I started the conversation to put some of your more extreme stances on the game into a better light for you and others.
Not entirely sure if we should automatically assume it's like the best rogue-like games.
Although we have seen Selene pick up some materials, we haven't seen much built variety nor many different options bringing down enemies. It's very much dodge dodge shoot. Not saying that can't be fun, just replying to your point.
I don't assume it is one of the best but i'm sure it is above average and that Housemarque knows what makes a good game.
Why this generalisation? Returnal is as much "dodge dogde shoot" as Dork Souls is "dodge dodge hit".
You have a lot of weapons here which we haven't seen half of it. From mid range to ranged combat, a sword for close quarter combat, passive equipment and each weapon with a secondary fire mode.
You have the option to choose what to pick up or what to buy while you progress through the game which leads me to think that there will be a good amount of variety through players choice.
It is exactly that they are vastly different that makes me think it's relatively tough (not impossible) to represent the story well and make it impactful.
In a way, I'd say that audiologs do hinder gameplay. When you are in heavy action you probably won't be able to pay any attention to the audiologs. When I'm not in heavy action, i'd often still need to stand still or move very little to be able to keep the focus on audiologs.
And the question still remains if the audiologs will make enough impact on players. For me personally, I never cared much for audiologs.
As you said, Dark Souls and Returnal are very different. Dark Souls is an action RPG while Returnal is a rogue-like. Dark Souls' map is vast and interconnected. It's carefully crafted by hand with tons of enemy variety, enviromental variety, equipment variety, moveset variety and variety of where you want to go first. All these things give strength to its lore and help in theory crafting. Returnal is procedurally generated and pretty much small places with very little structures etc.
At this point it is all just guessing.
An audiolog is just one stylistic device to present the story in one way. What matters is what it will tell you. We already seen Selene picking up one of her Logs and than she didn't remembered that she ever recorded that.
This implies that it could be from the future. I think just this is already really exciting. I have no problem in blasting away aliens and listen to an audiolog. Better this than to read books full of lore.
It is not interrupting gameplay at all. If you need to stand still to listen than you are interrupting the gameplay. Your whole take on the logs is pretty subjective and you are missing the point.
It is about the content they provide.
A non procedural generated game will most of the time be better in that regard. But even in games like Returnal not everything is calculated on the fly. Some parts of the levels are fixed in their appearance just not in the point they emerge.
This leaves room for intricate crafted detail. Of course you won't find as much variety in the environment. But again it is all just guessing. I have not seen all of the biomes or all the enemies.
As for the variety of the moveset i thought Dark Souls was just "dodge dodge hit".
We really have to wait and see how it turns out. An item description sound boring on paper but From Software managed to make something special out of it.
So for both games it is not about what way they choose to present their story as much more the execution itself. Housemarque definitely has to prove something here.
First of all, I wasn't talking about how we perceive sound, but what kind of sounds the environment possesses. What have you seen in the environments that produces unique cool sounds?
Second, utilizing the Tempest technology only gives you a better idea of directional sound. It won't give the guns more oomph.
When you are able to play the final game and had the possibility to hear the game completely uncompressed on a decent setup i could accept this as a stance on the games sound design.
It is not just tempest. The audio has a dedicated chip now. File size and with it render quality is increased.
The Souls titles as well as Kojima titles all have memorable theme songs, boss music as well as memorable stage/level/combat music. Returnal so far does not.
What i tried to say was that these games are often quiet and use music very specific. It is not full on orchestral galore all the time.
Overall i think this has to do with a significant difference in budget.
I have, the flora is aware of your presence, but what gameplay elements did that bring?
As for teleportation portals, I meant teleportation whilst in combat. Like door sized portals you can dash in and out of to create strategic combat.
If it's in it, I haven't seen it. Would be helpful if you provide a link with timestamp.
You are right, it seems that all this has no additional impact on the gameplay.
I was just offended because you said the game looks dead and like a cardboard western.
I'm repeating myself but we haven't seen all of the biomes as of yet.
Yes, those options are available. But what we have seen up till now are just ledges, small hills and pillars.
However, I meant verticality within the environments where you can platform high up or downwards to fight flying enemies or grounded enemies which attack with projectiles.
For now it seems a bit limited in verticality.
We don't know yet. Neither of us nor the general public have played it yet.
I am basing all these things on what I've seen. How more objective do I need to be lol?
I'm not the one automatically assuming that Returnal is like the best rogue-likes without playing.
I'm not the one automatically assuming that it can have rich lore like the Souls games.
I'm not the one automatically assuming that they can make the most use out of the Tempest technology without playing the game.
I'm not the one automatically assuming that they can have music like the Souls games or Kojima games without hearing much music from the game.
I'm not the one automatically assuming the game is worth 70 bucks.
And yes I have seen their past titles.
But I'm not the one automatically assuming that because their past titles have been good, that this title will be automatically amazing (look at CD Projekt Red and countless sequels of great games which turned into disappointments)

I was sold by the first trailer in combination with their past efforts.
They earned my trust and my money with that. Housemarque still has to prove themselves to me with this game. But i gladly let them.
Although it still could turn out mediocre, recent previews lead me to believe that the game is way above average and still has a lot of secrets left.
I'm just here to give people a different take.
On the one hand you acknowledge the fact that neither of us has played the game and yet you still compare it to other games that have already been released.
That is just not fair and should be stated.