yo, if I pre-order a physical copy from iam8bit do they charge for it straight away or only when it ships?
Love the OT, just have a few suggestions about the FAQ section: "F.A.Q" looks odd without a period after the Q, and also, under "But Rez already got an HD port, didn't it? What does this add?" you could mention that Rez HD was actually limited to 720p. It's something I wasn't aware of up until recently.
Are those extra stages and bonus stuff part of the original Rez release, or new?
Area X.... I want more![]()
Never played Rez before. Opinions?
That is great to hear. There's a deep line of bass in Area 5 that was completely absent in Rez HD during the last three segments of the stage that was definitely present on the original PS2 and Dreamcast versions.Rez HD soundtrack was remixed for 5.1, but also made slight changes to parts of certain tracks. Nothing drastic, but I always preferred the original soundtrack, which Infinite seems to use.
Where are the settings for area x?
I would like to shoot with Square, not Cross.
While the main game has all the necessary options, area x has none..?
Area X is such a total proof of concept for Rez 2. It feels like a complete generational jump in structure a visuals while maintaining the feel of Rez. I so hope to all that is good in the world that Rez 2 is coming in the future. The taste of what could be after Area X has me frothing at the mouth!
Rez infinite VR is amazing once you get moving. And the runner boss? Damn exhilarating.
Man, I was getting skittish with my face close to the screen when its winding up to swing at you. I bet inside its so much crazier!
I was about to order it from iam8bit but they want $15 for shipping to Alaska... Shipping from and to Alaska via USPS is identical to the prices within the lower 48 :/ Bummer.
That credit is in the 360 version, maybe they only licenced it in-game and not for the OST?
Did everybody get their theme?
Did everybody get their theme?
Yes, and i love it! Unfortunately no avatars for us european fans, but i hope to will be a chance to purchase them seperately?
I have them, and I'm in the UK.Yes, and i love it! Unfortunately no avatars for us european fans, but i hope to will be a chance to purchase them seperately?
Dynamic. It's wild.You guys on VR using Dynamic view or Standard view
Just played though all but Area 5 (died during the boss and I should probably go to bed anyway) with 4 controllers in Trance Vibrator mode, headphones, and in a perfectly dark room.
Holy shit. I'm still recovering. The human body is not made for so much stimuli. It's enveloping. Pretty much every sense but taste and smell are being used at full force.
Huh? That's weird, I have them.
I have them, and I'm in the UK.
Dynamic. It's wild.
I got my ass kicked by the third boss last night. Tips?
I checked before posting, and double-checked again now, but there's no music credits at all in the post-game credit roll.
Not at home right now so I can't boot up the game to check, but is the credit hiding somewhere else? Genuinely just curious.
Cheers for the tips. I assumed override was key when I got swarmed, but I'd already used it earlier in the level on those brutal flying centipede things. I'll give it another crack later.As you're moving anti-clockwise around the cylinder at the start look at the right edge of it (the one that is rotating towards you) and scan up and down repeatedly so you can take out the lasers right as they rotate into view before they get too much of a problem.
Save your overdrive for when you get swarmed by missiless in the second phase. Take out the rows of silver and red boxes in that phase ASAP as they emit the missiles.
Cheers for the tips. I assumed override was key when I got swarmed, but I'd already used it earlier in the level on those brutal flying centipede things. I'll give it another crack later.
Jeff Gerstmann at Giant Bomb Dot Com on a podcast the other week was saying that when they've seen it at trade shows and stuff, there is a strong hinting at a possible REZ 2.
Again, it could be speculation on his part, but I like to think that if Infinite does well enough that Sony or somebody has promised/will help fund REZ 2.
Managed to get Area X' optional boss last night, no idea how other than I cleared two blue walkers this time though?
two blue walkers? i only see one.
On my first playthrough I killed the red one and a second one spawned. Last night I killed the blue one and a second one spawned in the distance.