I'm near the end of this fantastic indie game (one last battle and one last spell to learn), and in all honesty this is one of my favorite Indie game for this year. And usually I don't appreciate rhythm-based games, because I suck at them.
Brilliant in many aspects (gameplay,
humor, music, writing, smart choices concerning the design, art, voice acting).
It lacks a bit in content variety (musics, monsters), but the length is well balanced and the gameplay it is just fun. moreover it is excusable since it is an independent and low budget game. It never gets boring.
Feep, you and the people you chose for creating this game, really have talent. That is why, having received the game for free, I decided to donate something for the sake of your future project.
I know you want to develop another game rather than port this to mac, but It could be an opportunity get again in the "new releases" list of steam and perhaps even in the future humble bundle ! Just saying ;P
Bottom line: I recommend it to all.
'Jason' i finally clocked Sequence today after struggling alot with the drop rates on Floor 7.
Amazing game overall, the writing, music and belive it or not the VA is what kept me going. There where acouple negatives that kept it from being a 'perfect' indie game (mainly the drop rates)
I will support you in your future endeavors if you decide to make a Sequence 2 or whatever. Good stuff. I sort of got a 'The World Ends with You' tone from game even though they are completely diffrent games.
Just abit of feedback
+Voice work
-Low drop rates (Biggest sadface

, i felt it was hampering my progress and flow of the game )
-The wasting of experiance on synthesizing items
-Abit of repitition on some of the songs (meaning not all Monster fights had unique music)
Overall i'd give it a 4.25 out of 5 (gonna start using the 5 point system from now on)
Really loved what you did with there end credits there. Man Barbara has a sexy voice.
concerning the drops there are items (2 accessories) that enhance your probability of getting the drop, although they make the battle really tough ... a fair trade off . Honestly I didn't need to use them, I was quite lucky with the drops ;P
But yeah perhaps there is a bit too much farming overall.
The experience thing for crafting .... I didn't mind it too much. It is quite easy to harvest experience anyway (desything experience gems, objects no longer useful, killing monsters). It is there to make you spend more time on each floor basically.
The repetition of the songs is there, but I've noticed that it helps a lot in balancing the difficulty, especially for those who are rhythmically-challenged like me

It makes the difficulty curve more smooth (at medium at least )
And man, Barbara has a sexy everything.
Hot, sexy voice, and talent for acting (very good VA) : woow !