FightyF said:The game is coming out in November, I don't see the KZ2 beta coming out before then.
Ceb said:I just can't imagine life in Resistance without the Sapper/Hailstorm/Fareye/Bullseye/Auger/LAARK combo.I loved setting up a defensive perimeter and then have a good mix of mid- and long-range offensive weapons at my disposal.
Ah well, I guess I'll learn to accept this new approach eventually... I hope.![]()
megateto said:Thanks to Kittonwy we just got a really interesting answer from somebody in the know, so don't be too harsh on him.![]()
BruceLeeRoy said:Its so funny I read all the complaints about graphics and I start to think damn maybe im
crazy and the game looks terrible. Then I go watch the videos and notice the little coils on
top of the bullseye moving almost organically around on the gun and the foliage that looks
like I can touch it and well...Game looks not just good or better than R1 but incredible.
The same incredible I classify Gears and Uncharted with.
It was his objective all along. Mission Accomplished.megateto said:Thanks to Kittonwy we just got a really interesting answer from somebody in the know, so don't be too harsh on him.![]()
jstevenson said:People are excited, and everywhere we show Orick, we get great feedback.
BruceLeeRoy said:Its so funny I read all the complaints about graphics and I start to think damn maybe im
crazy and the game looks terrible. Then I go watch the videos and notice the little coils on
top of the bullseye moving almost organically around on the gun and the foliage that looks
like I can touch it and well...Game looks not just good or better than R1 but incredible.
The same incredible I classify Gears and Uncharted with.
megateto said:Thanks to Kittonwy we just got a really interesting answer from somebody in the know, so don't be too harsh on him.![]()
jstevenson said:Most players in RFOM stuck to the Carbine/Bullseye/Shotty, and didn't try many others.
mhmhmh you dont want that... Ted is like Randy Macho Man Savage ....Nafai1123 said:Yea, maybe if we all bitch about stupid shit we can get Ted Price on here.
Nafai1123 said:Yea, maybe if we all bitch about stupid shit we can get Ted Price on here.
snoopers said:You're the one bringing this console war bullshit into the discussion. Again, I couldn't care less about the platform, I care about the games, whatever you have to say about this.
When are we going to see videos/screenshots of Hale battling inside the cruise ships above the Bay Area level? If it's a really impressive level, it would be great idea to show it off to the press/gamers b4 the game comes out so we know what kind of battles Hale will engage in outside of the American levels shown so far. Also, videos of more boss battles other than the Goliath/Leviathan. Hiding the most impressive parts of your game from the press/gamers b4 your game releases is a very bad way of marketing your game.jstevenson said:But we always did sort of control it--- for instance, we'd give you ammo when we wanted you to have it. And we also structured the weapons so that you wouldn't get the powerful ones until late in the game. This also posed a frustration to players because they'd have a weapon and never get ammo for it. Or players would save ammo for "just in case" situations that wouldn't come and never use the cool weapons.
Most players in RFOM stuck to the Carbine/Bullseye/Shotty, and didn't try many others.
Believe me this was well-debated, and we ultimately decided - after all sides had presented their case and we tested the ideas - that two weapons worked best.
This would be great, it's one feature I hate about ps3 that the 360 can do is log in with multiple accounts. This would be great for my friends who want to play co-op splitscreen and earn trophies.andydumi said:Question for Jstevenson or whomever knows:
For splitscreen, does it have login of a second account/guest account?
You don't want to spoil the most impressive parts of the game before it's out. It takes away the impact of the jaw dropping moments when they come out of nowhere and if they are truly impressive people will just play the game waiting for them. Essentially the point is ruined and there is no rollercoaster ride feeling that the campaign in an FPS should have. I'm really glad that Insomniac hasn't shown much of R2's campaign, I went into R1 not knowing much and came out pleasantly surprised. I expect that R2 will be the same way.gbovo said:When are we going to see videos/screenshots of Hale battling inside the cruise ships above the Bay Area level? If it's a really impressive level, it would be great idea to show it off to the press/gamers b4 the game comes out so we know what kind of battles Hale will engage in outside of the American levels shown so far. Also, videos of more boss battles other than the Goliath/Leviathan. Hiding the most impressive parts of your game from the press/gamers b4 your game releases is a very bad way of marketing your game.
WORD!RoboPlato said:You don't want to spoil the most impressive parts of the game before it's out. It takes away the impact of the jaw dropping moments when they come out of nowhere and if they are truly impressive people will just play the game waiting for them. Essentially the point is ruined and there is no rollercoaster ride feeling that the campaign in an FPS should have. I'm really glad that Insomniac hasn't shown much of R2's campaign, I went into R1 not knowing much and came out pleasantly surprised. I expect that R2 will be the same way.
womfalcs3 said:
That video shows just how beautiful the game is. The explosions' reaction-emitted lighting actually shows up on the environment.
The image quality is just so clean.
Right when the cutscene ends the ligthing changes, wonder if thats a bug or a cutscene-specific effect.womfalcs3 said:
That video shows just how beautiful the game is. The explosions' reaction-emitted lighting actually shows up on the environment.
The image quality is just so clean.
Except, jstevenson didn't say anything that hasn't already been said or shown, for anyone paying attention and not rushing to judgment.megateto said:Thanks to Kittonwy we just got a really interesting answer from somebody in the know, so don't be too harsh on him.![]()
BruceLeeRoy said:Its so funny I read all the complaints about graphics and I start to think damn maybe im
crazy and the game looks terrible. Then I go watch the videos and notice the little coils on
top of the bullseye moving almost organically around on the gun and the foliage that looks
like I can touch it and well...Game looks not just good or better than R1 but incredible.
The same incredible I classify Gears and Uncharted with.
snoopers said:You're the one bringing this console war bullshit into the discussion. Again, I couldn't care less about the platform, I care about the games, whatever you have to say about this.
Too true. How Insomniac failed to focus test this game for the average trade show player is a clear mistake. If I can't figure out how to navigate a new level on the first try in the midst of the loud noise and crowds while I'm filming footage of the game that may just involve some messing around for the sake of that footage, well, I just can't see why anyone would want to play.Kittonwy said:The gamekyo video is simply frustrating to watch, it's not because the level isn't linear, it's because there aren't enough visual cues to show the player where to go, such as increasing number of tree stumps, or more barren landscape, or some sort of onscreen indicator in the hud to point the player at the right direction, having one or two flying drones is WAY TOO SUBTLE and people won't pick that up, especially when the player might just shoot them down. How much later can they wait to show the "good stuff", is the game not coming out on November 4th? Sony can have these game events to show off the game but it's up to IG to bring the goods.
There's an objective marker for where to go, the player just didn't notice it.kaching said:Kitten has a point here fellas:
Too true. How Insomniac failed to focus test this game for the average trade show player is a clear mistake. If I can't figure out how to navigate a new level on the first try in the midst of the loud noise and crowds while I'm filming footage of the game that may just involve some messing around for the sake of that footage, well, I just can't see why anyone would want to play.
jstevenson said:The water is both reflective and refractive, and it varies based on the environment and lighting. We can make it reflect everything, or nothing. Just because you didn't get a good look at it doesn't mean it's reflecting. There are some destructible objects --- and I think many levels have iconic elements - including the Node in Chicago, the town square in Twin Falls and other levels we haven't even talked about.
New composer. Actually orchestrated music with a symphony. You haven't had a chance to hear much yet, but the podcast has some of the music that people seem to love. Maybe I'll swap in some other new R2 music for this week.
The sound in the game is quite improved, if you don't have surround sound or good headphones, I feel bad for you, the game's sound is one of its best elements.
Have you played the whole game? Did you see Chicago and the nature of the buildings there? Could you imagine some of the open town squares we might have throughout the game? Do you remember the open battles in RFOM? Do you think we just dropped those?. We showed our opening (tutorial level) and our third level (in which the Lumberyard battle starts to reflect some of the large scale of battles and multiple paths you can take) and now you already want more?
We've already made lots of tweaks and focused our objective games into Skirmish. Plus you know we'll support the game beyond launch.
We changed the weapon system for good reasons, MP plays at the same pace, grenade throwing isn't the Brett Favre tosses it use to be, but it's not the private beta either.
The lighting and water came on last minute because our engine team has been working on it all of this time. They also worked on new tech for Ratchet last year that went into that. It's ALL THE SAME engine Kitty. The features from TOD that made that game look good are all in R2.
There is also a giant, huge, objective marker/arrow that shows up when you're lost and directs you to where you're supposed to go.
And I've argued we've shown the "good stuff" but we're intentionally holding stuff back. The press LOVED what they played, and their previews proved it. We showed we're delivering. People are excited, and everywhere we show Orick, we get great feedback.
Guess what - you'll play the game in 6 weeks or so. And you'll find out for yourself. Why not save the bitching until AFTER you have the final product. Do you have any reason to believe we won't deliver?
*stone cold stunnerz*
Kittonwy said:I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.
Any obj modes other than skirmish?
I miss being able to take out a sniper with a well placed grenade throw.![]()
I know but why did it take so long?![]()
Why did the gamekyo guy get lost?
What about snoopers?
If I don't believe you guyz will deliver I wouldn't have pre-ordered the game in full.![]()
DDT'd followed b 4 piledrivers on concrete and 1 off the steel cage :Oh3ro said:Kitty just got Million Dollar Dreamed...
LiquidMetal14 said:DDT'd followed b 4 piledrivers on concrete and 1 off the steel cage :O
Or a wedgie, but I digress......:Oh3ro said:All of that is still not equal to one Sharpshooter.
jstevenson said:New composer. Actually orchestrated music with a symphony. You haven't had a chance to hear much yet, but the podcast has some of the music that people seem to love. Maybe I'll swap in some other new R2 music for this week.
The sound in the game is quite improved, if you don't have surround sound or good headphones, I feel bad for you, the game's sound is one of its best elements.
You're still going on about this? :lolcjtiger300 said:What about snoopers? He is obviously a troll who can't tell the difference between a PS3 game and a PS2 game. I don't care if it was a passer by who said it, he friggin posted it to support his claim that he wasn't impressed. Did I mention that it was unprofessional to post that in this forum as a member of the gaming press. At least I know where I will not be going for my Video Game information.
h3ro said:All of that is still not equal to one Sharpshooter.
RBH said:By the time the game rolls around, I think some of the concerns regarding R2 will be put at rest simply due to Insomniac's track record. They've arguably been the best game developer of this generation so far, and I feel confident that they'll continue their hot streak come November 4th.
You're still going on about this? :lol
Just let it go and move on already.
You know, I like to think JStevenson is more of "Sweet Chin Music" guy. Here's what really went down:LiquidMetal14 said:Or a wedgie, but I digress......:O
Please tell me Meltdown and Breach will be coming back, skirmish was such a pile of shit.Kittonwy said:Any obj modes other than skirmish?
wha? ive only heard people with great things to say about skirmish. though i would like to see meltdown and breach as well.Aeon712 said:Please tell me Meltdown and Breach will be coming back, skirmish was such a pile of shit.
Fersis said:damn, that kitten is so adorable
Come on guys, is a hype thread! No more bashing or negativity (Oddly Jett has been really positive![]()
Think on the kitten!
MANGOD said:Kick his ass Seabass!