If it makes you feel better, I spent three or four hours playing the same fight about fifty times in order to grab a 7% drop :lolTorraz said:The writing/the script is brilliant. The first boss was hilarious. The voice actors also do a good job on the delivery though the % based random drop / craft system seems hellbent on making me suffer (as usually).
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1477299/ShockingAlberto said:So, uh
Who does Naila's voice
Additional question: Is she single
Was this click during the tutorial, or no? Was it before Naia told you to go there?DigiMish said:Posted this in your giveaway thread, but realized it would be better here:
The game crashed when I first clicked on the RAW tab under Gear my first time in the room.
After I relaunched and hit continue, it went fine.
All in all, I've been enjoying the game - it's definitely unique. After realizing the game's mechanics, I immediately thought how much fun a versus mode would be against a friend.
Honestly, while the dialog is well done, I think it's a bit too long for my taste. Definitely having fun with the gameplay though. Good job!
Feep said:
Feep said:
Polish Remover.snoopeasystreet said:Loving the game but what's the story with "Hitler" being the item description for Polish Remover? Seems a bit crass.
Feep said:Was this click during the tutorial, or no? Was it before Naia told you to go there?
I thought it was COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to level to Level 2 before hitting the tutorial. What kind of ridiculous bonus XP multiplier did you pull off?!DigiMish said:The click was during the tutorial as Naia was asking me to click on every tab under Gear. Game crashed with a generic xxx has crashed Win7 message.
Also, not really a bug - but during that tutorial when Naia has a conversation with you, she mentions your level is 5, when in fact mine was 6 because I leveled through the first battles before I got to the room.
Regarding the dialog, my meh reaction is only between Ky and Naia. I just beat the first boss, and that dude's dialog was hilarious. Can't wait to see the other floor bosses.
Also, your item descriptions are boss.
Feep said:I thought it was COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to level to Level 2 before hitting the tutorial. What kind of ridiculous bonus XP multiplier did you pull off?!
Edit: Or did the crash make you play a battle a third time, giving you the XP you needed?
At the moment, only Xbox 360 dance pads are supported. I plan to fix this (after all these slightly more pressing issues), but dance pads are only supported in conjunction with a controller...there's no way to access all the inputs you need otherwise.tfg9000 said:Are dance pads supported? My friends pad isn't detected by the game but windows and other applications seems to have no issue with it.
This will work, but remember, you'll still need an alternate form of control...holding a keyboard while you dance would be ridiculous, but you can one-hand a 360 controller (you only need a few extra buttons). = DTheExodu5 said:Just use a program to map your dance pad to keyboard commands like XPadder or Joy2Key or something.
Nelo Ice said:Congrats Feep, sequence is #19 on steam best sellers hope it continues to move on up!
It's spitting a 1280x1024 resolution on my 1900x1200 monitor, which means it's all messed up.Feep said:Nah, not yet.
No matter what you pick to start, the tutorial and the first two battles will be locked at easy. Afterwards, your selected difficulty shines through.ultron87 said:Really fun so far.
I think there might be something off with the difficulty select on picking a new game. I'm 98 percent sure I picked the hard mode and was shocked at how easy it was. I then cranked it up to expert got blown away.
After toggling through the difficulties again I'm pretty sure I was on easy at the start despite what I picked.
Uploading the fix to Valve. The update is going to be HUGE, as essentially all compressed textures had to be uncompressed due to limitations in the Reach profiling system. On the plus side, most people getting that weird Cannot identify a DirectX Device that supports HiDef profile should be able to play...PaulLFC said:Is there any way to force the game to run windowed? Alt+Enter and adding -window and then -windowed to the launch options in Steam didn't seem to work. No problem if not, just wondering![]()
drizzle said:It's spitting a 1280x1024 resolution on my 1900x1200 monitor, which means it's all messed up.
No way to manually change resolutions, through a .ini option, a command line option or anything like that?
I can tell you the voice made sound effects and main menu music kicks ass, but nothing much after that, as I refuse to play games (or watch movies, for that matter) with wrong aspect ratio.
Edit: Good to know a windowed patch is coming. Will play when it hits.
Keep in mind, everyone, this is not a resolution patch...working on that one for later. Resolution is still at 1280x720.Gez said:Very good game. Writing is very funny.
Only issue i have is resolution options. I have a black Border around my screen, Crysis, CoH and the Witcher 2 are the only other games I have that do this
One of 2 ways to fix it in those games is set a custom resolution of 1920x1076 instead of the traditional 1920x1080 or use a DVI cable instead of HDMI. So i pray your resolution patch lets me use a custom resolution. The issue is related to HDMI cables/under-scaning and AMD cards.
Otherwise keep up the good work Feep.
Hmmmm. I sound like Marc Blucas, huh.Crazetex said:Ky's voice actor is not Marc Blucas, but sounds like Marc Blucas.
Controlling the game with a keyboard is kind of irritating, but I'm enjoying it so far. I wish some of the tutorials were pushed a little farther back, though.
I don't really care about windowed. I'm happy about it because it'll fix the wrong aspect ratio.INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:Same here, I prefer most of my games windowed anymore. Excited to play this when that patch hits.
Yes and plus w,a,s,d can be used too.Keiician said:Will wait for a windowed mode patch, hope it gets here soon.
One question, as I have yet to download the game - can you freely modify key bindings? I'm on a pavilion notebook, and the directional arrows look like this:
Not something you'd call super comfy.
Great, thanks! And as the patch is up, I'll download the game right now.MatthewB92 said:Yes and plus w,a,s,d can be used too.