-Outputs a outstanding resolution and beautiful image quality for its time when equipped with a VGA box. (640x480)
You need to correct this in the OP. When using a VGA box games run in 800x600.
-Outputs a outstanding resolution and beautiful image quality for its time when equipped with a VGA box. (640x480)
You need to correct this in the OP. When using a VGA box games run in 800x600.
The system's processor is a 200 MHz SH-4 with an on-die 128-bit vector graphics engine, 360 MIPS and 1.4 GFLOPS (single precision), using the vector graphics engine. The graphics hardware is a PowerVR2 CLX2 chipset, capable of 7.0 million polygons/second peak performance and trilinear filtering. Graphics hardware effects include gouraud shading, z-buffering, spatial anti-aliasing, per-pixel translucency sorting (also known as order independent translucency) and bump mapping. The system supports approximately 16.78 million colors (24-bit) color output and displays interlaced or progressive scan video at 640 × 480 video resolution.
How did I not notice this thread before...?
I would like to buy a Dreamcast... but the problem is that even the second hand consoles are expensive as fuck.
...really? i replaced my japanese one a while back with a black sega sports unit for < $40, damn near new. i still see DC's pop up on my local craigslist for less than $50, often with games - pretty reasonable compared to say SNES and the like.
The emulator has problem recognizing my 360 controller (wireless pc dongle). What do I need to use in Select Plugins?
Edit: I am on Windows 8 if that helps.
Thanks, worked! Now are there any settings to make it run in HD and stuff? Currently it doesn't look like in your screenshots.
Anyway, is there anything missing here that perhaps I should look into?
Your laser probably needs realigning. It'll only get worse.I've been starting to pick up some used DC games as if late and they are still fantastic! Crazy Taxi, JSR, Sega Bass Fishing w/ rod controller... Ect... So many classics!
BTW, does anyone have a problem with playing certain games? My DC will no longer play Sega Rally 2, Ready 2 Rumble, Chu Chu Rocket, or Silent Scope. I try to play them and it will go past the main menu but then reset back to the DC main menu screen... What is really odd is that the systems can read the games perfectly as music CDs and I can listen to the music on them just fine.... What does that mean????
EDIT: I have an original non modded DC from the US launch.
^nice as always, k-dash...and i didn't even know there was a DC puyo. always wanted to get more into that series, id imagine that one's the best of the lot?
Unlike the Saturn's thread, the Dreamcast doesn't seems to get as much love from GAF, unfortunately. D:
Great collection by the way! I'll post mine when I'll open my boxes after moving. I need to do more testing with NullDC as well, but my head is elsewhere at the moment. I'll invest more time here soon.![]()
Looking at you photo, I will recommend:
-Sega Bass/Marine/Bass 2 Fishing w/ Rod
-Toy Commander
-Dynamite Cop (fantastic old school beat'um up)
-Seaman (most crazy game ever!)
-Silent Scope
-Sega Rally 2
-Dayton USA
I would like to buy a Dreamcast... but the problem is that even the second hand consoles are expensive as fuck.
Your laser probably needs realigning. It'll only get worse.
Thankfully it's as easy as turning a small screw on the disc drive.
for scanline heads, SLG 3000 Review and demo with Dreamcast games
I really wish ShenMue was perfectly emulated. The graphical errors really brought me down from enjoying the game... Where's my 1080p version for marketplaces, Sega? After the whole ShenMue 3 debacle they could've at least have ported it...
I love my Dreamcast, still hooked up today and it had some truly outstanding wrestling games. Hope it's ok to post a few photos from my collection?
Here is a 1080p screen capture taken from NullDC.
I still have my VMU from 2000 and I have the rear door but I'm missing the screw. Would I be able to just get one at a hardware store?
I grabbed Dynamite Deka 2 at PAX and kind of cracked up that it's apparently one of the few DC games you can't play through Utopia. No worries, I still have my Gameshark.
my friend and i both have DCs and his plays mvc2 but not kof 99DM while mine plays kof but not mvc2.I've been starting to pick up some used DC games as if late and they are still fantastic! Crazy Taxi, JSR, Sega Bass Fishing w/ rod controller... Ect... So many classics!
BTW, does anyone have a problem with playing certain games? My DC will no longer play Sega Rally 2, Ready 2 Rumble, Chu Chu Rocket, or Silent Scope. I try to play them and it will go past the main menu but then reset back to the DC main menu screen... What is really odd is that the systems can read the games perfectly as music CDs and I can listen to the music on them just fine.... What does that mean????
EDIT: I have an original non modded DC from the US launch.
Whats the current DC emulation scene like, are there any that allow savestates and graphical filtering (2D and 3D)?
I got drunk and forgot to check my eBay. Missed out on a $28 complete and mint Cosmic Smash. :-(
That would have been a perfect price as I'm looking for $30-ish.
That sucks man
I'd cosmic smash a hole through a wall.
I sold a couple over $100 and another two around $85-$95, back in 2009/2010/2011 (?). Is it still valuable?Marvel 2
I remember when the PS2 version, which is the worst port, was going for over $70.
Oh cool a Dreamcast thread. My small Dreamcast collection:
I'm looking for a video cable option too. The one I bought came with a shitty Mad Catz RF adaptor :/