So yeah, I can't decide. Time to be polywaifuistic.
Sherry being the REverse Wolverine makes this a no-contest. Helena is just another one-game-wonder brunette. Stick her in the back with Carlos, Steve, Sheva, and that cop from Degeneration no one cares about anymore.
Also, Sherry's Wolverineness oscillates wildly. At one point she heals from a fucking chunk of helicopter lodged in her spine after plummeting from thousands of feet with a sliced parachute but at another point a failed QTE has her die from a 20 foot fall. I saw that and I'm like "What the fuck?"
Of course this is the same game that has the deadly C-virus gas that doesn't work against the totally air tight frame of a car, so I suppose I shouldn't expect consistency.
This deeply conflicts me, because I already chose Helena as my waifu. I feel like I'm cheating on her. But she's a bit of a wet blanket. "Blah blah blah, the president is dead; blah blah, my sister is dead; blah blah, 60,000 people are dead. SIMMONS!"
Setting the "Waifu" talk aside...
Maybe the distinction is, the fall kills her instantly, so she doesn't have a chance to auto-heal, but she was still alive when she had the plane piece lodged in her, so she was able to heal afterward.CrimsonCrescendo said:Also, Sherry's Wolverineness oscillates wildly. At one point she heals from a fucking chunk of helicopter lodged in her spine after plummeting from thousands of feet with a sliced parachute but at another point a failed QTE has her die from a 20 foot fall. I saw that and I'm like "What the fuck?" Of course this is the same game that has the deadly C-virus gas that doesn't work against the totally air tight frame of a car, so I suppose I shouldn't expect consistency.
So I've been reading all of your threads, but I must have missed the talk about what we know of the characters in RE7. Care to give me a breakdown of all the characters so far? :-3Also I find it amusing with the waifu talk that RE7 will be the first time we've had a main RE character who has a wife and we actually know who the wife is and their relationship plays a role into the game itself (Barry has a wife but we know next to nothing about her, and basically no other main character in the series is married).
I couldn't be more happy with how they made Sherry return in the series, I thought it was a good continuation of her RE2 self and she was very likable in RE6. I also liked Jake a lot.
Jake and Sherry is so cheesy on paper, it sounds like the dumbest most fan-fictiony shit the series has ever pulled (the moody son of Wesker we've never heard of until now who has super human powers that teams up with Sherry Birkin from RE2 grown up who also has super human powers come together to relate because of their twisted fathers who used to be previous main villains in the series, and they fall in love and become goodguys). But somehow they managed to make both characters very likable, to the point most are willing to overlook the dumb set-up and just enjoy it for what it is. A prime example it's in the execution often when it comes to these things, I do think their VAs helped a lot to sell them.
HNNNG, I want a Revelations 3 so badly. Maybe they could include both Raid AND Mercs, now that RE7 no longer has Mercs.I finished Revelations this weekend and I started Revelations 2 yesterday. I am really enjoying both of these games! They really have more of the old school trilogy feel to me rather than 4,5, and 6. They feel like more a a true successor to the franchises roots. Complete with all of the cheese! Too bad they did not receive AAA marketing and budget. But then again they may have end up like 4,5, and 6 if they had AAA pressure applied to them.
So my run through Jake's campaign really became a waifu photo safari, thanks to the DS4 Share Button. I now have like 70+ screenshots of Sherry.
This deeply conflicts me, because I already chose Helena as my waifu. I feel like I'm cheating on her. But she's a bit of a wet blanket. "Blah blah blah, the president is dead; blah blah, my sister is dead; blah blah, 60,000 people are dead. SIMMONS!"
Sherry, on the other hand, tends to look at the bright side in life. Even after her dad turned into a monster and tried to impregnate her, and even after she spent 11 years in lockup being poked and prodded by scientists, and even after Capcom ignored her for five games, she still manages to see the good in people.
So yeah, I can't decide. Time to be polywaifuistic.
I'd like to share them. I have like ~50 Helena shots and ~70 Sherry shots. Is there a good image gallery service that would allow me to upload uncompressed PNGs en masse?Post them.
It's a shame that while Capcom integrated Jake's fighting/acrobatic abilities into the gameplay, they forgot about Sherry's abilities to heal/regenerate. Heck, if I remember correctly, after the helicopter crash those abilities aren't brought back again in the game at all.
First and for all, it has the deadly C-virus gas that kills almost everyone on the plane except a pair of main protagonists for no real reason.
I couldn't be more happy with how they made Sherry return in the series, I thought it was a good continuation of her RE2 self and she was very likable in RE6. I also liked Jake a lot.
Jake and Sherry is so cheesy on paper, it sounds like the dumbest most fan-fictiony shit the series has ever pulled (the moody son of Wesker we've never heard of until now who has super human powers that teams up with Sherry Birkin from RE2 grown up who also has super human powers come together to relate because of their twisted fathers who used to be previous main villains in the series, and they fall in love and become goodguys). But somehow they managed to make both characters very likable, to the point most are willing to overlook the dumb set-up and just enjoy it for what it is. A prime example it's in the execution often when it comes to these things, I do think their VAs helped a lot to sell them.
I still don't get many plot points regarding the zombie gas:
1) Why wasn't Leon affected by the gas attack on the campus? Wasn't he with the president the whole time?
2) I guess I understand why Helena wasn't affected, because she was detained by Simmons. I'm guessing she caught up to the president after the attack. But how did she not encounter any other zombies along the way? The whole town would've been overrun by that point. Remember, she and her sister had been held in the lab under the cathedral.
3) How did Leon and Helena not turn to zombies like everyone else in the plane? They were fighting a gas-spewing Lepotitsa in a claustrophobic cargo hold. If anyone should've been affected, it was them.
I really wish they'd just come out and say all Resident Evil protagonists have really, really, REALLY good immune systems, lol.
In general, this series is hard to take seriously (story-wise) when these agents fight airborne pathogens and other biological threats, yet they never wear gas-masks and they rarely wear gloves.
(In Rev 1, Jill sticks her bare hand into a vat of monster goo in Episode 1, and then into the mouth of a monster carcass in Episode 2. I hope she washed her hands thoroughly when she got home!)
Ah well. The silliness of RE is half the reason I love it!
You mean to tell me the RE heroes are members of the Vape Nation?It's all the Green Herbs they chow on, man.
So I've been reading all of your threads, but I must have missed the talk about what we know of the characters in RE7. Care to give me a breakdown of all the characters so far? :-3
Agreed, they were surprisingly well done and had good chemistry.
Sherry is probably one of the best examples in gaming of a child character making a good a proper transition to becoming an adult.
Also, Sherry's Wolverineness oscillates wildly. At one point she heals from a fucking chunk of helicopter lodged in her spine after plummeting from thousands of feet with a sliced parachute but at another point a failed QTE has her die from a 20 foot fall. I saw that and I'm like "What the fuck?" Of course this is the same game that has the deadly C-virus gas that doesn't work against the totally air tight frame of a car, so I suppose I shouldn't expect consistency.
Thanks for the writeup, Dusk. A question about the Bakers: They appear to no longer be fully human, right? I mean, from what I've seen of Jack bursting through walls like the Kool-Aid Man, he appears to have superhuman strength. And they were eating rotten meat that would repulse any ordinary person. Almost like they're zombies in terms of appetite, but they still have healthy bodies (relatively speaking) and working minds (albeit insane).
RE7 might have the biggest monster in the series to date?I think the game wants you to believe there's a possibility they're just humans at first, but no they definitely are no longer human. In the trailer Jack breaks Lucas' arm and he exclaims, "Ow, no, not again!", and there's other implications they have rejuvenating abilities. I also doubt they'll stay humanoid during the whole game, and it's been confirmed RE7 does have monsters and mutated creatures in it, but there's a smaller selection of enemies and they're more 'personal', leading me to think the Bakers will get more and more mutated as the game goes on. The one mutated monster the leak confirmed is that one enemy in RE7 is one of the, if not the, biggest creatures to appear in the series to this point, a giant underwater behemoth.
RE7 might have the biggest monster in the series to date?
So it'd have to be larger than Del Lago and transformed Salazar in RE4... and Uroboros Aheri in RE5... and Malacoda in Revelations 1... and Fly Simmons in RE6... and Javier's transformation in Darkside Chronicles. I think those are the biggest monsters so far, off the top of my head.
Biggest monster to date? We're going inside it for sure.
Edit: I'm just gonna stop talking about RE 7.
Get swallowed whole and chainsaw your way out
While this is not confirmed, there are murmurs RE7 will be 12-16 hours long, and the game does have an unlockable bonus mode outside of Madhouse Mode, but to be seen, to be seen.
While this is not confirmed, there are murmurs RE7 will be 12-16 hours long, and the game does have an unlockable bonus mode outside of Madhouse Mode, but to be seen, to be seen.
I actually think Piers should come back. Like his mutation allowed him to survive at the bottom of the ocean, and then a villain retrieved him and brainwashed him into hating Chris. Piers could then be a Ustanak-style stalker monster for Chris until Chris gets him to "shake out of it!" (to quote what he said to brainwashed Jill in RE5). And then they could find a cure to his mutation... or maybe he could stay a BOW and be the series' first "good guy" BOW, in this case with a wicked lightning hand!I thought Sherry and Piers were my breakout new faves from RE6. Sad that we will only see one of them again (I hope).
I agree that Sherry's abilities were not well-integrated and would have liked to have seen more of that (and more of her backstory post-RE2... more than just "she was an experimental subject").
I think Helena is pretty boring/whatever, honestly. I think her butt is the main reason she keeps coming up. Nothing wrong with that, but she isn't terribly compelling without it. I play her because I like the hydra better than the 2x wing shooter as a special.... though both are pretty cool.
I hope we see Sherry again. With or without Jake tbh
I haven't tried it yet, despite RE being my favorite series. But I did watch some snippets of other people's gameplay. Mainly a guy walking around a kitchen rifling through cabinets.So does anyone here "Really Like" the RE7 demo? I can understand being intrigued, but can't really understand anyone really liking it. Since it's more or less just a promise of things to come.
Might take a break from Gears and Destiny to reacquaint myself with RE5 mercs and familiarize myself with more RE6 maps in prep for the tour stop Thursday.
Forgot about the one in Illinois today, so plan B it is.
What's this tour you speak of??
I haven't tried it yet, despite RE being my favorite series. But I did watch some snippets of other people's gameplay. Mainly a guy walking around a kitchen rifling through cabinets.
I recall the challenges aren't too hard.
10 minutes to make the bell ring in RE4.
Resident Evil 5 - Score 20K in one round of mercs
Resident Evil 6 - Score 60K in one round of mercs