Co-op?This will be RE2make
Co-op?This will be RE2make
Leon's campaign was overall my fave as well and yeah I agree, subsequent playthroughs of RE6 are more enjoyable than the first. The same was true for DMC4.
The nice thing about RE6 is that at the end of the day you do have four different campaigns at your disposal so replaying the game every now and then feels a lot less routine.
And the chapter select easily lets you skips sections of levels you don't like.
I'd be very, very surprised if REmake 2 doesn't look and play like a classic RE.
Doesn't hurt she's like the most physically attractive videogame character ever.
This will be RE2make
I personally think they're gonna try and combine modern and classic. Essentially making two different games in a sense.
Leon's is still definitely my favorite and I actually seem to like Helena more than most.
Post-release patches really helped the game, especially the added camera modifier.
Kinda like how there is modern and classic control in REmake. It'll be classic camera & controls or modern camera, and controls
I loved some of the banter in that DLC.
Chris: "What is it with this guy and cranks?"
Jill: "He's a man of refined tasted"
Chris: "He's obsessed, that's what he is"
So... Revelations?
Yeah Helena's a nice character, and good at handling Leon's one liners.
The ladies were generally pretty well made in RE6.
Game balance becomes an issue, much like how people recommend playing REmake with classic controls because the modern ones ruin the difficulty. Add in a switch to a 3D camera and they would have a big problem on their hands.
Focusing on one makes a lot more sense either way since it lets them make multiple RE games and all in different styles. First person for mainline, classic for REmake, RE4 style for Revelations etc.
That's why I'm saying I expect there to essentially be two games. The balancing would be different between the two. So maybe a licker takes 3 shotgun rounds in classic and moves around like they did in 2. While in modern, they maybe take more hits, but you also have more ammo, and can freely aim.
Im sticking with this because we don't know what the budget is yet. But I see this being the case if they're going for $60. I don't think capcom even with RE0 and REmake success is willing to make a $60 classic style game still.
But perhaps it's skewed more towards budget and will be only $40 or something. But I feel like they'll be treating this like FF7 REmake. Since it will essentially be replacing the original re2.
There's also the whol capcom has yet to be able to appeal to all their fan bases yet outside rereleases. We've yet see an action game, classic game, and horror game released after each other of quality.
If REmake 2 is of REmake 1 quality then I don't see why they wouldn't be able to sell it at full price.
Quality is one thing, convincing more casual fans that they should play in that style is another. Not even FF7 kept the turn based combat style, and that was a showe-in. To me capcom is still scared of fully jumping head on into classic style only for a brand new game.
REmake and 0 both sold a million each, which is good across combined platforms. But capcom probably has higher goals than that for a new remake. Like I don't personally care how they do it. But some people need to be wary and not just assume it'll be REmake but with 2. It might end up being a bit more different than people expect.
Might be but this isn't a brand new game we are talking about, it's a remake of Resident Evil 2. If Revelations 2 can sell a couple of million copies then I have no reason to doubt that a remake of this caliber can sell well (and will continue to sell for years to come).
You may be right who knows but it makes more sense for them to focus on the classic formula imo, especially for this particular remake.
Sherry > Helena
This will be RE2make
It's definitely not high-res to print enough as a poster. I actually can't remember when I downloaded the file from, but I printed it on a normal size piece of paper, which if you look close, has the resolution printed on the top! "790 x 1080".
It looks fine printed at that size, but it would be pretty blurry if printed any bigger.
I just replayed Leon's campaign in RE6 for the first time since 2012, this time on the PS4 remaster. I also played as Helena.
I have to say... It was really enjoyable. Really enjoyable. I mean, we already know the combat and mobility mechanics are top-notch once you learn them, but this I also enjoyed the journey, the pacing, the variety, all of the different fights, mild puzzle-solving and goofy set-pieces. There was a lot more downtime than I remember — chances to relax and reload, to explore off the beaten path, nicely contrasting the thrill-a-minute enemy encounters. Whole campaign is drenched in atmosphere too, with the slate-like shadows and flickering lights.
The only things that still felt like bullshit in Leon's campaign were the out-of-control vehicles that can kill you in Ch. 1. I got insta-killed by the subway train and by the ambulance crashing into the gas station, in both cases because I was grabbed by a zombie and had little to no warning. But it's no big deal. Sorta funny, really.RE6 really benefits from a second playthrough. When you repeat the game you already know all the bullshit the game can throw at you, you are prepared for insta-kill QTEs, various clunky sections, sudden camera changes etc, so you can focus on the good things. And even with all its flaws, there are a lot of good things in RE6 campaign.
And I agree that some of the chapters are really well paced. I once analyzed Sherry's chapter 1: throughout the whole chapter you're in a constant rollercoaster of fast-paced action and downtime. After each boss fight, arena fight or a set piece you have a couple of empty corridors or an area to explore where Jake and Sherry can talk for a while, and you as a player can refill your ammo and herbs.
Incase anyone was still holding hope for some reason. No mercs in RE7.
Leon/Helena has the least amount of bullshit of all the campaigns. The enemies aren't bullet sponges, there are no shooting galleries, there are far fewer QTEs
I hated that clone Ada face wall with a passion.
I don't know how you can say this, The bosses are easily the most bullet spongy of them all, the Simmonsaurus especially. Every section almost is filled with QTEs also, more than any other campaign.
One of the best boss fights in the game, if not the best.
I don't really remember how it plays, but Spore Carla was conceptually and aesthetically awesome. Some real Akira-style Tetsuo transformation shit. Love it. <3I hated that clone Ada face wall with a passion.
Think I'll buy the light gun games. Seems like dumb fun.
Think I'll buy the light gun games. Seems like dumb fun.
Sherry > Helena
The Chronicles games? They're pretty good, but hard as nails.
Even on easy they're hard if you're playing alone.
I loved some of the banter in that DLC.
Chris: "What is it with this guy and cranks?"
Jill: "He's a man of refined tasted"
Chris: "He's obsessed, that's what he is"
I'm not sure if anyone posted this, but apparently PSVR is exclusive for 12 months for RE7. So the game may get PC VR support a year after launch, maybe.
Beat UC and playing Darkside right now.
Biggest Conaplints
In UC you don't get points fast enough to upgrade weapons unless you play really good every time. They should have went with a more arcade feel with damage values to make a tighter experience. Also some of the story is just wut? The techno mr.X and stereotypical Russian bad guy sticking out.
In DC the biggest issues are once again the damage from weapons, due to needing to upgrade (pro tip stay focused on the pistol). The shaky as hell camera, and the bosses. Along with trying too hard to be cinematic.
The combination of the shaky cam and boss fights being what sticks out the most to me. Too many times you can't hurt a boss because the next part of the scene needs to be set up (but they can hurt you). Then the game asks you to hit specific spots to damage said boss, but has the camera shaking all over the place.
I'm currently in the CVX storyline and what I have played it goes like this.regular levels with no bosses are fine if a bit shaky. Levels with bosses become a pain in the ass unless you got hooked up with herbs and first aid spray and can just suck up damage.
The end of RE2 specifically stuck out as being terrible. Fighting the earlier forms of birkin, you have to be specific where you hit him. You also get a checkpoint between forms that doesn't replenish your health, and doesn't offer another healing item. Then mister X final form has you needing to specifically hit him and shoot a rocket at him. A rocket he can dodge which once again is shaking all over the place. The worst was pushing mr.x into the lava. He charges at you, can only be hurt by headshots, and the camera shakes like you're in a earthquake.
So I guess really DS suffers from shaky cam and specific hit points. Two things that should never be together.
But with that said I still prefer DS Chronicles to UC. The presentation is much better, as is the new story stuff. So UC plays better, while DC offers the more interesting content
Getting rid of the most popular side game in RE. Sounds smart.
Better be a standalone Mercs incoming.
I don't know how you can say this, The bosses are easily the most bullet spongy of them all, the Simmonsaurus especially. Every section almost is filled with QTEs also, more than any other campaign.
Incase anyone was still holding hope for some reason. No mercs in RE7.
^^^ You can actually set the QTEs to automatically complete themselves now in RE6.
Also, the Simmosaurus and other bosses have been rebalanced to be less spongy. They're really fun now!![]()
Simmons was the epitome of "This isn't even my final form." Every time I thought the fight would end he would transform into some other shit
Saddler does that a bunch in RE4.Yeah even for me who likes transformation, it was a bit much.
Mainly due to the fact that he could transfer into huge creatures, then back to his human form. It just didn't seem right. Even as a more advanced virus. I think it should be you can get bigger, but you can't revert back.
Saddler does that a bunch in RE4.
RE6 really benefits from a second playthrough. When you repeat the game you already know all the bullshit the game can throw at you, you are prepared for insta-kill QTEs, various clunky sections, sudden camera changes etc, so you can focus on the good things. And even with all its flaws, there are a lot of good things in RE6 campaign.
I never played the game pre-patch, so I'm not sure if they nerfed the Deborah boss fight as well but if they did that was probably for the worse, each round is way too short until the next set-piece starts. Really disorienting your first time around. It doesn't help that some parts of the fight are again time based and the amount of damage you do to her doesn't really matter. It's a shame, beause there's actually a fun boss fight hidden beind the ADD pacing of it.