There was already a thread covering reviews, rumors, etc. but I'm still doing my impressions darn it! 
They have a really nice demonstration of Fable with someone explaining what's going on. Favorite moments:while your hero is acting as a bodyguard for some merchants, he removes a bandit's head with an arrow shot, and the merchants give you applause for your deed. Later the hero, clad in nothing but his underwear tries to impress a lady with a manly pelvic thrust.
A really nice batch of demos this month.
Full Spectrum Warrior
eadly Shadows
The Red Star: A game from Acclaim...that's good? When I saw the video for this on the E3 DVD, I thought it looked like a good throwback to the 16-bit days(gameplay-wise). Now, I've played the demo and it feels like an old school arcade action game.And the demo has 2 player co-op too.
Juiced: Another possibly good game from Acclaim. Looks pretty good, plays good. It'll probably get lost amongst all the other street racers but the demo is worth checking out.
Robotech:Invasion: A solid sci-fi FPS. Transforming into a Cyclone(motorcycle mode)is cool but the section in the demo doesn't really lend itself to this.
Men of Valor: A really good looking brutal Vietnam themed FPS.
They have a really nice demonstration of Fable with someone explaining what's going on. Favorite moments:while your hero is acting as a bodyguard for some merchants, he removes a bandit's head with an arrow shot, and the merchants give you applause for your deed. Later the hero, clad in nothing but his underwear tries to impress a lady with a manly pelvic thrust.
A really nice batch of demos this month.
Full Spectrum Warrior
The Red Star: A game from Acclaim...that's good? When I saw the video for this on the E3 DVD, I thought it looked like a good throwback to the 16-bit days(gameplay-wise). Now, I've played the demo and it feels like an old school arcade action game.And the demo has 2 player co-op too.
Juiced: Another possibly good game from Acclaim. Looks pretty good, plays good. It'll probably get lost amongst all the other street racers but the demo is worth checking out.
Robotech:Invasion: A solid sci-fi FPS. Transforming into a Cyclone(motorcycle mode)is cool but the section in the demo doesn't really lend itself to this.
Men of Valor: A really good looking brutal Vietnam themed FPS.