So action games if they do happen aren't on a happy meal budget like Rev 2.
Technically at this point . Action fans haven't had anything since RE6. Which is coming up at 5 years. Umbrella Corps was whatever the he'll, and Rev 2 has less action than even RE4. So it doesn't fit the bill.
How much RE6 sold before the re-releases???
I hope RE7 sells more than it before the RE7 PS5 port.
FYI, Resident Evil started as a survival horror game... so using your own logic, if Capcom wanted a dumb action game with no survival horror elements, they should have just made a new IP or something...It's not a popular opinion around these parts since some people actually do seem to dig the horror aspect. It's certainly good for them, but I have to look out for my own interests too.
Sorry guys, but if Capcom wants to make a first person horror game with jump scares and not use any established RE characters and mythos for most of the setting, they should just do a new IP or something...
FYI, Resident Evil started as a survival horror game... so using your own logic, if Capcom wanted a dumb action game with no survival horror elements, they they should have just did a new IP or something...
I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.
I was used to the exploration, survival horror gameplay of the original RE trilogy. After that, i thought they dumbed it down significantly. The sales figures aren't surprising, the original RE games weren't very digestible for the mainstream crowd. I mean isn't "dumbing down" something that many developers do in order to give their older franchises a mainstream appeal?No need to get hostile. "Dumb action game" is a typical elitist comment. The sales figures of RE4-5-6 clearly show that a lot of people like the action element of RE and the games definitely had elements of BOTH survival and horror.
By archaic/modern you mean controls right? I assume you don't mean that survival horror games with more exploration and caution than action are archaic by design.The difference in RE 1-2-3 and RE 4-5-6 is that the first three parts had archaic gameplay and 4-5-6 had modern gameplay and added melee attacks. But in all 6 you have to fight for survival against monsters. Plus all six have share the same story/universe/characters and most importantly, the perspective.
I didn't change anything, i just added my own opinion of the game below.EDIT: Ah you edited your post. Good job.
I want RE8 in the style of RE7 but with lite glory kills ala Doom2016.
Contextual roundhouse kicks, maneuvers that ad to the gameplay. I thought we might have got it with RE7 the way you kick open the door in the demo leaving the basement.
I got a feeling RE7 is a one-time thing, RE8 will return to what people are familiar with.
What other games can I do this in? Aside from RE5 & 6
It definitely is, but i'm with you.
My favorite part of this game was nothing being a one man army and forcing you to avoid conflict if you didn't have anything to defend yourself.
You can be a one man army in RE7 too if you finished the game and know what you are doing. But in the first play-though you are always way more cautious. It happens with all games obviously but in pure action games there is less tension and you never feel the need of reserving resources and ammo.I was a one man army in RE2 and 3 though
Now ask yourself, without the name Resident Evil, would this game be doing the same numbers? I highly doubt it.
Survival horror has been pretty healthy since 2010~ though, the fact that Capcom ignored it and continued raping one of the genre's biggest franchises with some TPS abominations doesn't mean we didn't have some of the greatest survival horror games ever.
I want RE8 in the style of RE7 but with lite glory kills ala Doom2016.
Contextual roundhouse kicks, maneuvers that ad to the gameplay. I thought we might have got it with RE7 the way you kick open the door in the demo leaving the basement.
I got a feeling RE7 is a one-time thing, RE8 will return to what people are familiar with.
Now ask yourself if trash like RE6 with a worse story than Vanquish and worse gameplay than Binary Domain would have sold anywhere near what it did without the Resident Evil name. I highly doubt it.
Now ask yourself if trash like RE6 with a worse story than Vanquish and worse gameplay than Binary Domain would have sold anywhere near what it did without the Resident Evil name. I highly doubt it.
Is quite amusing now. Gems like
Sometimes a bit of optimism and faith isn't a bad thing.
Now ask yourself if trash like RE6 with a worse story than Vanquish and worse gameplay than Binary Domain would have sold anywhere near what it did without the Resident Evil name. I highly doubt it.
Is quite amusing now. Gems like
Sometimes a bit of optimism and faith isn't a bad thing.
Now ask yourself if trash like RE6 with a worse story than Vanquish and worse gameplay than Binary Domain would have sold anywhere near what it did without the Resident Evil name. I highly doubt it.
Is quite amusing now. Gems like
Sometimes a bit of optimism and faith isn't a bad thing.
OKAY, so firstly the misinformation here is Capcom is not targeting 4 million on Day 1, the goal is to reach 4 million sales before the fiscal year is over (so a little over two months, RE7 releases on January 24th, and the fiscal year ends on March 31st, so basically two months and a week).
So here are some things working FOR and AGAINST RE7 sales-wise:
01.) Resident Evil Brand Name
RE7 is guaranteed to basically sell at least a million copies on brand name alone, the series has proven this time and time again the RE brand is still surprisingly strong even despite misfires here and there in the public eye. It's why the RE films keep doing so well despite not being good films, or why RE6 sold so much despite not rave reviews, and even spin-offs with little to no marketing manage to sell over 1 million copies. Especially as many fans who may have given up on the series are willing to give RE7 a shot. Speaking of this..
02.) Timing the release of RE7 with the final RE Film (Resident Evil: The Final Chapter)
The final live-action RE film releases in the same week as RE7. The films are always box office successes and critical failures, but if Capcom doesn't put a RE7 trailer before the live-action film, they done fucked up. It's a great way to raise brand awareness with more casual consumers and even make them aware of RE7 in turn.
03.) That PSVR support
People with PSVR's want a killer app game to go with it. PSVR has pushed a few million units, hell even in Japan of all things it's sold over 500,000 units (in Japan alone). Resident Evil 7 is the first major game releasing for PSVR, when many people want that full PSVR experience. RE7's timing is perfect for the PSVR, and I don't doubt RE7 may sell more because of its PSVR support as the first full-fledged game released for the thing.
04.) Critical Reception
We won't know how the game does until we do, but I have a bit of confidence in it. I think it'll probably get 80-86 Metacritic, but the recent impressions from people who played 3-5 hours of RE7 was glowing from everyone from IGN to Eurogamer to PC Gamer to Games Radar. There were even a couple people who said their 3-5 hours with RE7 wasn't just very good, but their absolute favorite gaming experience they've had all year. And every preview mentioned this was the first RE game to stop chasing RE4's tale and be something special on its own, pulling from a lot but never feeling derivative and it's own thing, and most mentioned their time with RE7 surprised them with how good it was. Maybe the rest of the game falls and I think by nature the game will have some people who are more glowing towards it and those who are more critical, but 3-5 hours is a pretty decent chunk to form an opinion off of, and it's looking like the game won't be a critical failure at least at this point.
05.) Horror Fans
This will probably help less than I'd like honestly, but RE7 is the first really big studio horror game with marketing behind it. Alien: Isolation and Until Dawn went on to sell 2 million units each, but both also weren't marketed that well and sold basically on good word of mouth and horror fans. But the non-indie studio big-budget horror games from the last 7 years can be counted on one hand. It's hard to predict sales as this is the most a horror game has been marketed in years, but I guess we'll see how thirsty horror fans are for something like RE7.
06.) YouTubers
While I don't think RE7 is made specifically as a "YouTuber bait" game like some call it (like some assume all first-person horror games are), RE7 is pretty much guaranteed to be played by all major YouTubers (the demo already was as well), plus with the demo videos and then the full game that means RE7 is getting some serious exposure among these people. While's it's unclear how much LP's transition into sales, there are some games that manage to sell a lot based on LP's almost entirely, and some games that saw big sales boosts after YouTubers started covering it, so we shall see how it effects RE7 since it's already pretty much guaranteed and already thanks to the demo been getting a lot of YouTuber coverage.
01.) It's not co-op
While many have asked for the series to drop co-op play and focus on single player, and RE7 does that, it does mean there won't be the push for people telling their friends to pick it up to play with their friends and some people won't be interested due to the lack of co-op which they picked the RE games up for. I'm pretty certain part of the reason RE6 went on to sell 4.8 million copies in its first couple months is because of co-op, even despite a disappointing critical reception.
02.) It's not action, but horror
This is hard to gauge, since as I said above RE7 is really the first horror game in years to get a serious marketing campaign. But action is easier to sell than horror (I say disappointingly as a horror enthusiast), so this could work against RE7. People who want action are more critical than they'd be otherwise on RE7 for its horror focus already, and I doubt casual audiences will feel differently (even though RE7 has action, it's not the focus).
03.) The reception of RE6
Part of why RE5 sold so well was because of the positive reception of RE4, with RE7 being the major entry following RE6 there's a high chance it'll effect RE7's sales even if it is a radically different direction, many who will be more cautious of it or take the 'wait and see' approach.
04.) 4 Million is a big number
I don't doubt RE7 will sell 2 million units in its first couple months with everything in mind, and I think it'll eventually go on to sell 4 million, especially if it turns out to be a critical darling and if word of mouth is positive, but that's over time and not in the first two and a half months. But the goal being 4 million is hard to say. Like... Evil Within, Alien Isolation, and Until Dawn all sold over 1 million units in its first month and all went on to sell 2 million units, those are the easiest thing to compare it to. But then none of those had Resident Evil's brand name power or the marketing push RE7 has either (or VR support for thirsty PSVR users), so it's a bit hard to say... But 4 million is a big number.
It's hard to say, but there's definitely for and against RE7's success here.
As a horror enthusiast, I also am noticing an over-abundance of people playing down the horror genre, forgetting the horror genre died out not because of sales but publisher direction to chase hollywood and trends, and horror isn't -just- some niche thing, there's a reason there's so many horror movies that do well and Horror Games have caught on a lot with a casual audience on YouTube or how the RE franchise even got big in the first place, there's a lot of factors here but I think some people are severely underestimating some factors at play here.
Horror games have been indie dependent for so long simply because bigger publishers left the space after the PS2 era to chase the newest trends, which weren't horror games at the time but action games after, ironically, RE4 shook things up. Resident Evil 4 wasn't the first action game, nor was RE1 the first horror game, but they managed to capture an audience and leave a mark for other developers to follow.
We will see if Capcom can pull it off a third time or not.
Is quite amusing now. Gems like
Sometimes a bit of optimism and faith isn't a bad thing.
Cool.About 5.5 million iirc, while RE5 was about 6.5.
One thing I'll have to agree with duckroll and Jawmuncher on is this:
There really isn't anything like the combat of RE6, despite everyone lieing and saying "Hey there's so many games like it, go play those instead you franchise ruiner."
Hey it's not their fault Capcom probably made the most satisfying combat system in a tps. It's the Devil May Cry of third person shooters.
While I absolutely want RE to stay horror in the long run. The core of RE6 has huge potential and I don't want it to go away either, personally.
Survival horror has been pretty healthy since 2010~ though, the fact that Capcom ignored it and continued raping one of the genre's biggest franchises with some TPS abominations doesn't mean we didn't have some of the greatest survival horror games ever.
One thing I'll have to agree with duckroll and Jawmuncher on is this:
There really isn't anything like the combat of RE6, despite everyone lieing and saying "Hey there's so many games like it, go play those instead you franchise ruiner."
Hey it's not their fault Capcom probably made the most satisfying combat system in a tps. It's the Devil May Cry of third person shooters.
While I absolutely want RE to stay horror in the long run. The core of RE6 has huge potential and I don't want it to go away either, personally.
I cross my fingers every day for another standalone Mercs game with RE6 mechanics. All platforms. Selectable music from a mix of old, new, and original tracks. Interchangeable loadouts like Mercs 3D. Online co-op. A huge cast of characters. Lots of stages.Exactly. This is where I stand. RE can go back to horror and all that. I just don't want this gameplay to die more than anything.