I'm just thinking of so many little things could have been implemented that would fully complement the experience of the game:
- the drinking involving picking up bottles and swigging to a rhythm (so as to down them).
- gold being called 'pieces' (of eight - the term used seems so... default/standard, which is a shame).
- the ability (via minigame) to potentially clip the coins (and potentially ruin them).
- ability to view treasure maps of different quality to try and work out where chests are buried. (as Red Dead Redemption)
- the dodging mechanic, as lamented above - here's hoping it will be patched in imminently.
- a pirate hook as an off-hand weapon, with a chance to disarm opponents/slash them.
- an empty bottle from used drinks for use as a dirty tactic throwing weapon.
- more clothing options would also be fun to really customise a character - I would like to see mine with black clothes adorned with golden Jolly Rogers!

- the ability to shoot banana clusters/coconuts off trees (for pickup).
- gold teeth as loot!
Those, along with a few more drink types (hell, even just different types of rum - dark, light, white, spiced, coconut

- could all have different potency levels, as well as serve as the base for different types of potion creation), and actual drunken effects/penalties from over imbibing within a short period, would truly make it an excellent title. They are not huge changes, of course, but they would really enhance the immersion of the game, in my honest opinion. Here's hoping for a sequel before too long, following the same theme!