This can't be said enough.Jibril said:Superman film can definitely work. But a Superman reboot with Lex..that's a whole different story.
irfan said:Superman needs a cool villain, not Lex. Which one is cool enough according to you?
jett said:I will watch anything the Wachowskis direct or produce.
irfan said:Superman needs a cool villain, not Lex. Which one is cool enough according to you?
Meus Renaissance said:I've read people wanting to see Doomsday, or Braniac or other villains be the focus of future movies and I just don't believe that to be a recipe for success. To me, there is something fundamentally wrong in delivering a character - who by all means is immortal - into situations where he would inevitably clean up, if it weren't for his own Achilles heel being a piece of green meteorite. Essentially, you will get a repetitiveness - a predictability - to the character whose own persona really isn't of anything to gain interest to the casual audience, especially in comparison to modern day success' persona's such as Bruce Wayne/Batman. At least with him you have sophistication in his anti-hero demeanour. Whereas with Clark, we have a lovable goof whose a loved sick puppy over a woman who barely is interested in anything but his own, lovable do-gooder perfect alter ego - whose main weapon, is, well, you cant hurt him. I just don't see the basis of a story here. How do you make a franchise about Superman without making it predictable? Is that even possible?
I think the fanbase are selfish to just want their fantasises of actually seeing a fight on screen between him and another come true, whilst ignoring the simple truth that Superman's appeal has been forgotten as a child hero of the past, whilst more interesting characters are dreamt of by children now. I'm quite young myself, and believe me - the interest or intrigue levels for Superman in comparison to other greats like Wolverine, Batman, or even Spiderman (where they can relate with the character more so than any other), is just beyond sense. Donner introduced him to cinema as "you will believe a man can fly". I think our expectation levels in such a competitive and often fatigued genre, has grown to just want more than seeing a man fly.
"I hope you appreciate, Kal-EL, that everything that happens from this point is on your head. The skies will rain fire, the oceans will boil, the streets will run red with the blood of billions. Only then, after your last pitiful hope is extinguished, will I end your life. Let's go!"Chamber said:![]()
Make it happen!
Lebron said:"I hope you appreciate, Kal-EL, that everything that happens from this point is on your head. The skies will rain fire, the oceans will boil, the streets will run red with the blood of billions. Only then, after your last pitiful hope is extinguished, will I end your life. Let's go!"
There is only one Lord of Apokolips, and he demands his movie screen time.
Jibril said:Hotdamn that's an awesome quote. Also,Laurance Fishburne for Darkseid.
irfan said:Superman needs a cool villain, not Lex. Which one is cool enough according to you?
DMczaf said:Batman.
I remember that. Still as awesome as the first day I saw it.Sho_Nuff82 said:
Meus Renaissance said:I've read people wanting to see Doomsday, or Braniac or other villains be the focus of future movies and I just don't believe that to be a recipe for success. To me, there is something fundamentally wrong in delivering a character - who by all means is immortal - into situations where he would inevitably clean up, if it weren't for his own Achilles heel being a piece of green meteorite. Essentially, you will get a repetitiveness - a predictability - to the character whose own persona really isn't of anything to gain interest to the casual audience, especially in comparison to modern day success' persona's such as Bruce Wayne/Batman. At least with him you have sophistication in his anti-hero demeanour. Whereas with Clark, we have a lovable goof whose a loved sick puppy over a woman who barely is interested in anything but his own, lovable do-gooder perfect alter ego - whose main weapon, is, well, you cant hurt him. I just don't see the basis of a story here. How do you make a franchise about Superman without making it predictable? Is that even possible?
I think the fanbase are selfish to just want their fantasises of actually seeing a fight on screen between him and another come true, whilst ignoring the simple truth that Superman's appeal has been forgotten as a child hero of the past, whilst more interesting characters are dreamt of by children now. I'm quite young myself, and believe me - the interest or intrigue levels for Superman in comparison to other greats like Wolverine, Batman, or even Spiderman (where they can relate with the character more so than any other), is just beyond sense. Donner introduced him to cinema as "you will believe a man can fly". I think our expectation levels in such a competitive and often fatigued genre, has grown to just want more than seeing a man fly.
Meus Renaissance said:I've read people wanting to see Doomsday, or Braniac or other villains be the focus of future movies and I just don't believe that to be a recipe for success. To me, there is something fundamentally wrong in delivering a character - who by all means is immortal - into situations where he would inevitably clean up, if it weren't for his own Achilles heel being a piece of green meteorite. Essentially, you will get a repetitiveness - a predictability - to the character whose own persona really isn't of anything to gain interest to the casual audience, especially in comparison to modern day success' persona's such as Bruce Wayne/Batman. At least with him you have sophistication in his anti-hero demeanour. Whereas with Clark, we have a lovable goof whose a loved sick puppy over a woman who barely is interested in anything but his own, lovable do-gooder perfect alter ego - whose main weapon, is, well, you cant hurt him. I just don't see the basis of a story here. How do you make a franchise about Superman without making it predictable? Is that even possible?
I think the fanbase are selfish to just want their fantasises of actually seeing a fight on screen between him and another come true, whilst ignoring the simple truth that Superman's appeal has been forgotten as a child hero of the past, whilst more interesting characters are dreamt of by children now. I'm quite young myself, and believe me - the interest or intrigue levels for Superman in comparison to other greats like Wolverine, Batman, or even Spiderman (where they can relate with the character more so than any other), is just beyond sense. Donner introduced him to cinema as "you will believe a man can fly". I think our expectation levels in such a competitive and often fatigued genre, has grown to just want more than seeing a man fly.
Chamber said:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Superman's son.WickedAngel said:I will be sick if I find out that Superman is fighting yet another villain that can only stand toe-to-toe with him with the crutch of Kryptonite.
Give Superman a real fucking threat or do not bother.
Hamfam said:Firstly; they need an actual man to play superman...none of this Superboy stuff that Superman Returns was on the verge on.:
jsnepo said:Why? I'd love for WB to continue what Singer started. Just change the location. Metropolis in the last movie looked boring.
eznark said:Patrick Warburton as Superman. That is the only thing that could ever get me to watch a Wachowski brothers movie again.
i_am_ben said:i don't even know any Superman villains other than lex luthor.
Darkseidi_am_ben said:i don't even know any Superman villains other than lex luthor.
KingDirk said:All the people bitching about Lex, what'd you think about him in the Diniverse? I thought he was awesome there and he really sold being a threat.