No trails or paint filter. They all have dope skins. We are doing a bunch of rare drops for the next update. So you will get plenty of fixins then.
Like you have no idea how big this next drop is gonna be.
It's gonna be like.....Dope. Like BubbleGum Crisis!! levels of dope.
You guys already created the best rocket trial anyway (Flowers). Everything else would be a step down.
EDIT: I just did some random Googling and it looks like a ton of people dislike the flower trail. What the hell? It's the best, and I'm being completely serious.
I will tell our FX artist but beyond that it's up to him. (Only cause you make all the threads)
Maybe it's the hippy sitar sounds?
I would just uninstall the game after this:
Please tell me if he says "Rocket League" in japanese at this moment
I really like the japan theme of this trailerArena looks.... dope.
what in his right mind is he doing. why even hit that
How come people don't understand defending/leaving one behind? I've been playing this for two days and I get it.
How come people don't understand defending/leaving one behind? I've been playing this for two days and I get it.
I would just uninstall the game after this:
wish us well next week (though were winning even if you dont)
came out top of our pool, top 64 winners side.
wish us well next week (though were winning even if you dont)
We're gonna do it for Gaf!came out top of our pool, top 64 winners side.
wish us well next week (though were winning even if you dont)
came out top of our pool, top 64 winners side.
wish us well next week (though were winning even if you dont)
Impressive! Best of luck, guys!came out top of our pool, top 64 winners side.
wish us well next week (though were winning even if you dont)
Some of the best redirects I've done were autogoals.I think I need this free weekend to pass now. It's bad... really bad.
My team just scored on it's self very impressively. Like it was impressive. One hit back from the corner. The other bounced it up in front of our net, while the original one hit it in.
These guys can't even hit straight or score on an open net for the other team. But they are juggling like mad to score on themselves.
Anyone in EU can help me with ranked? Challenger II
Anyone in EU can help me with ranked? Challenger II
Just got a pos mate playing against the team and insulting for the whole match for no reason. Is the report function not working or something?
USA unfortunately otherwise would be happy to help out a fellow Agent 47
I think it works but takes time for reports to be investigated / people banned and so on.
Honestly free weekends are shite for people already playing the game, especially at lower levels, as all it does is increases the number of assholes in the game.
Any XboxGAF players online with a Hogsticker or Armadillo?
I play with the Armadillo occasionallyAny XboxGAF players online with a Hogsticker or Armadillo?
I bought Chaos Run purely so I can have all 55/55 achievements unlocked in Steam. I mean more customization options too I suppose...
Great 2v1 moment in ranked yesterday. at 2-2 with a minute left, my teammate tries to forfeit then drops off, guessing they had to leave for some reason. Managed to hold out through the overtime for a minute and score a winner against there two, very happy but needed a break after that, so bloody tense.
Second, in a subsequent update after Season 3 launches, we will place restrictions on how parties queue for Competitive play. When a party is formed, the difference in each player’s Competitive skill tier will be measured. You will be prevented from queueing as a party for any playlist in which that skill difference is too great. We currently plan to set a maximum difference of three skill tiers – roughly the size of an entire skill group (Challenger I -> Challenger Elite).
For example, if you’re a Rising Star (Tier 9), you could play with a friend in Challenger II (Tier 6), or a friend in Superstar (Tier 12), but you won’t be able to play with both at the same time — as the overall skill difference for that party would be 6 tiers.
We recognize that this may negatively impact some groups of players who want to play together in Competitive, but ultimately, we believe that it’s an important change that will appropriately preserve our competitive environment. We also think that Casual playlists are the right place for parties with such wildly-varied ratings to be, though we will continue to listen closely to your feedback as the season wears on.
Not much, but:
I had Shooting Stars and Champions play with Challenger-whatever against me in Doubles(I'm Challenger Elite) and I lost all those matches and dropped a division every time. The new changes will prevent this stuff from happening. (The Shooting Stars not so much, but at least I won't see a Champion again)