Buy the "Get Rich Quick!" Book at the bookstore. I believe stats are universal. My Romona was level 11 on easy and she was still lvl. 11 when I used her on hard.BeeDog said:What's the best way to increase the Speed as cheap as possible?
I also have another question; right now I'm playing as Scott on the lowest difficulty setting. Will the status upgrades here carry over to the more difficult settings, or will I have to restart from scratch?
Burli said:Well now I see what I was doing wrong and why I was having so much trouble with the game, I had about 350-400 Dollars I wasn't spending, spent them all - now the game feels ridiculously easy.
So yeah, buying items is paramount for levelling up your character. A level 16 character is nothing without upgrades.
Block.UnluckyKate said:Can't beat the final boss. He's spamming his huge ass fist across the map and he's chaining me. I can't hit him !
Yes, but only for that character. Like Baha mentioned earlier in the thread, you can still lend money to a character you want to level up so you can pay off their debt. By the way, thank you for that, Baha!Volcynika said:If I pay off the late fees in one difficulty, does that take effect in all other difficulties?
Like these?mileS said:I have black bars around my screen for some reason. How did you get fullscreen?
Synless said:Buy the "Get Rich Quick!" Book at the bookstore. I believe stats are universal. My Romona was level 11 on easy and she was still lvl. 11 when I used her on hard.
Zaro said:Just beat it, gotta say though, if you take away this games presentation and it's not really that good.
-Stat grinding in a beat em up
-R1 attack can't be used out of stun
-Lack of invincibility frames leads to cheap stuff
-Excessive blocking
-Shop descriptions AFTER YOU BOUGHT THE ITEM.
-Moving diagonal sucks, end up using stick due to dash
You can overlook some of it in co-op (like the pitfall sections cause its funny) but for the most part the game is pretty painful. Difficulty curve was also pretty bad early on, then you out-grind it and button mash through the rest of the game, should have just tuned the difficulty levels right and screwed the whole stat system and only have consumable items if anything.
But hey the game looks and sounds great![]()
Chao said:Like these?
thetrin said:Still going through Chapter 7 with a friend. I said earlier in the thread that the game is really not that good, and I stand by that, even after hitting lvl 16 and playing a majority of the game. Despite the tricks you learn (most of which should be available to the player via purchase or something early on), the game seems bent on pulling cheap crap constantly.
Wallace's secret shop is great for stat buffs, and helps to make encounters easier, but the game really never becomes TRULY FUN the way Turtles in Time was (and still is).
Yes, the game has a lot of similarities to River City Ransom, but that doesn't save it from being the embodiment of every mistake a developer has ever made while creating a brawler.
ULTROS! said:I'm still debating whether to get this or Monkey Island 2.
I love point-and-click adventure games but I also do love old-school styled games.
dark_inferno said:I hope you dont mean the Remake of Turtles in Time. The Remake is awful.
but the game really never becomes TRULY FUN the way Turtles in Time was (and still is).
dark_inferno said:Yeah this game has some problems and bugs. But its a retro game.
I love this game. Its perfect in my opinion.
SuperSonic1305 said:A slight annoyance. The transit level is clearly a bus from the inside yet it's making the subway sound and then when you get on the roof it's actually a streetcar.
ezekial45 said:How the hell do you get to that radio tower?
thetrin said:It's a TTC Streetcar. They look like buses from the inside.
KibblesBits said:I'm happy I have never once had this game bug out on me.
ezekial45 said:How the hell do you get to that radio tower?
SappYoda said:How does this game save?
We started the game, beat the first boss exited, and it didn't save![]()
SuperSonic1305 said:A slight annoyance. The transit level is clearly a bus from the inside yet it's making the subway sound and then when you get on the roof it's actually a streetcar.
SappYoda said:Can anyone help us with this?
I don't want to leave my PS3 on all the night.
Because copies could run out?DrAndonuts said:Nice OT.
I've got this preordered (via Hopefully it's as good as it looks.
Dark Octave said:Because copies could run out?
Anyway, I'm loving the game. Wish I had known it was coming for XBLA though.
Ah cool.shagg_187 said:No, cause you get bonus items when you preorder it.
um, WHAT?!... oh damn! said:No, cause you get bonus items when you preorder it.
SappYoda said:How does this game save?
We started the game, beat the first boss exited, and it didn't save![]()
Katana_Strikes said:Well I'm sure it saves after every level you complete (you did go back to the map screen?) and if you've done the level and quit to world map... the little piggy bank icon comes on to let you know its saved. So watch out for that icon maybe after the level?
Verboten said:Yeah, a note on saving: Even if you're mid-level, if you exit to the map, it'll save everything. So if you want to quit the game, EXIT TO THE MAP FIRST... then exit the game.
Popstar said:I got it working with my USB Sega Saturn Pad.
Start the game using the DualShock/SixAxis as controller 1. Then hit the PS button and go into Settings|Accessory Settings|Reassign Controllers. Reassign the DualShock as controller 2 (or whatever). Have your Saturn Pad plugged into the USB port and it should now be controller 1. You can check by backing out of the Accessory Settings and then switching to the Saturn Pad and going back in.
Oh good. I want to replay this with a friend later.. but with some characters levelled up, it just isn't fair.Verboten said:Just keep replaying the early levels and pay off scott's late fee. Can't believe people are honestly having trouble with this game. It's hard at first, then too easy by at least midway. i want it to be more difficult. Guess i can always choose to NOT level up my character. Love that you can reset the stats.
Verboten said:I cannot stop listening to the fucking awesome Twins music "Dragon's Den."
Infernodash said:When do you unlock the last move? I beat the game was expecting for it to unlock after the ten minutes credit. The game froze a lot, got cheap in the last two levels, especially the last boss, and now there's a move that isn't unlocked even after beating the game. Bleh... This game is a solid B...that's all
eLGee said:You buy the last move in a secret store on the same level where you face off with Nega-Scott. The store is located in the opening behind Wallace.