Can't remember the last time I raged this hard. Just lost 6 times in row by one goal to the same person 1 on 1. Several of those I had late leads in. Fucking bullshit.
Yep. It's like crazy how good some people are at this game.
You know what would be great? An option to disable join in progress.
You know what would be great? An option to disable join in progress.
Good defense it what helps you carry bad teams. I freeze up on defense so we always lose close games. I really need to improve.
Fixed several issues that caused errors when trying to use the Trade In system.
Fixed several Neo Tokyo collision issues that were causing abnormal bounces within the Arena.
Fixed several audio issues occurring since the last update
Countdown Audio is no longer part of the “Ambient” volume slider
Audio should no longer cut out in the Utopia Coliseum arena
Fixed issues with Hearts Boost audio staying on indefinitely
Fixed issues with sound mix causing some effects to be too loud or “bassy”
Fixed a crash that occurred when viewing “Underpass” replays.
Fixed several Spanish and German translation issues
Our apologies. Some of the issues we thought were fixed in the v1.20 update still remain. We are working on a new patch to address them.
For me it's these wonderful clears that'll bank for an easy chip-in with an observant teammate but with those guys, the thing is met in midair right back at ya.
Humbling but electrifying all at once.
Good defense it what helps you carry bad teams. I freeze up on defense so we always lose close games. I really need to improve.
It's all in the takeoff. They have it nailed where they can get the perfect double jump and boost timing down on reflex alone. Personally I end up whiffing it by managing to jump while trying to tilt up half the time and end up backflipping, but that's the number one game changer between the high and low end IMO, other than straight up accuracy anyway. The amount of time and boost you save allows them to do things you just couldn't hope for otherwise.
Once you're playing a whole team from the higher end it becomes more of an issue of their coordinated cycling etc but at that point you need a high end team to even hope to compete anyway.
Yeah, whatever happened with this? I'm guessing it's not going to happen. At least they're providing new boosts that you can collect via trade-ins.So, where the hell is the BttF trail that was supposed to come with an update as a trail that can be used on all cars?
It's deeper than that. It's positioning and anticipation. They're always there to meet it. Always. No breathing room. No rest.
Good aerial tap in
Long distance aerial. Thought it was my goal but it had some weird bounces.
So I just started playing this regularly. Currently just playing casuals to get the feel of the game. Any good videos on how to play correctly? Like how rotations work, fundamental skills, etc...?
Thanks so much
PSY・S;208730268 said:it feels like neo tokyo and even wasteland don't come up frequently enough anymore. it's frustrating.
I need people to play this with on Xbox live. None of my friends like this game, the ones that do are never on when I am or are playing something else ���� I am not a great player but I know the basics. Please add I am tired of playing with randos ��
GT: v0rt3x
The ranks are still crazy. Solo Standard Challenger 1 and I keep getting matched up with Season 2 Grand Champions and ESL Monthly Champions who are at my rank.
Added you
I think that I've added like 4-5 players from here and I've only played with one of them so far![]()