Publisher: Konami
Developer: Climax Studios
Genre: Survival Horor/Adventure
Number of Players: 1
MSRP: $49.99/€49.99/£34.99
Platform: Wii, PS2, PSP
Official Site: http://www.konami.com/shsm/

Release Date:
North America: 12/8/2009
Europe 2/12/2010

Welcome Mr. Mason, just showing up shows your commitment. Now let's start from the beginning, take it step by step and try to recall what's happened. Visualize it in your mind, a reimagining if you will.
You say you lost your daughter? That you drove off the road during a snow storm? Interesting, interesting, and now you have to search through the desolate winter streets of Silent Hill in order to find your daughter. Now, did you find your daughter, or did you find yourself?

So, let me get this straight, using your flashlight and phone, you explored the town, trying to find your daughter, solving various problems, but then this, this nightmare world comes up, everything freezes over with ice, and now you're suddenly on the run from these creatures? Is that so... So you're unable to fight these creatures then? More than that?
Wait, you mean to tell me that you felt like you were being watched at all times? Who's watching you? The town? God? You don't know, just that the world seemed to conspire against you... hmmm. You know, we might be making some great headway here.
Now let's talk about the people you encountered.
Harry Mason: First there's you of course, a good relatable man who loves his daughter... right?
Cheryl Mason: Then of course your daughter who you were looking for. She looks so cheerful in your photographs. She must love you very much.
Dr. K: Me? I'm flattered, I think. Well, I am just your local neighborhood therapist. I do hope I've been a help to you.
Cybil: That's the police officer you met, right? You sure crossed paths with her a few times. I think she might have been worried about you, so don't take that she kept an eye on you too much.
Michelle: You met her while she was waiting for her boyfriend at a high school reunion, correct? She sure was kind to help you search.
Lisa: The nurse, right? She's the one that seemed to have seen a bit too much for her days, a cynic so to speak.
Dahlia: Ah, the tough girl. Have you thought of why you couldn't remember anything about her when you saw her?

Here are my initial thoughts.
There's plenty that Climax is proposing for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories that gives me great joy. The actual E3 demo brought those aspirations back to reality, but there's plenty of time for Climax to figure out the polishing logistics. Given that the last few Silent Hill games haven't even been able to nail the right ideas, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is already a few steps ahead of the competition.
Based on our short experience with Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, we're very curious to see how the rest of the game unfolds. The game looks great on the Wii so far, and Climax Studios has done a nice job of re-creating the town by making it feel desolate yet disturbing. There didn't seem to be much background noise other than the howling wind and our footsteps as we wandered through abandoned shops, but when the chilling music and odd sounds kicked in, so did our pulse. Look for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories when it is released later this year.

I see you have pictures.

More here

And video too? Phones these days...
Debut Trailer (E3 09)
G4tv Hands On/Interview (E3 09)
Launch Trailer

Alright, I think I'm ready for a final diagnosis
Destructoid - 9.5/10
While Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a total departure in every way from what Konami proper had started, it manages to reinvigorate the series. This "re-imagining" could have been a story rehash, instead we get a brilliantly deep game with subtle subtext and surprising symbolism. It's deep enough that some may glaze over the reasons behind the game play decisions and story elements, which were, again, brilliant. It focuses on the horrors of the human mind and gets away from the tired ghost story, making for a story much more involving and disturbing than recent Silent Hill titles. A lovingly crafted story draws you in and then wows you with a surprise ending that leaves a lingering fascination. And chills. I'm still thinking about it. From one die-hard Silent Hill fan to another, this is a true Silent Hill game. A better Silent Hill game. Do not miss this game.
Eurogamer - 9/10
It has been a rocky road getting Silent Hill back on track after the unexplained decision to remove development duties from the original Team Silent, but with Shattered Memories, Climax has found its feet in some style. Packed with inventive ideas and one engaging sequence after another, it's a spirited, poignant and unsettling game that not only delivers a long-overduereturn to form, but reinvigorates horror adventures in the process.
Gamer Limit - 8.5/10
With its truly original and thought provoking story, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the rare game that is an absolute must-play despite having a number of elements that lead to disappointment. As long as you realize that this is a complete re-imagining of the original Silent Hill, you’ll be extremely impressed with the brilliantly crafted story and disturbing themes. Still, it seems torn between being a horror game and an unsettling experience, and it doesn’t do quite enough to realize all of its great psychological promises.
But if this is the new direction that the roads of Silent Hill will take us, I’ll gladly take the lonely, disconcerting trek.
Gamespot - 8/10
This is not the Silent Hill that may have terrified you more than a decade ago but an entirely new experience that is truer to it than any other game bearing the name since Silent Hill 3. Despite a few issues, including its surprising brevity, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a great game for anyone looking for a scare, whether you've been to the haunted town before or not.
Nintendo Power - 8/10
So though it may not be the unqualified success we were hoping for, Shattered memories proves an audacious and ultimately compelling experiment. [Holiday 2009, p.84]
GamesRadar - 7/10
The devs made some real strides in design and concept for the series, and they treat “waggle” like it isn't a dirty word. Its mature storyline and characterizations, its clear-yet-challenging puzzles and the series' trademark atmospheric scares all make Shattered Memories worth experiencing. Even if you have to suffer through some Nightmare portions that act as a roadblock to thrills, it’s at least worth a rental to see somebody take the Wii in a new – or at least "re-imagined" – direction.
credit to Jocchan for the banners!