Jawmuncher, why do you have two copies of Operation Raccoon City PS3? I struggle to justify my Steam copy![]()
Took a picture of my RE collection. It's missing some stuff that I plan on covering at some point. Would like to have every game released in NA on all platforms.
This is the stuff I have not pictured or digitally (will get them physically some day).
The survival was good at the beginning but, if you are careful, you can save plenty of ammo and herbs.
The voice acting is amazing, best in any game ever.
Lovely collection Jawwy!
The excitement for RE7 is rising rapidly, I can't wait to see where the overarching story is going.
Also does anyone think we'll get some REmake 2 trailer / footage this year?
Where is your Dino Crisis collection?
It's sadly not as impressive. DC1, DC2, Dino Stalker, Dino Crisis 3, 2 strategy guides for 1 (official and unofficial), guide for 2, somehow ended up with 2 guides for 3. Lastly a Regina perler from Namco X Capcom 2. Also have the PC version of DC2.
DC1 is hard to find on PC in box and not ridiculously priced.
Besides the fact that RE7 has combat, another major difference between it and Outlast 2 is the fact that RE7 won't involve the supernatural in its story. Outlast on the other hand did have supernatural elements and it's safe to assume its sequel will as well.
I expect to enjoy RE7's story a LOT more for that reason. I loved Outlast but its story was not the reason why.
Mansion map is out for Umbrella corps. It's fun. though only recreates about a third of the mansion (but Umbrella Corps maps are small).
I have been wondering this too, but I'm pretty certain they will have a bonus mode at least. While the original release of RE1 didn't have a bonus mode, literally every main RE game (starting with the Director's Cut of RE1) has had an extra unlockable post-game mode in it. I think Capcom is aware that bonus modes are such a staple with RE at this point, especially with the success of Mercenaries and Raid Mode with them. I'm not sure if they'll have something exactly like Mercs/Raid though, and at the very least they're listing this game as single-player only on their store pages. I'm actually wondering if they may go back to the RE1-RE3/Code Veronica style and have a sort of 'Battle Mode' version of the game to go through? Or maybe they may try something new, ala Leech Hunter in Zero?
Anyways, I'm pretty certain the game will have an unlockable mode and other unlockables, the question is what kind? To note is that RE7 is already confirmed to have bonus DLC episodes that come with the Deluxe Edition, and will be available seperately, so extra content is already on the table. or to quote them;
But I imagine it'll probably have unlockable stuff like the other games (unlockable mode, weapons... Maybe costumes for other characters since you're in first person?).
Wait where do you see the Deluxe Edition? I don't see it on Amazon.
Deluxe is digital. Seems to just be game and season pass bundled together.
Well that's lame AF. But if the promises content includes additional story chapters, I'll probably bite.
Jawmuncher, why do you have two copies of Operation Raccoon City PS3? I struggle to justify my Steam copy![]()
Yeah, dunno why Capcom isn't big on CEs for RE7. Seems like easy money. Maybe they'll announce something later for physical.
In 1996 I remember using seeing a Big Box for Resident Evil 1 PC with the mansion on the cover, am I just imagining it?
I am searching on google but cannot seem to find it. Maybe it was a European box or something this was in the United Arab Emirates.
Some regions used The Umbrella Conspiracy artwork, cannot find a picture of the game box but this the artwork as used in the novel, was it this?
Is that right? The novel was published in 1998, while the PC version was released in 1997.
damn, just found out resident evil gaiden sells for like $200cdn.
It's certainly not worth $200cdn, but I will throw out there it's a bit of fun and interesting (it's okay). Didn't realize it had reached those heights of price either, but I guess it makes enough sense as Capcom doesn't really acknowledge the game's existance.
Interesting article about RE7 and the series.
Go tell Aunt Rhody...
Go tell Aunt Rhody...
Go tell Aunt Rhody that everybody's dead
I was raised in a deep dark hole
A prisoner with no parole
They locked me up and took my soul
(shame at what they made...)
Call to Hell, and he will come
To answer him like he's the one
His arms outstretch, but when she's done
He'll be torn apart
Go tell Aunt Rhody
Go tell Aunt Rhody
Go tell Aunt Rhody...
Go tell Aunt Rhody
Go tell Aunt Rhody
Go tell Aunt Rhody that everybody's...
Terrible article. The author didn't seem to bother doing any research before writing this. The game is already confirmed to have combat, so that statement in the first paragraph is likely false ("You won’t be getting to shoot any enemies since the game will be focusing on exploration"). We still don't know if the combat will entail projectile weapons or just be pure melee, but I will be shocked if guns aren't available in any way. That would be an even bigger change for the series than going first-person.
Then the author goes on to falsely claim that you'll be running away from "supernatural" enemies. Capcom already confirmed this wasn't going to be a ghost or spiritual-related story, so the author is wrong again here. And then he/she doubles down on the false "no weapons" bit again ("But this does not mean that you will be using guns or any other form of weaponry to defend yourself.")
The rest of the article says nothing new that we didn't already know before. I also don't agree that this is a "do or die" game for Capcom. They're still bringing us REmake 2 and other games, and REmake 2 is guaranteed to sell decently just off nostalgia alone. If RE7 were to tank, the IP would still survive the storm.
So, here's my Resident Evil 7 theory from thinking on it and analyzing everything we know:
In the RE7 trailer, there is a person who unmistakably looks like Ozwell E. Spencer.
Now, that doesn't mean that this IS Ozwell E. Spencer (it is a shady figure), but any RE fan is going to see this and immediately think of bathrobe wearing elderly Spencer, but he's supposed to be dead also. More so, Capcom said no returning characters would be in RE7.
I'll get back to this.
I think the game is about a backwater southern plantation in Kentucky, obviously. However, I think the people on the plantation is some closed-off family who have kept to themselves for years, and are isolated from the rest of the world, and my prediction, were somehow loyal to Umbrella or some history with them, and don't realize that Umbrella is dead. Not only does that work so well with the sort of horror movies that they seem to be pulling from of isolated farm, it helps explain some things. Why is someone so paranoid about an Umbrella chopper 'watching them from above'? Maybe they have their secrets, as these closed off farm families do in horror movies, that they don't want Umbrella taking away from them, thinking they're still alive and isolating themselves from the rest of the world, of course not realizing that Umbrella is long gone?
Now, we don't know about the monsters, viruses, and such yet in RE7, and the only thing we know of is the 'Family Man' and the Ghost Girl in the demo. But there is the cover of Aunt Rhody they had on the trailer of course, which you can listen to here. They took a lot of liberties with the song though, and almost all the lyrics are changed. Some people commented that this song feels like it could fit Lisa Trevor, but I have another theory. It does seem to be a song made specifically for RE7, which is worth noting, and I haven't actually seen anyone talk about the lyrics:
So, I take it that the made-up lyrics are actually kind of important and do reflect themes we shall see, even if not directly. IE., I think this is a closed-off family that doesn't realize that Umbrella is dead (no one ever told them). And I think they created something truly terrible, a B.O.W., that they didn't want Umbrella or anyone to take away from them, maybe something they considered as part of their family.
I think the 'Ghost Girl' is one of the B.O.W.'s that was created, and the song lyrics do talk from a woman's perspective of how she was raised in a deep dark hole, locked up and lost herself in the process, and it's a shame what they made her.
Now, to help support this, the family has stuff like VHS tapes and all that, but not DVD's, but stuff that seems to have been made and used in the 90s, almost as if they closed themselves off in the 90s, before Umbrella went under. The scene with Ozwell E. Spencer may be a video tape sequence, since we have it already hinted we may be experiencing other character's histories. I don't think Spencer is back from the dead, but maybe he had some interaction with this family back when they were more... 'normal' (it also would explain the screen hue with Spencer in the scene). We also know that Umbrella stooped to things for gain to itself, like how they shot up Birkin for the G-Virus, which might give this family ample reason to not trust them and not want to give up their own research or experimentation, especially if they considered one of these experimentations to be their family. Plus there are reports in the local newspaper of 'ghosts in the Bayou', and other things around the area, which does help hint they kept only to themselves, and have some ghost-like entity who may likely be a B.O.W. of some kind.
There's more theories I have, but they have less 'substance', and are more shots in the dark off of loose information. This all is just a theory from what we've seen so far as it were, but I think it's pretty supported by all we have so far, I think it's a family that closed themselves off from the world who still thinks Umbrella is alive and well and have some history with them. They have their own twisted experiments they wanted to keep to themselves, maybe for the purpose that it's a family. And the things in RE7 seem like ghosts, but aren't actually ghost, related to their experiment. And the woman 'ghost' we see in the trailer may be a key figure to something. And I think the cover of Aunt Rhody with the changed lyrics are about how someone should go tell them that Umbrella, everyone they knew and/or loved/feared is already dead, but with a B.O.W. left to loiter, grow, and be alive for over a decade, has festered something incredibly terrible and personal that's been boiling in nowhere, USA. No one is aware it's there, and is its own unique bio-outbreak now about to be unleashed due to neglect.
Also, it was said that this T-shir given out at E3 had a lot of RE7 clues in it:
Some observations:
-There are four main locations shown on the shirt, the 'Plantation;, the 'Forest', a 'Factory', and underground. I think there's a high chance these will be our main locations in the game.
-There appears to be a fetus in a womb-like position. Could be related to 'The Family' and being raised in a deep dark hole, as the fetus is notably underground.
-You can actually see the demo's axe in the t-shirt.There is also a knife, a pitchfork, a sickle, a handgun, a shotgun,a grenade launcher, and what looks like a grenade.
-There is a clock in the picture near the face.
There's a few other things that look important, but I can't quite make out what they are.
I definitely have a feeling that RE7 is gonna hit some familiar cues from REmake. Most notably a lisa Trevor Esque character and a underground facility of some sort.
Since the lyrics were the first thing I noticed as well after repeatedly listening to the the song. It's definitely story related, and your idea that it's about a neglected/forgotten BOW which could cause a huge problem due to its ghostly visions it causes seems like a good fit.
I honestly think Capcom wants to go for some Silent Hill esque imagery. So I fully expect the BOW or virus in the game to cause hallucinations and such.
Yeah, I was in a hurry when I posted it and on mobile. What I meant by "interesting" was the fact that they are saying it's do or die, which is an interesting position if not well-founded.
Louisiana. But wow, great finds. Wonder if those will be our weapons in the game. I also wonder if The Family will be related to the RE6 Family mentioned.
I'm very wary about the hallucination stuff. It's harder for me to feel immersed or scared in a horror game if I know what I'm experiencing is just a hallucination. It's one of the reasons I never liked the Silent Hill series as much as RE.
And they can say "Well they're not technically ghosts!" all they want, but if it quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it's a duck. Even if they come up with some virus-related explanation, the end-result is still the same.
I'm fine with pretty much every other change RE7 seems to be making, but this is the one thing I'm worried about. Horror games revolving around ghosts never keep my interest. I just hope there are still creature BOW's like Hunters and Bandersnatches. Enemies that are just disturbed or mutated humans that can still speak human language, like the ones in the demo, don't scare me at all.
Song said:Call to Hell, and he will come
She'll run to him like he's the one
His arms outstretch, but when she's done
I do think we're in for zombies though. Awhile back there was the image from the stage reveal that showed a pistol and a enemy similar to a zombie. It was kinda crap quality though.
Would be intreresting if these supposed zombies or whatever they are, are all individually modeled. To go with the more personal feel. While repetition can sort of force an iconic look, each being unique would add a nice amount of variety and realism to what Capcom is saying is a more personal story.
Wonder how long I have to wait to find out wtf Jake is doing though. Since he ain't confirmed for that CG movie.
They definitely are building up some female character who seems to have some tragic backstory. The T-shirt again has a woman's face concealed with shadows, the first thing we hear in the Resident Evil 7 trailer is, "She's back..." from the phone.
What do we even know about that movie beyond Rebecca, Leon, and Chris being confirmed?
It's obvious that something massive like Umbrella had multiple labs all over the world and a lot of them well hidden, so the world is still sorta stumbling upon them.
I guess Marty couldn't get up to 88mph on the crowded streets of Raccoon City...
I guess Marty couldn't get up to 88mph on the crowded streets of Raccoon City...
Is it weird that I personally would love it if Capcom didn't use anything from the actual game to promote the release? I know that's dumb and would never happen, but part of me wishes that they used a spoiler free/viral marketing campaign that revealed nothing about the game itself, like what the gameplay will be, any other locations, or even who we will play as. It would be awesome to just jump into it almost blind.
I know that won't happen, so I'll try my best to avoid media (especially since Capcom loves incredibly spoilerific trailers, like for RE5). I do wonder if there will be another demo that's more indicative of the full game.
I guess Marty couldn't get up to 88mph on the crowded streets of Raccoon City...
RE3 background artist in Japan: Get me a picture of a typical US car
Researcher: Here you go! (hands picture of a Delorean)
After release
Capcom: We are fans of BttF so put it there as a easter egg.
Yeah, at some point both Marty McFly and Mr Bean were fighting for their lives in Raccoon City.
Well, actually Capcom has said basically what you said already. Will they use absolutely nothing from the game? I don't think that extreme. But like, the two trailers we have, most of the footage was from the demo currently available (like 80% of it), and there's hints another demo will be coming out in September. Capcom have said also they think a big part of horror is the mystery, the unknown, and have said they want to hold a lot of the stuff about the game to their chest and keep their cards to themselves, so they won't be showing too much for release so people can just experience the game itself. Seems the demo's are what they're primarily using to promote the game and use footage from in trailers.
I expect maybe in the month or two before release they might use some in-game footage though, but I think this might be a RE game they don't go super spoilery trailers for like the last few entries.