The Grim Heaper
Sorry for the double post, but just wanted to say that there's a scan of Daidouji and Rin out there. They're going to be 600yen each, or 1000 for both in a bundle.
ill save you the trouble:
big deal
dont mean crap
only 160k so and so did 10gigabillion
etc etc
OT im playing through tutorial and am on the 2nd and its telling me todo R+sutting
its right pass the R to parry 3 times....anyone know wat this is?the prescreen showed the touch to tear screen if dat helps.
ill up a pic
Yeesh, I can see why they decided to keep Kiriya-sensei offscreen as much as possible. His model isn't too good looking.
Also, awesome! In story mode, the AI keeps the costumes you set for those characters.
I continue to be surprised by how seriously they're taking the online mode. Playing the main game, it really does feel like everything was designed around long term multiplayer. Not a bad thing at all, given how crazy the customization options can be.
Those screens don't do the game justice everything in game is smooth and it works perfectly. Dialog is fun ....story is silly but intriguing so far ..loving it , overall.![]()
Our favorite molester ready for action but an unexpected opponent might be near![]()
It's horrible how this screen doesn't do the game justice.
So, fellow SK enthusiasts, how does it feel to be a part of the Vita revival movement?
They're definitely putting all their future installments on the Vita now lol. It's selling like gangbusters.
I haven't had too much time to spend with this game, but it keeps getting better as I play- It reminds me a lot of Samurai Warriors 3 with the dash system, only it doesn't limit you and you can do air combos/dash through attacks. I was concerned that you only fight against the same smaller grunts, but then I just played on a stage with larger characters that roll towards you and took longer to kill. I don't like that the stages only throw small amount of enemy squads at you, but at least new squads spawn immediately after one squad is taken out.
Was pretty surprised to see fights now ending with the other character's clothing getting knocked clean off -the naughty bits are covered by little angry faces- now I am 100% certain this game is never going to be localized unless it's heavily-censored, LOL.
Am I the only one who also gets kind of a Gundam Vs. Gundam (or really, Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes) vibe from the game too?
The amount of voice work is simply incredible... everything you do..most of the menu actions ,the voice during the fights , the voices before and after the fights.
Finishing individual missions (5 for each character) unlocks voice data to be purchased in in-game shop. There are over 300 voices per character and I really don't have time to go over all of them...
I'm interested in Senran Kagura Burst because I like the side view style, but I also have a Vita starved for games. Any consensus on which is better, or strong opinions to skip burst over this?
Finishing individual missions (5 for each character) unlocks voice data to be purchased in in-game shop. There are over 300 voices per character and I really don't have time to go over all of them...
So, fellow SK enthusiasts, how does it feel to be a part of the Vita revival movement?
They're definitely putting all their future installments on the Vita now lol. It's selling like gangbusters.
Misc: - Trophies say PSV/[B]PS3[... will be fixed.[/QUOTE] Mistake or....????
Mistake or....????
Sigh... all the positive talk here convinced me on getting this even though I never imported a Japanese-only game before to actually play it most of the time and now Play-Asia is out of stock, is there any chance they restock soon?
I get similar feelings like back then in 2005 when I looked all over the place to get a copy of Legend of Mana.
Sigh... all the positive talk here convinced me on getting this even though I never imported a Japanese-only game before to actually play it most of the time and now Play-Asia is out of stock, is there any chance they restock soon?
I get similar feelings like back then in 2005 when I looked all over the place to get a copy of Legend of Mana.
nippon-yasan have stock available, and orders are marked as gifts. : ]
Having so much fun with this game.. even if I do feel like a total pervert.
I salute those that would play a game like this in public!
Wont you unconsciously make funny faces when you play this kind of game?Rofl her grabbing pose is ridiculously fun to watch ( not to mention the perverted voice )
I don't think i can play this game in public .. if i do it'll be with headphones ... i mean the voices ... the voices ...
Wont you unconsciously make funny faces when you play this kind of game?
Sigh... all the positive talk here convinced me on getting this even though I never imported a Japanese-only game before to actually play it most of the time and now Play-Asia is out of stock, is there any chance they restock soon?
I get similar feelings like back then in 2005 when I looked all over the place to get a copy of Legend of Mana.
why do her tits look so sad?
You can opt fior a digital version off of PSN if you don't mind the 5 minute's it requires to switch over your Vita to a Japanese or Hong Kong PSN account when you want to play it. I've grabbed Senran Kagura,Monster Monpiece and Tales of Heart R that way.
nippon-yasan have stock available, and orders are marked as gifts. : ]
Having so much fun with this game.. even if I do feel like a total pervert.
["Oh my..." worthy image]
I salute those that would play a game like this in public!
I'm waiting for prices to calm down at Amazon JPN before I jump in.
The 3DS games got a lot of praise too but were duds when I finally played them so I really don't listen to the hype any more.
You'll find the game has a local game option with cpu bots, not ideal, but will give you a feel for the MP.What kind of multiplayer is it anyways? I have seen it compared to powerstone, but what is that? Competitive or cooperative?
You can play it on your US account, but I don't believe there is any way to bring your save over to your JP account. You'll probably have to play through it again... I'd love to be wrong.My copy arrived.
Can I play now on my US account and keep the saves for when I possibly switch to JP for multiplayer?
Yes! I don't think you'll be disappointed. If you buy that, you will get an email with the code, yes. It could be a little cheaper here, though. And keep in mind that if you buy it on PSN, you can only use it on that account!Well after seeing some more gameplay videos I think I'm sold... if I buy this I will get a digital PSN code as a email right?
I just want to make sure as it's the first time I'm doing things like this so thanks for any help
Oh and how much is Senran Kagura on PSN anyways?
nippon-yasan have stock available, and orders are marked as gifts. : ]
Having so much fun with this game.. even if I do feel like a total pervert.
I salute those that would play a game like this in public!
nippon-yasan have stock available, and orders are marked as gifts. : ]
Having so much fun with this game.. even if I do feel like a total pervert.
I salute those that would play a game like this in public!
I need to play this mooooore today.
You can play it on your US account, but I don't believe there is any way to bring your save over to your JP account. You'll probably have to play through it again... I'd love to be wrong.
Yes! I don't think you'll be disappointed. If you buy that, you will get an email with the code, yes. It could be a little cheaper here, though. And keep in mind that if you buy it on PSN, you can only use it on that account!
Senran Kagura is, I believe, 5980 yen on PSN.