Finished chapter 13 I thought the environment was creepy andthe return of the keeper I love him!
My exact thoughts just having finished it.
He is my favorite recurring boss easily
Finished chapter 13 I thought the environment was creepy andthe return of the keeper I love him!
Does checkpoint mean I can turn off the game and come back later? Or do you have to save by the mirror everytime?
You can turn it off. It's under your saved games as Autosave, or you can just press Continue on the main menu.
What was in the room at the end of chapter 9? Accidentally cleared it bysliding through the bookcase before checking out the whole place.
Taking a break -in chapter 10,tripped a mine as I was about to clear the spinning fan roomwhich tossed me into the air at just the right time for the fan to slice Seb through.
I have no rifle bullets and don't have any explosive bolts, and I don't have enough trap parts because there weren't any between the place I used them and the boss. I sat there farming the slugs that drop ammo for awhile and restocked and used all that ammo and still didn't come anywhere close to killing it, apparently. It doesn't help that if you get hit by random stuff and your health gets into the no sprint range you're dead because you can't outrun it.Froze, used rifle bullets, explosive Bioshock bolts and finally unloaded on him with 5-6 shotty rounds.
All weapon damage output was upgraded. Not at max though.
It seems to me that criticism regarding this game is not fine at all to you.
Black bars are fine, 30fps is fine, i would even take 480p if the game actually had a decent fov, ran smoothly and had better main character animations.
It's been a long time since i've played such an amazing game in which my enjoyment is being hampered so much by such small things which could and should have been addressed.
Nobody is forcing or demanding changes, i think there are a lot of people that see huge potential in an amazing game which if it had a few tweaks could have been so much more enjoyable, i don't see why people can't be upset.
how are they terrible?
how would you guys feel if they took this exact engine, controls, etc
but instead of designing an re4 style rollercoaster where you're mostly moving forward, which is basically what evil within is
they dropped you into an re1 mansion style game
because, god i want that so badly. i mean, it's what i was hoping this would be back when they announced it, but it pretty quickly became apparent this was going to be more along the lines of an re4 style design, but with some of the survival bits of classic re
don't get me wrong. re4 is one of the fucking best designed games of all time. and i am really loving evil within
but i can't help think...what if
My local Chick-Fil-A is always so busy they usually have someone walking around the fucking parking lot to take drive through orders, I'm serious.
I've never seen anything like it.
Finished Chapter 10
Oh, they're not your kind of people, fair enough.
I use to love their food, but I ain't giving those fucks anymore of my money.
On topic: I'm a little disappointed to learn that there's no infinite-ammo unlock for the game. Plowing through RE4 with infinite RPG and the Chicago Typewriter never stopped being fun. I'm thinking more and more that I really should've gotten the game on PC.
That's basically every OT on Gaf, to some extent. After a while, the only people left in the topic love the game and they just attack anyone new coming in to make critical comments.
I agree with you on the bars and tech stuff. I feel like it's less design choice and more the devs struggling with the engine.
I'm wondering if anyone can help. I purchased the title through steam but whenever I start it up I'm met with. The google solutions don't seem to do anything
Chapter 7.
Game is insane.This is a true mikami game.
Unmatched in the TPS field.
I am really depressed that Naughty dog games get rated higher because of the animation and VA.
The last of us doesn't hold a candle in terms of enemy variety or encounter/level design.
I agree with you about the variety and level design, but I still think you're being just a bit unfair to The Last of Us.
Chapter 7.
Game is insane.This is a true mikami game.
Unmatched in the TPS field.
I am really depressed that Naughty dog games get rated higher because of the animation and VA.
The last of us doesn't hold a candle in terms of enemy variety or encounter/level design.
I know you're a huge Borderlands fan, but The Evil Within is a hell of a game. Get Ryse on the cheap later for screenshots.So should I go and drop $60 on this game? Is it worth it? There are just too many games now to buy and I'm on the fence for all of these:
The Evil Within
Borderlands TPS
Ordered by how much I'm interested in them
The Last of Us and this game have nothing in common. How you can draw the two together is beyond me
I remember something like that with Direct X. You needed to reinstall whichever version you are using. Doom 3 had that problem I believe or it was RAGE. It stopped me from running Doom 3 on Vista a while back. It was a problem with one of the 3D codecs the game uses or it has something to do with internal memory usage. I'm no wizard troubleshooter here. I just remember having something similar.
Search for a similar Tech 5 problem or any of the id/Bethesda engines as well.
Thanks for the tip! Didn't seem to solve the issue :-( I knew I should have gotten this on console
if he had said this in response to someone who was just praising the game left and right I would understand but I offered criticism so it wasn't necessary.That's basically every OT on Gaf, to some extent. After a while, the only people left in the topic love the game and they just attack anyone new coming in to make critical comments.
I agree with you on the bars and tech stuff. I feel like it's less design choice and more the devs struggling with the engine.
Did you check the file integrity?
what ?
They are very similar.Only TLoU is much more limiting and repetitive.
Just look at the bottles man.
And your wrong. I gave criticism on those very issues in my review. It's the people that whine about it constantly and make it a bigger issue then it is that is just annoying. They can cry all they want, but broken records and all.
Yeah, all was fine, I will try a redownload though to be sure
If you are trying to launch the game and nothing happen, then make sure you have installed all redistributables from game installation folder. If yes then try the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) to fix this issue. Go to Control Panel, System and Security, System, Advance System Settings, Advance tab, and now select the Performance settings. Here hit the Data Execution Prevention tab and add the game’s exe.
You don't get to decide exactly how big an issue it is and then declare that other people are making it too big.
Please help. Chapter 9.
Ruvik or whatever his name is keeps killing me. I shoot but bullets go right through. I run away but he follows. Really annoying.
Please help. Chapter 9.
Ruvik or whatever his name is keeps killing me. I shoot but bullets go right through. I run away but he follows. Really annoying.
You just need to run away for a while and eventually it'll go away.
Just keep running, he will dissapear after awhile
TLoU's story didn't allow for their to be such unearthy monstrosities, firstly. TEW is straight-up Hellraiser worship. Big difference between the two.
Are you playing on PC?piling points into accuracy made me a hot shot, I would imagine a pc player would already be one with a mouse to aim with
You don't get to decide exactly how big an issue it is and then declare that other people are making it too big.
This thread is slowly turning very hateful and clearly doesn't take kindly to anyone without either an evil within avatar or only positive things to say about the game.
Who is deciding how big of a issue here? Have criticism on a game, don't go ape shit over overboard hyperbole on about the issue is all I'm saying.
Who is deciding how big of a issue here? Have criticism on a game, don't go ape shit over overboard hyperbole on about the issue is all I'm saying.