Breaking news: I am downloading this on Steam, can someone please explain to me why Giantbomb are so massively obsessed about this, when Edge gives it a 6. Is it about playing it stoned, as I'd wager that Edge doesn't actually smoke that much dope whereas GB obviously does.
Breaking news: I am downloading this on Steam, can someone please explain to me why Giantbomb are so massively obsessed about this, when Edge gives it a 6. Is it about playing it stoned, as I'd wager that Edge doesn't actually smoke that much dope whereas GB obviously does.
It don't mix well with the high class gated communities of journalism. It's vulgar, and uncivilized. It's absurd to think such a game is put on the shelves next to such classics as L.A. Noir, or Chess Master 2055 (can't think of a civilized game, what is the world coming to).
Pushing deep through SR2(beat SR1 right before) and I am surprised some people are so loud about proclaiming it the better game than 3.
SR2 is basically a polished up SR1. City is a bit more expansive and more detailed, but the same. Much of the bullshit regarding activities in SR1 is cleaned up, but not enough to make any of the old or new stuff that much more engaging(still find them -all- tedious, even if the rewards are great and less frustrating to earn).
The plot missions in SR2 vary from cool to forgetful(like SR1, or classic GTA). I still haven't finished them all granted, been focused mostly on wrapping up all of the activities first, which I am nearly done with. The scant couple I have done in SR3 are vastly superior and memorable to ANYTHING I have seen in SR2 by comparison.
I can sort of understand the lack of racing challenges in SR3 to be a negative, but they aren't really all that great anyway. SR2 is no Midnight Club, but they are probably the only activity I actively enjoy compared to anything else.
I have been holding off on SR3 progress until I wrap SR2, so I am unsure exactly how the whole of SR3 holds up comparatively. But with 15 hours of SR2 under my belt already, the 2 hours I have played of SR3 has been far superior.
360 controller to drive, m/kb to shoot.Installing SR3 on Steam now, really excited to check it out.
Do you guys think it's better played with KB/M or a controller (I have a wired 360 controller)?
Installing SR3 on Steam now, really excited to check it out.
Do you guys think it's better played with KB/M or a controller (I have a wired 360 controller)?
Installing SR3 on Steam now, really excited to check it out.
Do you guys think it's better played with KB/M or a controller (I have a wired 360 controller)?
I just got it on Friday night and played practically all of Saturday. The intro made laugh out loud; it was one of the funniest things I've seen in a game this year. Totally unexpected. So farI've offed Philippe and gotten the new supporting characters and done a couple of their missions. Zimos is my favorite so far because of his voice. I was disappointed that Philippe got taken out so early in the game. I thought he was gonna be the ultimate villain. How did he get taken out? All I remember was the ball crashing down and that's it. He didn't get taken out with much fan fare like SR1 and SR2's boss battles. I'm also disappointed that Gat died in second mission; he was definitely my favorite character of the series. At least Pierce is funnier and more likeable in this game.
The driving is definitely better in this game. I do miss Septic Avenger, as well as the Cops activity, and Fight Club. I don't like the Brutes in this game; it reminds me of Crackdown and they're a pain in the ass to kill, but I do appreciate the fact that there's more varieties of cannon fodder enemies in this game. The melee combat also takes a step back in this game, but the takedowns more than make up for it. While I like the RPG elements and it's more over-the-top, it's missing the cartoon zaniness from SR2 (pouring beer to revive your homies in the previous games versus helping them them get up in this game).
I have mixed feelings about this game. I do think it's the better game even though there's less stuff to do and more emphasis on surviving waves of enemies (which sucks). The frame rate stutters every now and then too. I still think SR2 in terms of content is the better game, but in terms of improvements, SR3 takes the cake. I think I still like SR2 a little bit more, but maybe I'll change my mind as I get further into the game.
EDIT: Almost forgot to mention, I was disappointed that the Latino Male character voice didn't return. I thought his VA was really good in SR2. So I picked Troy Baker's voice, despite the fact that he sounds like Nolan North. Also, I'm playing as Claude from GTA3; he fits right into this game.
I'm having major trouble with the hard trail blazing mission and the hard heli assault mission. The Heli assault is just plain frustrating, I get to the fourth stop and my angles are blocked by the train tracks and I can't shoot the dudes. I've tried flying low enough and all I do is crash. Any tips?
As far as the trail blazing mission I think I'll just have to try a bit harder. Since all I'm doing are these missions I want to fucking kill those tiger escorts haha.
They appreciate crazy ass scenarios. It's just fun.
Game is discounted today for $30. PC version, uses steamworks.
So i've had this game for a few days now.
The gun combat is underwhelming there is no fun shooting enemies i have just powered up my machine gun to shoot incendiaries so these gun fights are over more quickly. Hand to hand is a bit more fun. And the brute guys whose smart idea was that? Especially the ones with flame-throwers? Also waves and waves of enemies does not make battling them more fun. Especially with how loose combat is done in this game.
Good stuff: Character movement feels better. the cars while still micro machines feel better to drive but still have no weight to them. The city is still so nondescript i don't think Volition will ever make the game world feel as good as they did in the first game.
I also don't like what they have done to the stores. In the first game you had three tiers of stores. Crummy,mid range and expensive in this, it seems to be all over the place, the great thing about the tiered stores were as you made more money you could afford to shop in those places. Buy expensive rings and jewellery etc.
The stores seem too jumbled up. And lacking in good clothes how much of that stuff will be DLC.?
Use the Pistol, and upgrade it entirely. The SMG is worthless until it gets the incendiaries, but even then the Pistol is more reliable.So i've had this game for a few days now.
The gun combat is underwhelming there is no fun shooting enemies i have just powered up my machine gun to shoot incendiaries so these gun fights are over more quickly. Hand to hand is a bit more fun. And the brute guys whose smart idea was that? Especially the ones with flame-throwers? Also waves and waves of enemies does not make battling them more fun. Especially with how loose combat is done in this game.
I think the problem with clothing here is that you start off with too much choice in clothing.
Also, is there a way to get the names of songs on the radio? I like that techno one that starts out with, "31 seconds."
Neat, thanks.Should be able to find the name under the Playlist selection under Music on your phone.
Nope. I heard the lead designer talk about it on a podcast, he said it basically introduced thousands of bugs they'd have to fix and it just wasn't going to be feasible. He said they'd think about making it a priority for the next game.Are they patching in a replay mission deal for the console versions?
I ask because I got done with the decker final mission, and yeah, I would like to replay that.
Dammit. That is a shame.Nope. I heard the lead designer talk about it on a podcast, he said it basically introduced thousands of bugs they'd have to fix and it just wasn't going to be feasible. He said they'd think about making it a priority for the next game.
I love, LOVE the game as much as anyone but the game does have a lot of tiny flaws, mainly on the technical side so I can see why EDGE gave it the score that they did.Edge obviously doesn't like fun games.
has the community site been down for the last day or so?
i havent been able to upload or download any characters in the last 24 hrs.
It's down for me too, wonder if they're doing anything to it or it's just an error.
Kind of a shameless plug but we've done three episodes on Saints 3. It's just go so much funny game play moments. Be warned, there are some spoilers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
I love the tracks from the K12 radio station. I've been looking up info on some of the artists and Tugboat is giving me trouble. Whenever I google 'Tugboat- Don't Break it' the only results I get are from Saints Row 3. Anyone know if Tugboat has released an album, has a website, anything?
The song you're looking for is What I Got by Sublime.
Well, life is too short, so love the one you got
'Cause you might get run over or you might get shot
Thank you kindly. Forget Power, I think this song fits the game's theme nicely (well Power's pretty damn good too). It's a pretty good feel-good song.
I'm surprised there's no co-op achievements in this game at all.