I thought I was suppose to get like 200000 dollars or something... Unless I had to get out of the tank and he dropped it, in which case eff me... *_*
Er yeh. I ran him over and forgot to loot him. I just drove off too.
I thought I was suppose to get like 200000 dollars or something... Unless I had to get out of the tank and he dropped it, in which case eff me... *_*
I only noticed one spot where the FPS really slowed, duringI think it was one of the final missions, other than that it's been sooth.a STAG mission where I had a million STAG guys and tanks around shooting everything.
Some of the sharpest writing in a videogame I've ever come across, even if the overall story or whatever is totally pants.
I must admit, unlike Bethesda who is effin horrible at PS3 architecture judging from the issues with Skyrim, I must admit that Volition has done a very good job with Saints Row. Having 5 star with both Morning Stars and the police and me being in a tank blowing everything up vehicles one after another filling the screen and no FPS drops really surprised me.
That kinda thing in GTAIV would slow down to like 10-20 FPS.
What's good to upgrade early on?
The default pistols to get explosive bullets, and the dual wield pistols upgrade.
I upgraded full on the dual wield Saints SMG's for incendiary, but don't know what else to spend funds on.
I have dual wield pistols, up to level 2.
How do you fire the grenade launcher with the k-8?
Beat this on PC and just ordered a few more copies for co-op on the 360 that should arrive next week. Question time!
* Can you start the game from the beginning in co-op? Or do you each have to get through a few missions first? Thinking about some of the missions in game I don't know how they'd work in co-op at all.
* Is it drop-in, drop-out?
* Can your co-op partner bring over their own character as in from their world? If so do they get to keep monies and rep gained and bring it back into their game?
* How does saving work? Can you save a co-op game and go back to it solo?
* Can you kill each other?
* Does playing with a co-op partner count against your homie limit? So, say I can bring three homies along, does my co-op partner count as one of them?
* Can you each free roam? Or do you have to stay within a certain distance from each other?
Anyone know what's going on with that free copy of Saints Row 2 PS3 owners were supposed to get when they registered their online pass? I don't see anything listed under Downloadable Content, but maybe it's not available yet?
I got the free copy when I put in my online pass automatically. Do a search for saints row and you can probably find it.
So I got just finished the Stag Party missionI feel like they should have made that more clear.and chose to give Josh to the STAG, thinking it meant they would show up when I was doing gang strongholds or something, not that it would basically be a big 'skip this part' cheat code. Thats lame. I ended up choosing the area with the least stuff in it just so I missed out on as little content as possible.
Loving this game though.
Thanks Neuro. Looks like I'm set.Yeah I'm pretty sure you can play together from the beginning but I haven't tried it.
Yes it's drop in drop out.
Yes co op partner keeps all the money they get. The also get credit for activities they do in your game. Not sure about main story missions.
Yes you can save your co op game and play SP later with that character.
Yes friendly fire is an option.
Pretty sure in co op you can only have one homie each.
You can free roam as far as you want, at least I've never run into a limit.
These people are not your friends.This is a really polarizing game. This might be my GOTY, but there seem to be a lot of people who think this is the worst game they've played all year. I'm not noticing a lot of people in between, it seems like one of those love it or hate it situations.
These people are not your friends.
Aside from a few Saints Book challenges, S-ranking this game is not difficult at all.I think I am going to actively try to platinum this game. Didn't realize I was going to beat the game last night.
Why did I stop getting achievements a couple of hours into my 15 h run?
Just beat this tonight, easily one of the best games of the year for me at least. So completely ridiculous and hilarious, especially with the final mission.
Or a clone.
I think I am going to actively try to platinum this game. Didn't realize I was going to beat the game last night.
Beat the main game today, all the activities, and I have bought all the shops and anything you can own and upgraded all my strongholds.
But now gang operations aren't showing up on my map. I've clearly not done all of them, but when I select to show gang operations only I don't see any of the pink icons on the screen unless I'm just missing them... what's up?
Don't you have to drive by them in order for them to appear on your map? AFAIK, you need to discover them.
Don't you have to drive by them in order for them to appear on your map? AFAIK, you need to discover them.
Anyone know where the gang operation for this part of Loren square is?
I've been trying to find it there and in the surrounding area for days without any luck.
Never mind, the moment after I posted this I found it.
Breaking news: I am downloading this on Steam, can someone please explain to me why Giantbomb are so massively obsessed about this, when Edge gives it a 6. Is it about playing it stoned, as I'd wager that Edge doesn't actually smoke that much dope whereas GB obviously does.
Breaking news: I am downloading this on Steam, can someone please explain to me why Giantbomb are so massively obsessed about this, when Edge gives it a 6. Is it about playing it stoned, as I'd wager that Edge doesn't actually smoke that much dope whereas GB obviously does.