Do they really need a new goal? They seem to have a vision for the game, now they just need to go out and execute. Trying to be to ambitious could be a mistake.
Do they really need a new goal? They seem to have a vision for the game, now they just need to go out and execute. Trying to be to ambitious could be a mistake.
I'm only familiar with the SNES composer's work but hearing that he'll be contributing makes me happy. The best possible outcome is not only getting new music from him, but also remixes of some of his better Shadowrun tracks.
Jordan hinted at some "twisted ideas at 2 million" in the video about hitting 1 million. So they may as well put out the goal if they have one in mind.
Yeah, I just want to know what that means. A re-release of the PnP game?
More crazy features would be fun though.
Sounds a little unnecessary.
More crazy features would be fun though.
Well, the only thing I can say is that I'm in the exact same position.Silly, I know. But would anyone give me his two cents about this?
I'm a bit dubious about what to do with my backing. I have waited for a Shadowrun RPG for years and years, it´s one of my favourite settings. I put 115 to support it, but what I really wanted is the game with the box, which it's a really expensive tier (140$ for me).
I'm not really interested in the 100$ (+15), one side of me says to go for the special edition. Come on, it´s Shadowrun!, and in my imagination that box is an awesome big box with a great cover and old school manual that will make me automatically nostalgic and will look awesome with the rest of my games. If I miss it and it´s a fantastic box, it would be sad. And I really want to back these guys, the campaign has been pretty good and I have enjoyed all the updates.
But the growing practical side of me is saying that it´s only a box, digital is neat and clean, i avoid the extra 15 of international shipping, and 140$ is a lot of money I could spend those 90$ buying other games I'm interested.
Silly, I know. But would anyone give me his two cents about this?
Fuck it - upped my pledge from $30 to $60. Seems like a labor of love and I like the idea of supporting that enthusiasm.
Shame it's not gonna hit levels anywhere close to Wasteland 2. Understandable though - I think people are tapped out financially between the DF game and Wasteland 2. This is definitely the last project I'm backing for a while - spent more on Kickstarter in 2 months than I've spent on all other games in the last 1.5 - 2 years.
This also doesn't have a name behind it anywhere as big as Schafer or Fargo. Still it did very well for itself and far exceeded their goals.
This also doesn't have a name behind it anywhere as big as Schafer or Fargo. Still it did very well for itself and far exceeded their goals.
I'm a bit dubious about what to do with my backing. I have waited for a Shadowrun RPG for years and years, it´s one of my favourite settings. I put 115 to support it, but what I really wanted is the game with the box, which it's a really expensive tier (140$ for me).
I'm not really interested in the 100$ (+15), one side of me says to go for the special edition. Come on, it´s Shadowrun!, and in my imagination that box is an awesome big box with a great cover and old school manual that will make me automatically nostalgic and will look awesome with the rest of my games. If I miss it and it´s a fantastic box, it would be sad. And I really want to back these guys, the campaign has been pretty good and I have enjoyed all the updates.
But the growing practical side of me is saying that it´s only a box, digital is neat and clean, i avoid the extra 15 of international shipping, and 140$ is a lot of money I could spend those 90$ buying other games I'm interested.
Silly, I know. But would anyone give me his two cents about this?
I meant a version of the PnP that's tied to this new game.![]()
Everyone, let's hold hands and sing. It will cross 1.5 million tonight.
Only about 7,000 more to go. Wonder what they're planning for 2M? They'll have two days to gather the 500,000 to get there and if the goal is a good one...
500k in 2 days?
Not bloody likely. Maybe another 100k, 200k if they are extremely lucky. Nothing past that.
500k in 2 days?
Not bloody likely. Maybe another 100k, 200k if they are extremely lucky. Nothing past that.
And now we're down to 2,000 left. This feels sort of like watching the ball drop at new years.![]()
It would be nice if some big names out there plopped down some 10,000 dollar donations at the last minute just to hype everyone else up to donate. Surely, there are some famous fans out there? It worked for Wasteland 2.
Well, I think the thing is, they only had 3 $10,000 reward slots and they all filled up (pretty quickly, too).
WL2 had 16, filled 12 of them.
Then again, the $7500 reward SR is pretty close to WL2's $10k one and no one has been interested.
Having the guy the developed SR for a while fly to your city to run a game for your group is pretty amazing (and probably not something they could do a lot of)
edit: Then again, WL2 offered in game stuff - statue at $5000, shrine at $10,000. Maybe appealing to people's ego is the way to go at that level?
Credit to RC over in the comments section for posting this:
Interested in how Harebrained Schemes is going to give us an AWESOME Shadowrun game in just 9 months? Keep in mind our game will have a lot more depth, but look at how they developed the really fun Crimson: Steam Pirates in just 12 weeks!
Wow that brings back memories...While you're checking out the rest of the links below, first hit up the AWESOME music from the 16 bit Shadowrun games... because the composers of both games are now working together on the sountrack for Shadowrun Returns! Marshall Parker and Sam Powell, welcome to the shadows, chummers!
Wow that brings back memories...
Did you guys see the new update? Magical ninjas at 1.75m sounds great to me...too bad I can't afford the 50$ pledge right now...
Physical Adepts!
I can't believe they would be more difficult to add than a lot of stuff they added, though. They're just basically like Street Samurai, except instead of buying cyberware with money and essence, they pick magical powers from a list with magic points.
I wouldn't correlate stretch goals with how hard they are to add necessarily. They're just things that hadn't planned on adding that they're agreeing to add in order to drive funding.
I thought he said "physical add-ups"Did he say "physical adepts" or "physical AT-AT's" or physical something-else in his video? I really can't tell.
Did he say "physical adepts" or "physical AT-AT's" or physical something-else in his video? I really can't tell.
I thought at first he said "physical adapts" and I was like "oh shit a board game version or...!?!?!"
Edit: AH I see from DiscoJ there that it's physical adepts. I always say that like uh-dep-t.