cosigned. gonna need sauce
That is one heck of terribad typo.BEST GIRL
cosigned. gonna need sauce
That is one heck of terribad typo.
Spelled Hibari wrong and even put up the wrong picture.
you wanna fucking fight bro I'll fucking fight youHanasaku Iroha
Hibari sucks
I want to say that's from Guilty Crown but I'm not 100% sure.
Pretty sure that's Guilty Crown
It's Guilty Crown.
Bring it on
Maybe this will be the first time I try out one of these games and see if it does anything for me.
Best part is that it's VC so no one will know that I bought it..
don't worry , your OT back then was fine , chet .. :chetthis is like the exact opposite of my shinovi versus ot lol
The wait for Zen United to eventually release this in 2016 will be a painful one.
Bring it on
I really want to buy and support this series(and I will), but why the hell is it getting released NOW!
My wallet is basically dead.
Judging by most of the avatars so far in this thread this game is reaching it's target audience.
That girl in the OP picture probably shouldn't be holding a Mars bar. Forrest Mars was American and the candy bar was only created in the UK as a result of his desire to upstage his father after they had a spat over management of the expansion of Mars, Incorporated. It's not really a legitimately UK confection and is only associated with the region owing to a family kerfuffle; it scarcely warrants being pictured alongside a symbol of the august British empire as iconic and enduring as a Union Jack bikini.
Is not VC, technically. And dunno about Street Pass...
Do they have $30 eShop cards?
There's 20-35-50.
shiii man I forgot Mirai has a penis.
I got a cute bunny *shrug*
Hanasaku Iroha Edit: seems like I was wrong and It's Guilty Crown.
Hibari sucks
The VN-style plot and the fact that this game even came out officially in English has me interested, but I fear that buying and playing it will cause me to lose something essential to being a normal, well adjusted young man.
The VN-style plot and the fact that this game even came out officially in English has me interested, but I fear that buying and playing it will cause me to lose something essential to being a normal, well adjusted young man.
I'm glad to see you admit defeat.
Here's a cute Mirai pic so you don't feel that bad.
i'll just watch them both since i added hanasaku to my queue already.
Bring it on
Chet intentionally misspelling the last line of the OP was amusing. I bet he thought no one would notice.
Burst doesn't play like Shinovi Versus does, this one is rather simple.
I don't understand Japan.
Boobs, what's there to understand?