Vital Tundra
Fantastic considering the much lower budget.
I disagree, but I guess it depends on your definition. Way I see it, there's three different variations of horror:
Action-horror: RE4, Dead Space, etc.
"Pure" horror: Amnesia, Outlast, etc.
Survival horror: Resident Evil, System Shock 2
So while we've gotten plenty of horror games, most of them fall into the first two categories and go either full action or zero action. There are very few that are actually similar to the old RE games in that they de-emphasize action while still allowing the player to defend themselves. There's RE7, Alien: Isolation, FNaF, ZombiU, and . . . ?
I cross my fingers every day for another standalone Mercs game with RE6 mechanics. All platforms. Selectable music from a mix of old, new, and original tracks. Interchangeable loadouts like Mercs 3D. Online co-op. A huge cast of characters. Lots of stages.
I want to believe.
(Mercs 3D was amazing)
Fuck, are all of us just thinking the same exact thing lol
Like, it needs to happen now.
It's good for the people that want more of RE6's amazing combat, and at the same time it doesn't have to be super expensive since it's not a full 20 something hour campaign.
It's perfect.
With action fans the majority seems to say
Give us a full-on mercs/raid game that carries across the whole series.
Bring back DC with RE6 style gameplay.
These seem to be the most common remarks I see when it comes to action RE. So I dunno why capcom ain't on the same page. Just think of all that money they wasted on Umbrella Corps that they could have put towards a RE mercs game that could STILL be getting DLC updates right now.
I hope it falls short of Capcom's expectations and misses their targets. Not enough to make Capcom consider canning the series, but enough to make them stop with this horror stuff and just make RE action games again. I want to punch boulders and shoot shoot bang bang. Don't wanna be scared. Just want a good Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire shooter again like RE5. Big budget, big monsters, lots of big guns.
Keep your dirty paws away from RE!!!
I hope we never see action Resi ever again.
I have a question, is RE6 still a really good co-op game in terms of it's campaign?
Is it better than RE5 with co-op?
Cuz I still kinda wanna do that with someone someday.
RE5's co-op kinda felt somewhat like an afterthought, where as it seems like RE6 would design around it, ya know what I mean?
I have a question, is RE6 still a really good co-op game in terms of it's campaign?
Is it better than RE5 with co-op?
Cuz I still kinda wanna do that with someone someday.
RE5's co-op kinda felt somewhat like an afterthought, where as it seems like RE6 would design around it, ya know what I mean?
If you thought RE5 co-op was an afterthought. I don't think RE6 coop is gonna win you over either. I mean it's still a better experience in coop than solo. But it's not going to fix a lot of issues that are still there. The best aspect of online coop is that each users see's their own ammo drops and such. So they don't have to share like in RE5. So you can end up with a lot more fire power because of that. Rather than the CPU using nothing but their pistol the entire game.
There is no coop better than RE5. You know it is the truth.
Congrats to Capcom.
I'm more partial to action RE but I loved my time with RE7. Damn good game.
It's really a shame that I basically beat the game and that was it. In RE4-6, I had lots of content to keep me busy afterward, and modes (Mercenaries) to keep me entertained for hours upon hours before deciding to tackle the campaign again.
For RE7 I have to wait for Season Pass bullshit and decide if the content is worth buying, and who knows how much replayability there is. It's depressing coming from previously content-packed entries. Even the Revelations games kept me plenty busy after the campaign.
I hope Capcom looks at DOOM if they decide to go the FPS route for RE8, at least in terms of gameplay.
I want RE8 in the style of RE7 but with lite glory kills ala Doom2016.
Contextual roundhouse kicks, maneuvers that ad to the gameplay. I thought we might have got it with RE7 the way you kick open the door in the demo leaving the basement.
I got a feeling RE7 is a one-time thing, RE8 will return to what people are familiar with.
Say what you want about the story but the gameplay was TIGHT in RE6. The gameplay in Binary Domain isn't even bad... It seems you just like simplistic controls.
And please tell me how you WOULDN'T name part 6 Resident Evil with all the high profile characters of the franchise in it? You would have to change all characters and the story not only the name of the game.
I hope you're right. RE7 is ok for what it is, but I don't really want more RE games in that style.I got a feeling RE7 is a one-time thing, RE8 will return to what people are familiar with.
I hope they realize what made it a sucesss and can continue on the right path. Please no more boulder punching.
Fuck no. Doom is an all out arcade action game.
*Writes Duckroll under Jawmuncher in "people you can never be friends with" list*
I'm sure Jawmuncher is a human being with family and friends, who has a job, and is probably a great person all around.
I've literally boiled you down to the person who will kill a man for a new Dino Crisis/Action RE.
I support your future battles.
I'm sure Jawmuncher is a human being with family and friends, who has a job, and is probably a great person all around.
I've literally boiled you down to the person who will kill a man for a new Dino Crisis/Action RE.
I support your future battles.
We were the real Resident Evil all along
Revelations - action
Mainline RE - survival horror
REmakes - classic
Bullet sponge 7
I really hope they keep the current RE7 themes, gameplay and style for at least another "trilogy" of RE8 and RE9 and hopefully RE8 will be what RE2 was for RE but for RE7.
So you don't want me to be happy?
So you don't want me to be happy?
So you don't want me to be happy?
I want a new Dino Crisis.
What if Action RE disappears, but Dino Crisis is given a full revival?
You can always go back and play those excellent campaigns in RE6
For real an avatar bet if Capcom don't continue on the RE7 path with RE8 I would change my avatar to RE6 Leon.
What if Action RE disappears, but Dino Crisis is given a full revival?
Revelations - action
Mainline RE - survival horror
REmakes - classic
But Dino Crisis reboot will also have a similar tone to RE7!
Lol that gif. Thank god re7 is meeting expectations.GET OUT
But Dino Crisis reboot will also have a similar tone to RE7!
Yeah, a survival horror game inspired by Alien Isolation and the jurrassic park movies in first person would be awesome
Sorry for giving you a heart attack Jaw
Man this looks so ridiculous lol. Good riddance action RE! I hope re7 sell 10 million so I never have to see this in a RE game again.
Lol that gif. Thank god re7 is meeting expectations.
DC should be like re6 if anything. I mean dc2 was probably first crack at actionfy resident evil formula. DC2 is actually very similar to action RE games.
About 5.5 million iirc, while RE5 was about 6.5.
Beleive me I have been a fan of DC since 99. 1&2 to me one of the greatest game ever made. I have been hoping for part 3 for 16 years now.I don't disagree. Hell half of GAF says the same thing.
If only capcom would listen.
Or how about like alien isolation. Hiding from raptors and T-Rex.Nice. Just keep Jawmuncher unhappy and chances are I will be happy with the direction they'll take the series going forward. Also bring back Dino Crisis and make it into a RTS Puzzle MMO game.
Beleive me I have been a fan of DC since 99. 1&2 to me one of the greatest game ever made. I have been hoping for part 3 for 16 years now.part 3 don't exist in my mind. At least not a real part 3. W/e we had was not a DC game.
Nice. Just keep Jawmuncher unhappy and chances are I will be happy with the direction they'll take the series going forward. Also bring back Dino Crisis and make it into a RTS Puzzle MMO game.
DC should be like re6 if anything. I mean dc2 was probably first crack at actionfy resident evil formula. DC2 is actually very similar to action RE games.