I should be doing hw said:Schizophrenic trannies?
Honestly, I'm for it
:lol There is that, but I'm just not sure about deemphasized farming. Have to see how it really plays out, I guess.
I should be doing hw said:Schizophrenic trannies?
Honestly, I'm for it
Has it been deemphasized though? All they have said is they are adding to the RPG elements, which have been, understandably, lacking. I couldn't think of much they could add to the farming aspect of the games. 3 seems to be streamlining it pretty much which is great. Ocean couldn't really be any worse than that, and there is potential to add 'sea-farming' of coral etc. without the need to water plants. That's speculation but it seems about right.zigg said::lol There is that, but I'm just not sure about deemphasized farming. Have to see how it really plays out, I guess.
Oh, I'd thought I had read that it was deemphasized. Sorry, and thanks for clearing it up. Admittedly, I haven't been following it much--all my attention has been on 3. Oceans can come later. And maybe on 3DSI should be doing hw said:Has it been deemphasized though? All they have said is they are adding to the RPG elements, which have been, understandably, lacking. I couldn't think of much they could add to the farming aspect of the games.
Man, it's about freaking time they did something like that.matmanx1 said:I picked up a copy today as well on a whim. My only other experience with this series is Rune Factory Frontier for the Wii which my wife has tons of hours in while I have only watched her play.
I've gone through the first couple of days now in RF3 and I already like what I am seeing. There are lots of little convenience upgrades over RFF (being able to see where everyone is in town on the top map is a huge help) and the graphics and sounds actually hold up really well in comparison to the Wii version. I also appreciate that the first request (quest) is to go around town and introduce yourself to everyone. The family that says the opposite of what it really means is quite funny!
There are ALL kinds of clickable things to interact with around town and in everyone's houses (read the lazy girl's diary, it's worth a chuckle) and I can already see myself becoming attached to some of these characters. There's alot of charm invested here and I can see myself putting many hours into this one!
Not much to follow really, I think there has only been one Famitsu article on it so far. 3 has been under my radar for so long, I completely forgot it existed. When I saw this thread I thought "cool, I wonder how long the wait will be..". It was a pleasant surprise to what is probably my most played game/series this year that I can think of.zigg said:Oh, I'd thought I had read that it was deemphasized. Sorry, and thanks for clearing it up. Admittedly, I haven't been following it much--all my attention has been on 3. Oceans can come later. And maybe on 3DS![]()
matmanx1 said:Love the new "skill-up's" you get for just about everything and the fact that you can regenerate RP's by just standing in one spot! That really fixes my biggest gripe about RFF, honestly.
Man, it's like they're reading my mind.matmanx1 said:One thing I wish they had not changed was the time progression while indoors. In RFF it allowed you to craft in your house for a good long while and not use the whole day up. In RF3 time still progresses indoors unless you are engaged in an event/quest with someone so the days feel really short.
You're not kidding. I probably would've played another 20 hours easy if it wasn't for the Runeys.What a stupid idea.Wilsongt said:RFF would have been absolutely perfect if not that those damn Runeys.
I finished the first Rune Factory a few months back, and I started RF2 but didn't get far. Totally picking up 3 today.
matmanx1 said:As stated previously the Runey's are still in part 3 but I'm not sure what their function is yet. I still see them around town flitting around
zigg said:Aren't those butterflies?
Jintor said:This game is fuckin' boss. It's like playing Friends of Mineral Town all over again, except this time I have a goddamn giant hammer I use to whale on Orcs.
Oh, and bad news for Mat... the Forge doesn't have new storage space. :T You'll use up your minerals quicksmart though.
Me, the main difficulty is finding lumber...
RedSwirl said:God damnit Natsume. I want to try the Rune Factory games out. I really do, but not to the exclusion of the AAA games that always come out on the SAME DAY.
Rune Factory 2 came out on the same day as Gears of War 2. Frontier came out the same week (or month) as Resident Evil 5 and Samurai Shodown Anthology. This game comes out on the same day as Black Ops.
I'm sorry, but I can't get into this series if I keep having to choose between it and whatever AAA Blockbuster Natusme decided to throw them next to.
matmanx1 said:Yeah that's probably one reason why this series is so often overlooked. That and the complete lack of any sort of marketing! There's alot to like with the series so I recommend it to friends looking for unique RPG experiences every chance I get.
zigg said:Got my (review) copy today. Man, I love how this feels; huge improvement over RF2. Very snappy and responsive.
Storage space? Chest and fridge look familiarly smallJintor said:I honestly can't find anything wrong with this game (not that I'm looking, but nothing has jumped out at me)
zigg said:Storage space? Chest and fridge look familiarly small![]()
zigg said:Storage space? Chest and fridge look familiarly small![]()
I should be doing hw said:I always wished that they had some sort of character profile system where if you talked to them or gave them gifts it would log whether they liked it and how much and if in conversation they tell you about something they like, it would be logged to.
It would actually foster gift experimentation rather than me just going to GameFaqs and printing out a guide.
Some of us don't have a photographic memory like you I guess, what can I say? After a month long hiatus it's quite hard to remember what such-and-such's preferred food is, then I have to go waste more product and time trying to find out what they like again. Or use a guide.Man God said:If you give them something they love hearts show up, if it's like they mention it, if its hate they mention it, and if its none of the above they usually mention exactly what they like instead of that.
It's not rocket science.
Doesn't mean I don't want to! :lol. It is pretty handy to have a lot of things on-hand for cooking, forging, crafting, etc. though, really, particularly as I'm still chomping recipe bread. I understand the intent is to drive you to ship what you don't need though, yeah.Jintor said:Upgrade that shizz. Prioritise items you actually need/plan to use. Ship the rest. You really don't need to be a packrat in this game.![]()
Hobbun said:zigg, would you say it is better than the first two? How does it compare to RFF?
Caesar III said:btw, is it DSiEnhanced aka region locked?
matmanx1 said:Sophie wants me to "catch 3 birds" for her before 10am and I really don't know what that's supposed to mean.
thx a bunch. Good! we only have DSi's left. :lol Would have to cancel the preorder if it was enhancedzigg said:My game card says NTR, not TWL, so I'm guessing not.
zigg said:Maybe those aren't butterflies flitting about either?