Seriously, the demo makes normal look a tad easy. It's a neat challenge.Damn, there goes like 90% of my hype. It was Hell mode that sold me on the demo and the game.
22 hours total. RAID-mode has 9 hours clocked. So that makes 13 hours. But i like to play my shit slowly and detailed. Let's call it 11 hours for now.Playtime?
Nope, doesn't work. The End.Does anyone know whether the custom parts "Infighter 1" and "Damage 2" stack? I can equip them at the same time but I'm not sure if they really stack as "Infighter 1" says Maximum change is 20%.
So, would you guys consider this an accessible RE title?
I'm in here and a few others (GAFers I presume but I don't recognise the names). I'm having dinner right now but I'm up for games in about 30mins.
To all those posting FCs - its cool you're all adding each other but the way the Nintendo 3DS works theres not a good way of communicating to each other when you're online, it sucks.
What a load of bullcrap.I was just listening to this week's episode of Giant Bomb's bombcast, and can't believe Brad said this game looked like a PSP game. For shame.
I was just listening to this week's episode of Giant Bomb's bombcast, and can't believe Brad said this game looked like a PSP game. For shame.
I hope this is not true :C
I must have skipped that part. He did though? Damn, I thought he had more sense than that.I was just listening to this week's episode of Giant Bomb's bombcast, and can't believe Brad said this game looked like a PSP game. For shame.
U can only buy weapons and they seem to always cost 10 PC....always. No matter what lvl. Didnt really use any pc for now, always bought the same stuff for the ingame currency BP.Sorry if this has already been asked: how much do things cost in Play Coins in Raid Mode?
Or perhaps a better question, how many coins should I have saved up before I get this game?
U can only buy weapons and they seem to always cost 10 PC....always. No matter what lvl. Didnt really use any pc for now, always bought the same stuff for the ingame currency BP.
Worked and still works great in the Mk7 community thread though. Not that I want to defend the 3DS's lackluster online approach, but I'm sitting next to my computer with GAF open all of the time while I'm playing this, so marchmaking shouldn't be a problem, at least not for us.
Got pretty wasted. Lol. Where is the way to drunk thread....where were you? me and daakusedo was in the chatroom playing for quite a while! we got murdered in stage 21
edit: theres 10 people the chatroom and only 2 of us talking lol
Got pretty wasted. Lol. Where is the way to drunk thread..... trying raid 20 naow
You mean mission or level? Currently playing bonus mission on normal difficulty while beeing lvl did you get up to level 21 so fast? i'm only level 18
I was just listening to this week's episode of Giant Bomb's bombcast, and can't believe Brad said this game looked like a PSP game. For shame.
Where else are we going to listen to Vinny?I still don't know why that site is so loved around here, when Vinny is the only guy that makes any sense.
I was just listening to this week's episode of Giant Bomb's bombcast, and can't believe Brad said this game looked like a PSP game. For shame.
U can only buy weapons and they seem to always cost 10 PC....always. No matter what lvl. Didnt really use any pc for now, always bought the same stuff for the ingame currency BP.
Yeah you're right. Forgot about the custom parts...but..buying them for playcoins,,,crazy! :3You can buy custom parts too, it's just there as an alternative option in case you have some play coins saved up.
Yeah you're right. Forgot about the custom parts...but..buying them for playcoins,,,crazy! :3
Just stats, no optical changes.In regards to the custom parts, do they only effect stats or is there actually physical change in the look and feel of the weapons?
Just watched the GT review, and I'm disappointed to hear there are no real puzzles in the game. So, when Capcom said they were getting back to the roots of the franchise, they were essentially full of shit, eh? Ah well, I'll still try to enjoy it as another action game, and the Raid Mode sounds awesome. Just a little disheartened they didn't do more to make it a bonafide RE experience.
There's more puzzles than the GT review leads to believe. But there is less than a typical Resident Evil. I'm only on chapter 5, but so far i'd say the puzzles are about even with RE4.
I can't remember a puzzle. There are some levers you have to pull to get a cog, but they're all very A to B to C.
I wouldn't have minded some real puzzles. I didn't miss them at the time, but in hindsight it would have been nice.
Anybody up for a few rounds? Hades stage 4 anf from there on.
I dunno what they are called in english. It's the second difficulty in raid-mode.I would play a few rounds. I'm also in the chat room. What are "Hades" stages?
I'm waiting in an open Friend lobby.
I must have skipped that part. He did though? Damn, I thought he had more sense than that.
I dunno what they are called in english. It's the second difficulty in raid-mode.
Can't find ya.