Marion Cobretti
How stable or buggy is cyanogenmod 11 running on a note?
AT&T releasing Note 4, Edge, and Gear VR.
How stable or buggy is cyanogenmod 11 running on a note?
How stable or buggy is cyanogenmod 11 running on a note?
And all will have a locked bootloader with Knox.
The S Pen is kind of hit or miss with non touchwiz based roms. You basically turn your note into a over sized G5
Thanks to Neogaf I know now that it's stupid to try and innovate or improve specs.
I'm guessing the initial concept challenge was "how can we make navigating large phones easier for small hands/women"
Looks to me like a potentially interesting idea and potentially greatly improves usability for a large portion of the population.
I see no point in the Note Edge. I already get lock screen notifications. So now I can see them by only taking the phone partially out of my pocket? Samsung is running out of ideas here.
As someone who has never used TouchWiz... tell me why everyone (here) seems to hate it pls.
I'm going to regret asking this aren't I?
"locked bootloader." why do ppl still care about rooting/CM/xda h4ckzorz ROM? i've made ROMs in the past (search kyanrom on youtube) and did all that root access/debloat/cleanup and shit. it felt necessary back then, but i feel today's tech can handle w/e throws at it now. theres a uninstall/disable app for a reason. its more than enough for me for my busy lifestyle.
Well it's kind of helpful when Samsung decides to stop updating your device. Also some people don't like touchwiz and would rather run stock. I at least needed root on my note 3 to get rid of all the crap bloatware AT&T put on my phone.
But then I can't use Google Now launcher and I'm forced to use Nova.Nova Launcher > Hide Apps
You don't "need" to do anything. I have a GS4 and have no problems after hiding all the apps I don't want displayed.
In the case of the edge, they might actually have solved some of their left handed issues with on screen buttons. Sammy have done really well with the Note 4, I'm genuinely impressed in a way I haven't been since probably the S2.
If they insist on keeping with buttons, they need to put them in the right order (Back > Home > Multitask) and go full capacitive. No idea why they still insist on that physical home button, which is a throwback to the iPhone.
Because it's great and it also functions as a fingerprint scanner.
I don't see any reason to upgrade my Note 3. Maybe next year.
If only it worked well.
Note 4 not being water resistant makes me sad.
How stable or buggy is cyanogenmod 11 running on a note?
Note 4 not being water resistant makes me sad.
Note 4 not being water resistant makes me sad.
As a Note 3 user:
It seems plenty of people disagree with you.
At least they offered up the Note in two variants so you aren't forced into something you don't want.
What's awful about it?
The only explanation I can think of for this is the Note series is more geared towards the business class than sport or every day use.
I guess that makes sense. My note 3 is the best and favorite phone I've ever owned but water resistance was the thing I was looking forward to.I wonder if the s pen had anything to do with absence of feature
I'm going to have to look into this.The only reason the Z3 is still in the mix. That Intro video looks so good.
.No need to get defensive guys I'm sure many others will agree too, it's just an opinion. What I meant is what is the problem this edge design is solving in the first place? My opinion is that there isn't one. Probably none of us actually designs phones for a living but I'd imagine you look at a problem and you try to find the best design solution for it, given technology available and cost. In the case of the edge, it seems to me instead of this what happened is the R+D department comes with a screen that can be made round and then the design department thinks about a possible application of this technology, which in my opinion is awful design.
Besides the subjective opinion that this asymetrical design looks ugly, what does it really add? or what does it really add that really needs a bent screen and couldn't be done with a flat screen. How many apps or browsers are gonna support it? What about left handed people? ... I just don't see the point and I bet this design won't be adopted by other manufacturers.
How stable or buggy is cyanogenmod 11 running on a note?
You are better off with a TouchWiz based rom with a custom launcher. CM rom lost all of the Samsung additional features, which amount to 30-40% of the function.
What's the point of getting a Note if you can not run split screen multi app smoothly?
I have Nova running on top of TouchWiz.Stock (yes there are elements of touchwiz I like) + root (to debloat and other shit) + Xposed + Nova = my equivalent of perfect custom rom
I don't actually use the stylus or any of the multitasking stuff. I got this phone strictly for the screen size and Micro SD support.You are better off with a TouchWiz based rom with a custom launcher. CM rom lost all of the Samsung additional features, which amount to 30-40% of the function.
What's the point of getting a Note if you can not run split screen multi app smoothly?