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Here's a (brief and doubtlessly incomplete) overview of the works of Tom Dowd, one of the people involved with Shadowrun Returns, in the Shadowrun Universe for those interested (and to pad out this post a bit

Source Books:
Harlequin (Shadowrun Adventure)
Harlequin's Back (Shadowrun Adventure)
Street Samurai Catalog
Neo-Anarchists the Guide to North America
Virtual Realities
Fields of Fire
Paranormal Animals of Europe
Bug City
Silver Angel (Shadowrun Adventure)
Divided Assets
Short Stories:
A Plague of Demons (appearing in "Into The Shadows")
Night's Pawn
Burning Bright
Loved Bug City, maybe we'll see some Insect Shamans in SR: Returns? For those unfamiliar with the SR setting, shaman take on aspects of their totem animal, a Rat Shaman might get beady eyes and buck teeth and a love for cheese for example, but those who heed the call of Insect Spirits take on this quality even more so, becoming pawns of their spirit rather than merely being guided by them and their bodies get twisted into bug/human hybrid forms able to inflict similar results onto even those not magically gifted. Bug City, Chicago of the Shadowrun universe, is one place where such a breakout happened. The infestation was so extreme that the UCAS simply walled off the city and posted heavily armed guards to contain it instead, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves. Imagine a post-apocalyptic future Chi-Town swarming with creatures sort of like the Xenomorphs of
Aliens, throw in a little S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (several Megacorps had important branches in Chicago before the infestation), and you sort of got the idea of the setting in the book. He was also one of the guys behind the Harlequin character as he appeared in SR (I seems to recall someone mentioning him in this thread).