Rikyfree said:
Oh, I know they're talented. I can't think of any other studio that pumps out titles every year with AAA quality. I just think KZ 2 appeals more to my tastes, but when it comes to development studio powerhouses, Insomniac is in a league of their own in my book.
Im really late to the Insomniac party.
I only played R:FOM and R&C: TOD for the PS3, in fact i bought both like one month ago.

, and pretty much because the R&D section of their site.
(Plus Ted Price ,Bryan and JStevenson are really cool)
R:FOM was an amazing launch title, is hard to make an epic game without knowing the hardware ,then next year they release R&C: TOD ... AMAZING ,is still one of the best games i ever played, the ammount of stuff happening on screen,the art style ,i fall in love with their games.
And im amazed by R2 ,their production pipeline is second to none, every studio needs like 2 to 3 years to make 1 AAA game, and Insomniac released 3 AAA in less than 3 years.
Is amazing ,unheard of.
I would love if JStevenson can tell to the guys who run the R&D section if they can make a presentation about Insomniac production line . (I understand if they dont want since its his secret awesomesauce)
Sorry for my english.
EDIT: After a couple of minutes of having posted this , i feel really nerdy for being amazed by a production line :S