So I just bought a VGA-to-component converter in the hopes of being able to hook my Dreamcast up to my Kuro plasma in some way other than S-Video. The Kuro must not accept the timing that come out of the VGA box because I can't see anything on the TV when I hook the VGA box up to its VGA input. I have a Hais brand VGA box that I bought back when the console was still "new":
It works fine on my old Sony Trinitron CRT monitor, so I guess the Kuro just doesn't accept whatever timings the VGA signal uses (probably doesn't like the horizontal pixel rate or something). Hopefully, the VGA-Component adapter takes care of that issue and doesn't look crappy.
The Dreamcast is going to get put in place of the Wii, which, now that I've made images of all the Wii and Gamecube games I own to use with Dolphin serves little purpose and I'll just pull it back out if my image files get lost or something and I need to re-rip my discs.
In any event, here's a shot of my Dreamcast games.
I don't really own that many games, transitioned pretty quickly over to PS2, and aside from a Game Gear, the Dreamcast is the only Sega console I've ever owned while it was actually being actively supported (I bought a Genesis and SegaCD last year for the first time).
I've played all of them except for Ecco, and I never finished Sonic Adventure or Jet Grind Radio (honestly don't really like Jet Grind Radio despite the love it gets). However, Phantasy Star Online is still the single best online gaming experience I've ever had, and I've never really played an online game as religiously since (put a decent amount of time into FFXI even though I didn't get leveled very much in that). Playing PSO with a bunch of GAF people at the time was great fun - even though it was through dial-up (I wish I had bought a BBA).
What would people recommend I hunt down? Yes, I did own Shenmue, but I traded it in or sold it shortly after getting it (long before it was worth anything) because at the time I really couldn't stand the game (and made my stance well known about it here on GAF), but perhaps nowadays I'd like it more, who knows, so maybe I'll pick it up. Not sure how I'd play the second game though.