Do you have to do new game+ to max out all the weapons etc?
The Last of Us and this game have nothing in common. How you can draw the two together is beyond me
The irony..That's kind of a strawman argument. No one is doing that.
For me, the bars break immersion rather than increase it. In chapter 11, for example, I want to look around and take in the scenery because it's really well done. That's difficult when a third of the screen is black bars and another third is the main character's ass.
I am playing on PC, but I'm not sitting at a desk. I am playing on a 42'' plasma, so I have to use the controller--which sucks for aiming in this game. Also, you mentioned that you played the game on Casual. I just turned it to Casual where auto aim is on and head shots are ridiculously easy even when enemies are moving. I suggest playing on Survival for a bit to see what I'm talking about.
Last of us suffers in those areas only because of how grounded it is in the reality of its world, some good'ol eastern WTF?! would have made it another game though. whether that game was better, we'll never know.
The irony..
Probably been talked about before, but in Chapter 5,and whatever chapter these asses show up in, how the hell do you deal with invisible enemies? Been pumping up points into pistol criticals which has saved a bunch of ammo for me, but I can't exactly go for headshots when you can't SEE a head. Great idea in the game for that reason, but it's just getting me killed here. Takes so much shotgun ammo otherwise that I pretty much run out of ammo after the last one I run into when I have the keycard.
Probably been talked about before, but in Chapter 5,and whatever chapter these asses show up in, how the hell do you deal with invisible enemies? Been pumping up points into pistol criticals which has saved a bunch of ammo for me, but I can't exactly go for headshots when you can't SEE a head. Great idea in the game for that reason, but it's just getting me killed here. Takes so much shotgun ammo otherwise that I pretty much run out of ammo after the last one I run into when I have the keycard.
Probably been talked about before, but in Chapter 5,and whatever chapter these asses show up in, how the hell do you deal with invisible enemies? Been pumping up points into pistol criticals which has saved a bunch of ammo for me, but I can't exactly go for headshots when you can't SEE a head. Great idea in the game for that reason, but it's just getting me killed here. Takes so much shotgun ammo otherwise that I pretty much run out of ammo after the last one I run into when I have the keycard.
That's exactly the problem I have with it. It was way to obsessed with being grounded and telling it's story that it forgot to be a fun video game.
Probably been talked about before, but in Chapter 5,and whatever chapter these asses show up in, how the hell do you deal with invisible enemies? Been pumping up points into pistol criticals which has saved a bunch of ammo for me, but I can't exactly go for headshots when you can't SEE a head. Great idea in the game for that reason, but it's just getting me killed here. Takes so much shotgun ammo otherwise that I pretty much run out of ammo after the last one I run into when I have the keycard.
Just tried some of hard mode. It does not fuck around.
I believe if you miss you can just run around and avoid her long enough to still escape. And when you're in that room there is a lever on the ceiling which needs to be shot.
Just reached Chapter 8 this afternoon. I'm still mixed on the game. I've liked a lot of things I've seen/played, but at the same, there's been a lot of design decisions I've disagreed with. I actually don't really care for any of the bosses I've faced so far either. They certainly have nothing on Resident Evil 4 and I don't think I even enjoy them as much as the ones from Vanquish (even though it's an entirely different game). There's just something off about the bigger foes I've faced, it's really hard to describe. Maybe the encounters get more interesting, I don't know. I think I prefer the chapters/scenarios when Seb is alone, now that I think about it. I hate AI partners supporting me and I hate dumb bone NPCs following me. I didn't like it in RE4 and I typically don't like it in really any 3rd person shooter/character-based action game. The stage/set-piece design is a mixed bag too. Some areas flow really well together and feel competently designed. Others feel like remnants of Resident Evil 5 and RE: Revelations, to some extent. Man, this game has really been a bunch of highs and lows...
I'm not sure what to think of the traps in this game, however. Conceptually, I love the idea. Luring enemies into spots and triggering hazards to conserve ammo/resources is cool and everything, but I don't really agree with how it's implemented. Take a game like Haunting Ground, where the traps felt very much integral and organic to the games environment/location. That game's house of horror-like traps and hazards felt literally built into the establishment/structures the player was exploring. The traps in Evil Within feel more like they were placed down by a user in a Deception game (see Trapt on PS2 as well). Does anyone else feel the same way about how they're implemented in this game? It's not the worst thing ever, but as someone who's played other horror games with similar ideas (like Deception/Haunting Ground), it was all very transparent to me.
For example, in Chapter 3.... Still, it's something that's been sort of sitting in the back of my head every time I encounter a trap ,so I figured I'd test the waters here and see if anyone else noticed this "disconnect".there's factory-like switches inside cabins that activate arrow traps or floor spikes. My problem is, they don't feel like they fit into the environment, or rather, as if someone placed them there naturally. The floor boards below the floor spikes, for example, don't even have any noticeable holes/indents to show that there is a mechanism below. You could argue this in various ways. One, it's a fucking video game and the way the developers implemented traps sort of compliments the arcade-like action game design. Two, this game's world is definitely not grounded, so you can have that suspension of disbelief as the entire game could all be in Sebastian's head, for example).
Will play more today, but I'm hoping the game picks up again. I really didn't care for the majority of Chapter 4 & 5, but I keep seeing/reading people flip out about later chapters, so I'll see, I guess.
I agree with almost all of this. I think less is more with this game. Whenever I'm sneaking around and fighting regular enemies, solving puzzles, etc., it's really good. All of the big set pieces, chases, and bosses are kind of terrible. It's more trial and error and, for me, there's no tension. When sneaking around, I'm worried about getting caught and wasting ammo. When I'm fighting some giant boss or something, it's more "ugh, I hope I don't get instakilled and have to do this shit again."
And yeah, Sep alone is the highlight of the game. Any time you encounter his dopey, pointless partners the entertainment value drops. I want to be alone and isolated in this foreign place. I don't want to babysit glasses asshole or generic female.
I agree with almost all of this. I think less is more with this game. Whenever I'm sneaking around and fighting regular enemies, solving puzzles, etc., it's really good. All of the big set pieces, chases, and bosses are kind of terrible. It's more trial and error and, for me, there's no tension. When sneaking around, I'm worried about getting caught and wasting ammo. When I'm fighting some giant boss or something, it's more "ugh, I hope I don't get instakilled and have to do this shit again."
And yeah, Sep alone is the highlight of the game. Any time you encounter his dopey, pointless partners the entertainment value drops. I want to be alone and isolated in this foreign place. I don't want to babysit glasses asshole or generic female.
You could just run. That whole bit takes a minute or two and you don't have to frustrate yourself trying to kill them.Probably been talked about before, but in Chapter 5,and whatever chapter these asses show up in, how the hell do you deal with invisible enemies? Been pumping up points into pistol criticals which has saved a bunch of ammo for me, but I can't exactly go for headshots when you can't SEE a head. Great idea in the game for that reason, but it's just getting me killed here. Takes so much shotgun ammo otherwise that I pretty much run out of ammo after the last one I run into when I have the keycard.
you just suck at the game dude, and one of those derpy characters takes care of themselves better than most npc's in the last 2 generations those characters are there to remind you that you're NOT alone, you being alone is the antithesis of what the games story is about.
I'm guessing my comment regarding the traps and such got lost in the thread earlier? Wondering if anyone else shared these sentiments? Or am I in the minority here having these thoughts, haha?
I'm guessing my comment regarding the traps and such got lost in the thread earlier? Wondering if anyone else shared these sentiments? Or am I in the minority here having these thoughts, haha?
Up to 14 now. 12 is the only chapter that felt like a misfire so far,it just played out waaaay too janky, to the point where it felt like it was from some budget shooter last gen. The camera angle fighting the spider thing was a little odd and the extremely small movement space didn't help. The ambush didn't really play to the strengths of TEW's combat as you're, again, stuck in a very small space trying to go for leg shots so enemies blow eachother up. And at this point the FoV can get in the way as I didn't even realize enemies were right in front of the bus for awhile as they kept coming from the left which is where I was focused.
The sneak/fight to the ambulance was alright, but then the mounted gun shows up and it's just...holy shit, what. Again, feeling like a really weird outdated setpiece as there's nothing exciting to really do but paint the targets and mow them down. I noticed you don't have to use it, but I wasn't going to actually use resources when that thing is there. Then there's the final drive segment which doesn't last very long but the engine could not handle it at all. Haunted blatantly just materialize out of the air which, again, serves to feel like some janky budget game setpiece.
Luckily it wasn't long or anything but...bleh.
you are.
every built into the enviroment trap has a "tell", its not always up, it may be down, and vice verssa, its a trivial quibble compared to other bigger issues.
When did I say I was struggling to get through the game? I've died relatively little through Chapter 12. My point was that those parts aren't as fun. But yes, I guess "durrrr git gud" adds something of value to your comment.
I don't know, man, the only chapter where I felt like the traps have made sense were in Chapter 7. The environment clearly lent itself to the hazards. Everywhere else in the game so far has felt like I've been toying around in a Deception-game map where I could have placed the switches on random walls to cause imaginary floor spikes and ceiling arrows to spawn. Also, I don't find it to be a very trivial hangup either, especially when it's a very viable tool/option within the game's core mechanics.
Probably been talked about before, but in Chapter 5,and whatever chapter these asses show up in, how the hell do you deal with invisible enemies? Been pumping up points into pistol criticals which has saved a bunch of ammo for me, but I can't exactly go for headshots when you can't SEE a head. Great idea in the game for that reason, but it's just getting me killed here. Takes so much shotgun ammo otherwise that I pretty much run out of ammo after the last one I run into when I have the keycard.
Chapter 11 water stuff is some straight up bullshit right there...after a genius level like 10,we have this timing crap going on,jesus christ...
I wonder if someone is going to do a speed run of this game. I enjoyed watching RE4 ones.
C'mon guys, the black bars being 'artistic vision' is pure bullshit. It's for performance reasons through and through, look at the framerate they have even with cutting out such a large portion of the picture. I kind of wish this game on consoles used the dynamic resolution scaling that Rage did to achieve a full 16:9 picture and a steady 30fps, because the framedrops and blackbars/fov really hinder the experience, and not in a way that makes it seem intentional, but in a way where it is obvious the technical issues are getting in the way of playing the game. When that happens it can only take you out of the game, not immerse you in deeper. After playing it extensively in the original and modded, I feel totally comfortable saying that no black bars and fixed FOV is how this game should be played. It is just undeniably better.
Use the physics objects strewn about everywhere to track their movements. Put some between you and the direction they are coming from and shoot when you see it move. There is a reason they put the first encounter with one in a room full of stacks of books falling over and stuff![]()
I LMAO'd atpop-in zombies at the last set piece. Shit felt something from a Suda51 game or some shit
And there's a trophy for not hitting any of them
which is literally only a challenge because the game can't even render them. mikami pls