Day one for sure! Can't wait to see what they do with a game made from the ground up for the new consoles.
Boss★Moogle;141637345 said:The way Volition integrates co-op perfectly into the Saints Row games, there's really no excuse for devs like Rockstar or Avalanche not to do the same with their open world games.
So rockstar is making Red Dead something and you have no info about it.
co-op, eh?
Walter Goggins as lead please.
PlayStation Experience or nah?
Focus on co-op though
Focus on co-op though
Red Dead Revolver.
Red Dead Redemption.
Red Dead R????????
What does gaf think the title will be?
Red Dead 2 has always been a day one for me.
Difference with GTA is that there's a lot more potential for settings and gameplay.Meh, if i think about the jump we got from GTA3 to vice City, or Vice City to San Andreas... or even SA to GTAIV (on a technical level) i think a sequel could bring good stuff.
This will be their first true next gen game after all.
who needs co-op in a western?
Red Dead Revolver.
Red Dead Redemption.
Red Dead R????????
What does gaf think the title will be?
Difference with GTA is that there's a lot more potential for settings and gameplay.
Westerns are a fairly specific thing and I think RDR has already exhausted much of the potential. That's a compliment to RDR, by the way.
Anyways, I've discussed this with people before. They insisted there's still plenty of potential left. I don't see it. I think it will be great and people will rave about it but it will ultimately not be nearly as impactful or exciting.
Unless it's a PS4's more of a Game Awards type announcement IMO
Bullshit that its not coming to PC *again*.
And it wont live up the first game anyway. It'll be cool, but the freshness of the concept has passed. I know a lot of people want this, but I still would have rather them tried to take on a new era or setting. We could have had something really fresh and new...
Rockstar San Diego started working on it as soon as GTA V was finished. It is well into production. Do not ask me how I know this.
Rockstar San Diego started working on it as soon as GTA V was finished. It is well into production. Do not ask me how I know this.
Difference with GTA is that there's a lot more potential for settings and gameplay.
Westerns are a fairly specific thing and I think RDR has already exhausted much of the potential. That's a compliment to RDR, by the way.
Anyways, I've discussed this with people before. They insisted there's still plenty of potential left. I don't see it. I think it will be great and people will rave about it but it will ultimately not be nearly as impactful or exciting.
Well as much as I loved Redemption, it being one of the greatest games of all time and everything, if RDR3 includes multiple player characters and at least one isn't a woman then I won't buy the game.Also, i wouldn't keep my hopes up for a female protag.
I assume they started developing this in 2010 (or even before that, for what pre production is concerned), and the reaction to GTAV not having a female protagonist was in 2012/2013, when they revealed the 3 characters.
Unless of course they wanted to include a female character regardless of the public outcry, but i doubt it, given how closely they adhere to clichè of the genre.
I'd be happy if they did though, since RDR had some of the most interesting women in gaming.
Well as much as I loved Redemption, it being one of the greatest games of all time and everything, if RDR3 includes multiple player characters and at least one isn't a woman then I won't buy the game.
Well as much as I loved Redemption, it being one of the greatest games of all time and everything, if RDR3 includes multiple player characters and at least one isn't a woman then I won't buy the game.