So because the games are bad the tv show should be too? That makes no sense.
The games themselves were heavily inspired by shlocky horror b movies.
Not every show has to have Better call Saul level of quality.
4 ep in :
i quite like it. There's action (the fat dude scene was well made i thought), a lot of easter eggs crammed in, sometimes moronically, sometimes nicely. There is a lot of monsters (most of them easter eggs). I just fast forward when the teen drama stuff takes too long (the dialogues between the sisters is often painful to watch) and the rest is quite fun.
My French dudes were great at first but fell apart quickly

About the wokeness, i don't think guys complaining here are fair. I didn't see or felt strongly about any of the really dumb stuff some talk about (but i might have fast forwarded it), contrarily, there is something i'd call "wokeness done right" in the show.
First was the weird lesbian bully, which showed lesbian were like everyone else as they could be stupid cunts with no redeeming qualities. Lesbian representation is woke, but this representation, which show lesbian are no different than others and can be stupid and hurtful is wokeness done right for me. Another one is the fat guy action scene. He does a really good job i think, he really carries the scene. And he's a fat dude, and he's a moron. And noone is there to witness him and tell him how stunning and brave he is (it is even played for laugh). No one cares that a fat dude could do an action scene. And that is wokeness done right. It is showing minorities and treating them as any other, because they are human like any other, with character and flaws and qualities. Furhtermore, as someone said in the thread, colorswapping Wesker when he is a vilain seems counterproductive for the sjw mafia, as is having the worst cunt of all, Evelyn, be in a homosexual marriage. But it is again wokeness done right in my opinion.
Apart from that, Lance is great and i personnally love Evelyn not just as the excessively beautiful woman she is, but i like the silicon valley billionnaire sociopath schtick and i love the way she does it.