Free updates is good, but are you going to want to go back to Shovel Knight for things like challenge mode or four player battle mode weeks or months afterwards? Not trying to be negative here, but I'm going to want to digest this game as a cohesive whole and not in chunks.
Does Kickstarter charge you when the project is done and ready or as soon as you back it? I've never used Kickstarter, but I'm thinking of backing Shovel Knight.
Amazon charges you after the kickstarter campaign is over.
I don't think there was any planning at all.Amazing how well these guys planned out this kickstarter and the advertisement.
What? What does Amazon have to do with it?
Free updates is good, but are you going to want to go back to Shovel Knight for things like challenge mode or four player battle mode weeks or months afterwards? Not trying to be negative here, but I'm going to want to digest this game as a cohesive whole and not in chunks.
Almost to the physical copy already, oh my god.
They're gonna need to stretch even more at this rate.
I hope people aren't thinking it's a physical CD or something.Counting PayPal, physical copy is unlocked. All $50-or-more pledges will get one. Sweet.
Remember to vote on Greenlight!
And another question: Is the physical box for the PC/mac/linux versions?
I hesitate between the Wii U and 3DS version.
HD or 3D... hmmm.
74,200$ left before the last stretch goal, you can do it \^o^/
Just changed my pledge from $15 to $50. That physical box will be mine.
Just changed my pledge from $15 to $50. That physical box will be mine.
It's just a physical box. There is nothing in the box afaik. They're just making a box and shipping it to everyone who pledged 50 bucks or more. So it's not a boxed version of any game, it's just an empty box. There's also a printed instruction manual since if you pledge 50 bucks or more that's part of the rewards anyway. I don't think they're going to make any DVDs or 3DS cards for the game.
Edit: Beaten!![]()
They should totally put an empty/fake NES cartridge in the box. Put that in with the instruction manual and such and it'd be such a perfect package.
I hesitate between the Wii U and 3DS version.
HD or 3D... hmmm.
3DS wont have battle mode.
3DS wont have battle mode.
3DS wont have battle mode.
I saw this earlier in the thread, but I'm still not sure why they've decided this. Can anyone clarify? I'd much rather have this game on my 3DS than the other two platforms, but this is disappointing news.
I think it's because they'd have to get their hands dirty with networking. On the other versions, it all local, all one screen. It's much, much simpler to implement.
3DS wont have battle mode.
Man that Duck Tales art is so good