The readme says to restart your computer if that happens I think.
Just bought it after watching the quicklook. Looks really awesome. Get a drm free version plus steam key later, and soundtrack for 10$. Not a bad deal at all!
Why not pre-order it from their homepage? Deal is still active and best way to support the developers.Definitely gonna get this when it appears on Steam. OP you should add the trailer used on Steams Greenlight.
Why not pre-order it from their homepage? Deal is still active and best way to support the developers.
Is spelunky coming to Steam?
Haven't had a chance to fire up the demo, but going by the videos, am I wrong in thinking it has a *massive* Ghosts 'n' Goblins vibe? Does it control similarly?
If its the same demo I played a couple of weeks ago, compared to what I see in the trailers now:Does anybody know the difference between the demo and final game? I'm wondering if I should get started now or if I'd be better off waiting for release.
Keep in mind that movement upgrades get unlocked as you continue. I felt it got a lot more fluid once I unlocked double jump and air dashing in the demo.I really want to like this game but the the feel of moving the character around is so awful. If it wasn't for that, I'd probably really enjoy it. There's certainly a lot to like about the game.
Yeah, great trailer!
Look at them skills!
Made this if Agkel wants to use it in OP:
Is the deal still live on their page? I can't seem to preorder the game, deal or not.
I want this and UnEpic on consoles STAT!
Cannot wait for this to come out, I have close to 13 hours in the demo now I think. If you haven't checked out the demo yet, give it a shot and stick it out for at least 10 runs to get the gist of it.
I want this and UnEpic on consoles STAT!
Ah man, did the preorder just disappear? FUCK. I was just playing it
Edit: Phew. Whilst I may have missed out, I think I might have circumvented it by accessing the Google cache version of it, let me get it without any hassle.
The demo is extremely generous. I played it for something like six hours today, and still have plenty to go.
This game is an absolute blast, and I don't particularly like roguelikes or platformers. I had never heard of it until the Giantbomb QL, but man, I'm sold (literally, preordered at the special price).
Just awesome.
Juniors can't make threads until they're not juniors anymore, and that's when I think you hit both 200 posts and 3 months membership (I think?). Something like that.Hah, dude I would have played the crap outta it if I hadn't restrained myself. Like you, I don't normally get down with rogue-likes but I cannot wait for this game.
By the way I'm glad there was a topic made about this game. Also, does anyone know how one is to make topics on this site? Do I need a certain amount of posts or something? Not that I'm eager to start making topics but I wanted to make one on Rogue Legacy as there was none a few days ago.