Superman Rumblings Begin Now!
A couple of interesting tidbits coming from the Superman camp that I feel I must share with our readers.
Currently, Superman is a hot property over at Warner Bros. Studios, this is known. But how do you move from Bryan Singer's recent attempt at rebooting the character in Superman Returns into something more action packed? Word out of WB is that Singer's film willl simply be seen as a "book-end" to the Richard Donner legacy, to complete the saga. The next films will be a completely new take on the character and the story.
And as everyone knows by now, Bryan Singer is no longer involved in the Superman franchise. Hence, the billion dollar question is...who is?
For the better part of the last month, I've been hearing a few names pop up in regards to who just might be involved in the reboot of the Superman franchise.
And from the recent lawsuit we all know that the new Superman film must be in production by 2011 and IESB has learned that it has indeed been put on the proverbial "fast track". So what names are we hearing?
This past weekend at San Diego Comic Con, I ran into plenty of DC and WB folks who turned pale when I started asking about the man in blue.
There is one thing we know for sure, there is currently a very short list of potential directors to bring Supes back to the big screen.
First are the Wachowski Brothers, yep, Andy and Larry. The other name I am hearing is James McTeigue.
Here's where things get fuzzy, because I am also hearing the Wachowski's may come in to produce with James McTeigue as the actual director.
Part of me wonders why WB would allow the Wachowski's anywhere near Superman after the amount of money they cost the studio after the disaster that was Speed Racer. But, then again, they did make WB plenty of dough on the Matrix trilogy plus Jeff Robinov loves these guys.
To me, it makes more sense to have Andy and Larry Wachowski serve as producers with James McTeigue to direct after the awesomeness that is his film Ninja Assassin because the one absolute mandate WB and DC have for the new Superman film is for it to be action packed, something Superman Returns was sorely lacking. And there is no doubt that the Wachowski's and McTeigue can be relied on for action.
One thing is for sure, Superman is moving faster than a speeding bullet and we can expect some major announcments coming from the Burbank studio in the very near future.