I've been in such a Resi mood recently. I don't know how many of you here are familiar with a series of videos called Resident Evil Challenger, a "show" that spanned over 10 years. Basically two friends from England made videos where they'd play through the entire Gamecube RE library in under 24 hours with ever increasing stipulations, all in one sitting. It was around the mid 2000's when it started, predating YouTube. These videos were very popular on Google Video and become very popular on YouTube as well. Later down the line, they ended up live streaming their challenge (again, way before the likes of Twitch, Justin.TV, UStream etc) it was a really crummy site called CamStreams. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I helped run the community they had gathered over the years - produce graphics and got to know the guys personally. So I've been reminiscing on those good times, as well as, of course - playing the games.
First time posting in this thread so I'll just state my collection:
Entire PS1 collection. That is RE1, 2, 3, Survivor - and the various re-releases and Director's Cuts.
The whole Gamecube collection (RE0, REmake, 2, 3, Code Veronica X, 4) Random fact: REmake and the other RE titles are the ONLY reason I owned a Gamecube back in the day, and still do to this day.
The PS3 releases of RE5, 6 (and the remasters of REmake and Zero)
The remasters for PC and PS4 (Origins, 5, 6 - and soon, 4)
Not to mention the Japanese imports of the PS1 library.
I have a backup fan-release of RE1.5 which I like to mess around with on my original PS1 console (and CRT for added nostalgia)
And a host of other various memorabilia and merchandise. So yeah, quite a fan. I've been slowly playing through this series again which I typically do every few years and would love to do a Resident Evil Challenge of my own in the near future. Just blitz through them all. Well, RE0 - RE4 anyway
Watching the intro to RE1 just defines "90's" for me, and seeing as the PS1 is my favorite console - takes me back to a point in my life which I find myself frequently living in to this day. Whatever the series was, is, and becomes in the future - it's first "era" will always be a favorite of mine, and thanks to Resident Evil Challenger, will forever serve as an integral part of my teenage years and a significant moment in my life so far.
Apologies for the life story, but I just had to get that out there.