| Praxis |
Haven't turned my ps4 on in months, guess now is the time.
the game really IS a lot of fun
Only thing I am missing is the Vatican flag
edit: How do you play on-line ? It says that I am not connected to their server and I can't press yes when it asks me to connect.
Because on some maps it is lower than 60 when things heat up. It's especially noticeable on a couple levels where it's night time and raining.
Not much of a dealbreaker and it's still very much playable, but the framerate on PS4 varies. Not sure how much disabling vsync would improve matters and I've only been playing 3 vs 3.
I somehow can't downsample it, it doesn't show me resolutions other than 1080p and below (which is the native resolution but normally I use 1440p or higher).
DSR is on in Nvidia Settings and works for almost any other game.
Also, is there a way to force SLI on this?
This is an Unreal Engine 4 game and maybe there is already a profile out (like Unreal Tournament Alpha on UE4).
Would like to downsample from 4k and AA for the best visuals (2x 970/i7 4790k, 16gb DDR3).
Or does anybody have recommendations for Nvidia Inspector downsampling/Anti aliasing?
It's Unreal Engine 3
As a NA PS4 owner, if you're playing this right now..
Damn you.
Damn you to damn!
What profile do you use to force SLI? The Mass Effect one?That's why the textures take a second to load =).
Ok, I got it.
I think the fan issue on PS4 is due to the fps being unlocked in menus, something to do with the ui made in autodesk scaleform known for shitty performance. It's not the only game with this problem.
I've also turned off vsync as there is a noticeable fps drop under certain conditions.
Haven't turned my ps4 on in months, guess now is the time.
What profile do you use to force SLI? The Mass Effect one?
Rocket League ‏@RocketLeague
@GeoMoi_ PC and PS4 matchmaking is all about deepening the pool. A friend hooking up with a friend isn't currently possible... for now
Not one right now, gonna try a few different ones out but currently I'm a bit busy.
This game really needs some AA, downplaying and SLI support.
Well that's very very disappointing. I want to play with MY friends not random 9 year olds.
Yeah that sucks, wanted to play this with my friends tonight. I wonder what they mean when they say "for now". Today? This week? Or until next patch a month away or something.
How do I sign up?Want to play Rocket League with other GAF members? Sign up for the RocketGAF PS4/Steam lists!
(They are hidden inside the post in email tags)
Steam List
Did a mistake or want to be removed from a list? PM me.
To be clear, they're talking about PC and PS4 cross platform matchmaking with friends... if you're on the same platform you can easily join the same games.
You might already know this but I just didn't want people to be mislead thinking you can only join with randoms if you're on the same platform.![]()
How do I sign up?![]()
Yeah that sucks, wanted to play this with my friends tonight. I wonder what they mean when they say "for now". Today? This week? Or until next patch a month away or something.
How do I sign up?![]()
You sould delete the quote, now everyone can see it.
Trying to download it but EU PSN speeds are awful atm
How do I sign up?![]()
There's no current timeline for cross platform partying. We are patching in a way to do cross platform private matches soon.
Unfortunately cross-platform friends/party is a huge system and given we are both a small indie studio and weren't guaranteed cross-plat would even be approved, we chose to rely on Sony and Valve's systems instead. This brings a lot of reliability and allowed us to ship the game when we did, but rules out cross-plat partying unless we switch to a completely homegrown friends/party system. Right now that seems lower priority than other features on our plate like Ranked Teams, Tournaments, etc. but we're always listening to feedback.
There's no current timeline for cross platform partying. We are patching in a way to do cross platform private matches soon.
Unfortunately cross-platform friends/party is a huge system and given we are both a small indie studio and weren't guaranteed cross-plat would even be approved, we chose to rely on Sony and Valve's systems instead. This brings a lot of reliability and allowed us to ship the game when we did, but rules out cross-plat partying unless we switch to a completely homegrown friends/party system. Right now that seems lower priority than other features on our plate like Ranked Teams, Tournaments, etc. but we're always listening to feedback.
And every instruction he needed were writen in the post.
Finaly downloaded the game, now the patch and we can begin!
It is really sad, isn't it?