Chet Rippo
I love you too."I like that part of the game where I'm masterbating to drawings. 10/10 GOTY"
I thought it was strange too, but my British source insisted on it being a Mars bar as he lives close to the factory where they make them. And honestly, I couldn't think of anything else that could go with the other girls Coca Cola bottle.That girl in the OP picture probably shouldn't be holding a Mars bar. Forrest Mars was American and the candy bar was only created in the UK as a result of his desire to upstage his father after they had a spat over management of the expansion of Mars, Incorporated. It's not really a legitimately UK confection and is only associated with the region owing to a family kerfuffle; it scarcely warrants being pictured alongside a symbol of the august British empire as iconic and enduring as a Union Jack bikini.
I agree. Need that gif where she pulls a fighter jet out of her dress and rides it.

Butts you say?The power of breasts!If only this was a game of butts ;_;